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Chapter 121 The vest fell off

The fat man roared angrily and charged forward first, using his momentum to kill two of them head-on.

The fallen fire monster was quickly engulfed by the magma, and even the burned ashes did not float up at all.

This seemed to have broken some kind of restriction. In an instant, the entire chain began to tremble crazily. The alarmed fire monsters roared silently and rushed towards the two of them.

Wu Xie stepped on the chain and ran two steps. Suddenly he felt a strange movement behind him. He turned around and slashed out without hesitation.

The moment the blade penetrated the flesh, the fire monster's head flew out, as if it had been chopped on a soft surface without any hindrance. Black and red blood spurted out from the broken neck.

Without enough time to think about the weirdness of this, Wu Xie slashed away another monster with his backhand, and raised his foot to kick away another monster that flew towards him from the side.

There was a sudden pain in his back shoulder, and a monster jumped on his back. It thrust its ugly head forward, opened its mouth and bit Wu Xie's face, but was blocked by the gas mask on his face.

But the mask was directly bitten open by this bite, and the heat from the outside leaked in instantly. The monster raised its head and threw the mask out of its mouth, and opened its mouth to bite again.

At such a close distance, Wu Xie could already smell the fishy breath from the monster's mouth. He subconsciously drew back his neck, raised his arm to block the monster's fangs, and stabbed the monster with his big white leg directly, and then used his free hand.

He clamped his hand from the back of the monster's head, exerted force on his arms and palms at the same time, and broke the monster's neck with a "click".

Throwing the monster out casually, Wu Xie pulled out the knife stuck in the belly of the monster in front of him, raised his leg and kicked it down. He stood up unsteadily, and two more monsters jumped out from the chains next to him.

There were more monsters behind, alerted by the sound of fighting, crawling out of the iron cage, crazy and dark, rushing towards Wu Xie and Wu Xie like a wave.

The fat man's eyes were red from the killing in front, and within a short time, his whole body was covered with blood, both his own and that of the monster. The monster's claws were poisonous, and the scratched area was sharp and painful, as if on the wound.

As if sprinkled with salt.

As soon as he kicked a monster down, he heard the sound of breaking through the air in his ears, and his body reflexed to move sideways to avoid it, but unexpectedly, the monster's sharp claws suddenly flipped in mid-air.

The fat man only felt a pain in his neck. The next second, the gas mask on his face was thrown away. The claws directly grabbed his face from the side of his neck. The right half of the fat man's dough seemed to be lifted to the oil pan for a while.

A burning pain hit him, causing him to curse loudly.

The severe pain caused Fatty to slow down his movements for half a beat. However, in this moment of confusion, three or four monsters swarmed up and attacked him.

Fatty managed to kill two of them in time, but there seemed to be endless monsters. He was soon outnumbered and could only use his arms to cover his injured and bleeding neck. In an instant, his chest and back turned ferocious red.

Wu Xie slashed a monster away. When he looked up, he saw that Fatty was surrounded by monsters. The monsters were all lying on Fatty's body. The huge group was unstable on the chain and fell to one side.

"——Fat man!!"

Wu Xie's eyes were about to burst as he watched the fat man and the monster fall into the lava together.

Everything in his sight turned red at this moment. Wu Xie seemed to feel no pain. He completely ignored the monsters on his body and rushed over desperately to catch the fat man.

His back suddenly sank, and two sharp claws pierced through his waist, clasping his flesh and blood, twisting his intestines and pulling them out randomly.

The severe pain caused Wu Xie to freeze, his vision turned black, and there was blood in his mouth. He gritted his teeth and tried to kill the monster, but unexpectedly another monster lay on top of him, biting him and lifting him.

He raised his arm, his wrist lost strength, and the big white dog's leg fell out of his hand.

Monsters piled up one after another, biting at his other limbs. Wu Xie had lost resistance and fell towards the fiery magma below, surrounded by monsters.

Wu Xie's consciousness was very clear and he felt that the monster surrounding him was being roasted. During the more than 20 seconds when the magma was completely flooded in, he even smelled the smell of roasted fat that had deteriorated.


Immediately afterwards, there was no pain as he imagined. Perhaps it was a hallucination before his death. He felt that his whole body was wrapped in a stream of warm water, sinking, sinking...

His consciousness gradually became chaotic, dizzy, empty, falling, and floating - his eyelids closed little by little, and under the gentle wash of the water, Wu Xie felt that he was about to fall asleep.

It just floats and floats, like a solitary leaf, drifting downward with the current. When there is an undercurrent, it will turn around. I don't know what day it is.

Until a ray of red light cut through the darkness, from far to near, swimming towards this side at a speed that could be called teleportation.

Wu Xie floated on the water, and his drowsy consciousness suddenly woke up. He opened his eyes wide and stared at the red ghost. That was - Maponim!

When Maponim broke through the water and opened his mouth to reveal his true face, Wu Xie had never known that his face, which he had observed thousands of times in the mirror, could be so breathtakingly beautiful.

Among the people he knew well, the only one who could perfectly combine the fierceness and beauty in his body was Zhang Shuxun.

When Wu Xie realized this, his eyes instantly burst into flames, and he cursed in his heart, Zhang Muyu!

The bell in Zhang Zhuoxun's hand swayed slightly, and Maponim immediately slowed down when he heard the sound.

The moment he passed by Wu Xie, Zhang Zhu leaned out, put his arms around his upper body, and directly fished him out.

Maponim continued to move forward, and when he passed the fat man floating further ahead, Zhang Zhuoxun used the same method to fish him in.

Zhang Zhuoxun rang the bell twice again, and Maponim closed his mouth, swung his long tail and turned around in the underground river, heading upstream against the current.

When he reached the shoal below the bronze chain bridge, Maponim slowly stopped, put Zhang Zhuxun and the others down, then whistled happily, turned around and sank into the water.

Zhang Zhuxun moved Wu Xie and Fatty into the stone beach and asked them to lie flat on their backs. Then he inserted a dagger on the ground between their heads and took out a small octagonal bell from the space.

on top.

With a slight flick of the finger, the bell swayed slightly, emitting a pure sound similar to striking a chime.

Wu Xie's brain felt drowsy again. Before closing his eyes, he glared at Zhang Zhuxun unyieldingly, successfully catching the faint guilt in his eyes, and then he fell into a peaceful sleep.

Zhang Shuxun had no choice but to hide his face, and a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. After all, he was...recognized.

This chapter has been completed!
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