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Chapter 115 How to break through the trap

Zhang Haixing's bullets poured out from the muzzle of his gun, leaving many bullet holes in the tent.

Through the weak fire in the tent, one could see wisps of smoke-like black air lingering outside and around the tent.

The fat man carefully approached the small hole and looked outside. As soon as he got closer, before he could see clearly, he heard Wu Xie exclaiming, "Be careful, fat man!"

The fat man dodged subconsciously, only to feel a stream of hot air coming straight towards his face. He raised his hand to block it out of reflex, and there was another burst of sizzling sound. The heat instantly dispersed, and he felt a stream of steaming hot water in his palm.

Angry and hot.

Only then did the fat man see clearly that fog had arisen outside at some point. Countless black shadows were faintly moving in the fog, and the darkness shrouded the surrounding tent, just like the one behind Wu Xie just now.

He gasped in shock, quickly stepped back, and lowered his voice: "Damn it, the black fog outside is filled with the same dark shadows just now, where did these ghost things come from?


The things in the mist have the instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. After coming into contact with the salt powder remaining on the fat man's hands, they instinctively fled around.

Wu Xie reacted and immediately called to everyone, "Everyone, quickly rub salt on your hands, all exposed skin, and sprinkle salt water on your body!"

The fat man and others quickly followed the instructions and melted the few packets of salt powder they had on hand into the hot water. After quickly stirring it, they picked it up with their hands and sprinkled it on each other's bodies, from head to toe.

The mist spread inward from the pores, and the black shadow was indeed fearful, but it clung tightly to the broken tent. The tarpaulin kept denting inward, and the steel pipe frame supporting the tent creaked under the pressure.

The things outside are still falling on top, and in this case, the single holes all over the tarpaulin are making things worse. It is obvious that this tent can no longer hold up for long.

Zhang Haixing quickly replaced the new magazine, stared at the hole vigilantly, and asked Wu Xie, "Have you seen clearly before, what is that thing?"

Wu Xie shook his head, "I didn't see it clearly. It ran away too fast, but that thing made me feel a bit like the forbidden woman in the underwater tomb, but when it was attached to the body, it was a whole piece, not wisps."


As he spoke, he reached out and touched his damp back, and sure enough, he felt water stains on his hand, which were also slightly warm. The feeling of dampness and heat made people very uncomfortable.

His face looked a little ugly, and he frowned, "The firelight is of no use to them. The thing that was stuck on my back just now was wet, and it was covered with water. The charcoal fire outside was probably extinguished by them."

Zhang Haixing frowned, "It's all water, could it be that it climbed out of the hot spring?"

The black shadow just now disappeared into the gap at his feet. It was as thin as paper. Wu Xie touched the gap with his fingers again, only to find that it was filled with a semi-thick transparent liquid.

He was wondering, could this be the mucus left behind after the black shadow was killed by salt corrosion?

It seemed that the black shadow came directly out of the gap and stuck to the person's back.

It's just that the current situation is too passive. The salt they carry with them probably won't last long. There's a steady stream of black shadows outside the tent. They can't sit still and wait for death. They must come up with a way out of the trap as soon as possible.

"Does this thing like this have a body? Why can't it be killed by so many bullets?" The fat man glared at Feng, "Didn't you say that this damn thing is afraid of fire? Or are you a bitch like me? Why don't you show me off at this time?"

Feng shivered because of the evil spirit in the fat man's tone, and muttered: "It is recorded in the scriptures that Nirvana is afraid of sunlight and salt. The light of fire is just... it may make them scrupulous..."

The fat man was so angry that he yelled, "You're so scrupulous, I even extinguished the fire in front of you without looking at this damn thing."

"Wait a minute." Wu Xie suddenly thought of something, "Have you ever considered why this thing is afraid of sunlight and salt?"

Zhang Haixing stared at the tent, mixed some hot water into the remaining salt water in the bowl, and then poured it out according to the holes.

There was a series of crawling sounds, and the weight on the tarpaulin that had just been splashed with salt water was significantly reduced.

As soon as he heard Wu Xie say this, Fatty knew that he had an idea, "Have you come up with any good ideas?"

Wu Xie thought about it for a moment and said: "Actually, I think what the black shadows outside are afraid of is not the sun and salt, but evaporation by heat and loss of water."

The fat man was a little confused, "What do you mean?"

Wu Xie explained: "This kind of thing is definitely not the result of soul transformation as Feng said, but a soft-bodied water-soluble creature that lives in hot springs. The main component of its body is water, and

The sunlight during the day will evaporate the water from its body, and lack of water means death, so this creature appears after the sun sets at night."

"What's the matter with the salt?" the fat man asked again.

"The fear of salt is better explained." Wu Xie said, "There is no freshwater creature that is not afraid of salt, just like freshwater fish cannot survive in sea water."

According to the principle of osmotic pressure, when the outer skin of this soft-bodied creature comes into contact with salt, the salt will react with the warm water on its surface to dissolve.

At this time, the salt content of the epidermis of this organism is too high, which will cause a concentration difference between its internal and external body fluids, causing the cells of this aquatic organism to lose water.

If there is enough salt, the water in the cells will continue to drain out, eventually leading to the death of this aquatic organism from lack of water.

"It's not that these things are not afraid of fire, but the fire is too small. There are so many of them, and the moisture they bring with them can quickly extinguish the charcoal fire we made."

The sun is equivalent to a huge fire ball that will never go out. Nea Naga will mistake the light of the fire for sunlight, so it will hide in the shadows and launch attacks on people.

Although the fat man doesn't understand what osmotic pressure is, he can still understand the evaporation of water when exposed to the sun, just like drying eggplants and raisins.

"Fat man thinks what you said is very reasonable, so what should we do next?" The fat man pointed to the roof of the tent, "This thing can't hold on any longer."

Wu Xie glanced at his watch and said: "There are still four hours until dawn. All we can do is delay. When the sun comes out, they will naturally retreat."

Then he directed Fatty and the others to make a fire again, but this time the fire was piled at his feet.

Four people formed a circle, put the brightest fog lamp in the middle, and then placed a fire in front of each person, so that there were no shadows around the body, so Nirvana had nowhere to hide.

Then take out the dried fish meat from your backpack, quickly scrape off the salt on the surface with a knife, and then make salt water and pour it on the tarp. In this way, part of the Neana Naga will be driven away.

This chapter has been completed!
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