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Chapter 163 Using the snake as a guide

After Wu Xie finished speaking, he reacted first. Seeing Zhang Shuxun's serious expression, he said, "Maybe it's just a dream that came from his emotions. You don't need to take it too seriously."

"Where does that feeling come from?" Zhang Haike opened his eyes at some point, looked at them, and answered.

Wu Xie looked at him and was speechless for a moment.

Zhang Haike stood up, walked over, and sat down next to them. Judging from his expression, he seemed to be telling a very serious matter, a big secret.

Zhang Zhuxun and the two couldn't help but sit up straight, pricked up their ears and listened carefully.

Zhang Haike slowly began to tell, starting from a meteorite that fell to the earth from outer space hundreds of millions of years ago.

The meteorite containing outer space metal disintegrated when it passed through the atmosphere and scattered into three large pieces. One of the three large pieces fell into the dense forest of Tamutuo and became the beginning of the ancient kingdom of the Queen Mother of the West today.

A piece fell into the depths of Changbai Mountain and became the raw material for the Yin and Shang royal families to build their mausoleums.

The last piece flew the farthest and broke into many small pieces on the way down. They fell into Xisha, Qinling, Banai, Siguniang Mountain, Changsha, Yinchuan, Medog, and the kind of white sand that fills the inside of the corpse of the King of Hell.

The desert that exists.

"So far, based on the clues recorded in all the ancient books found in the ancient tombs, we have traced the final location of the meteorite to these ten places." Zhang Haike said.

"These meteorite fragments have brought disasters to the world, but they have also brought great opportunities."

Over millions of years, affected by the energy radiation emitted from the interior of the meteorite, the environment around the place where it fell continued to change.

An ancient snake species has adapted very well to this influence and has evolved very miraculous abilities. The snake king in the group has the ability to communicate with heaven and can even speak human words.

Human beings at that time were greatly shocked by this. They supported it as a messenger from heaven, called the big snake the God of Heaven Serpent, worshiped it, worshiped it, and built temples for it.

Wu Xie heard the clues in his words and said: "You mean, the big snake I saw in the dream is the kind of sacred snake you call the god of heaven?"

"It's very possible." Zhang Haike said, "We can no longer trace the origin of the snake species, but I know where such a big snake may have appeared."

Wu Xie thought of the candle dragon he had seen in the trunk of the Bronze Sacred Tree. It exuded a terrifying and powerful aura that made him have nightmares when he thought about it, and his heart gradually began to grow cold.

Zhang Haike said the most important point, "The Wang family has been looking for such a big snake. Their ancestor Wang Zanghai once captured such a big snake in an attempt to obtain the secrets of the world. Therefore, the memory of that snake is still hidden

The secret of Wang Zanghai."

"So, this is the core of your entire plan, right." Zhang Zhuoxun pointedly said, "Use the snake as a guide."

"That's right." Zhang Haike nodded without concealing anything. "The reason why I decided to tell you is because I want to find the snake before the Wang family with your help."

Therefore, after hearing Wu Xie's dream, Zhang Haike could not help but feel no fear. Instead, he became excited and looked forward to it, which meant that there was very likely to be such a big snake here.

Zhang Zhuoxun thought about it for a short time and then said: "What if the snake here is not the one you are looking for?"

"It doesn't matter if it's not." Zhang Haike smiled calmly, "It's still unknown whether that big snake still exists in the world. I just need to get an introduction, a reason for the Wang family to pursue the search again, that's enough."

Zhang Chuxun nodded, thinking that it was a coincidence that Zhang Haike had the same idea as him. If there was no big snake incident, his original plan would have been to use his identity as "Zhang Chuxun" as a hook.

Although the Wang family is afraid, they must continue to chase the so-called "resurrected Gulan people".

"Then add another weight. Together with the big snake, it is enough for the Wang family to firmly believe that these things are true."

"Because they are true, right?"

Zhang Zhuxun rolled up the cuff of his left hand and activated his inner breath. Starting from the back of his hand, a red line spread around his arm like a snake, as if growing from the bones, and finally formed a red pattern.

Zhang Zhuxun stopped urging and stretched his arms in front of Zhang Haike and Wu Xie. The pattern was not complete, and the lines on the arms going up past the elbows were obviously not fully visible.

Zhang Haike stared at the pattern and took a breath, "This is what you rely on to plan all your actions. The woman who looks exactly like Zhang Haixing is just the messenger."

"It's also the switch that officially launches the plan." Zhang Zhuanxun added calmly.

Zhang Haike looked at him, with a hint of fear in his eyes, but more of appreciation, "You are a qualified chess player."

He fell into the entire chessboard and became a chess piece, but controlled the actions of all chess players. Everything he did for three generations was known and used by him.

Zhang Haike couldn't help but sigh in his heart, this guy is really a monster.

Zhang Shuxun saw through his thoughts and remained silent. The so-called great wisdom is nothing more than the sacrifice and hard work of three generations of chess players.

Wu Xie had been listening to their exchange in silence, and waited until the surroundings fell silent before he expressed his thoughts, "Muyu, does the totem on your hand have anything to do with the Wang family?"

It wasn't that he wanted to hear Zhang Zhuxun's answer, he had just been holding something back for a long time, and now was the right time to say it.

He murmured, "I have seen a pattern that is almost exactly the same as it. At the final place indicated by the snow beads you left for Fatty, I met a Zhang family member there."

He turned his head and looked over, looking very calm. He asked Zhang Chuxun, "What do you want me to get from letting me go to that place?"

Zhang Zhuxun was silent for a while, with an apology in his eyes, "I want you to remember that pattern. After you come to the snow mountain and meet the overseas Zhang family, you will learn the cause and effect of all this, learn about the disaster that Jiumen is suffering, and learn about the past of my little brother.

, and become a steadfast chess player.”

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "But you are planning on me!" Wu Xie roared angrily, stood up and rushed towards Zhang Zhuxun, throwing him down and holding him

I wanted to hit him in the face with my fist.

But when he met those eyes that were holding back sorrow, his whole body froze, his clenched fists gradually loosened, and all the anger in his heart turned into soreness in his chest. He simply didn't know whether he should cry or cry at this moment.

It's time to keep punching out.

He wanted to give Zhang Zhuxun a severe beating in retaliation for his long-standing silent deception, but his fingers and entire arm were shaking violently. He knew that his subconscious was preventing him and he could not do it.

All the strength in his body seemed to be drained out at once. He slumped back and cursed "son of a bitch" silently. He didn't know who he was scolding.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that my life is really fucked up.

Unbelievably, a group of quasi-fox-level players with good skills came to deceive him one after another, just like a silly young man who was new to the world. They were like a ball of string teasing a cat, deceiving him into a roundabout way and still being happy with it.

"Awesome, you're all fucking capable." Wu Xie sneered and lowered his head, "What does it mean to plot against me? At least my life is still alive. Some people can plot against me even if they don't even fucking care about their own lives.

Inside, compared with him, I can only pale into insignificance."

"What do you care about? I can't even control myself." Wu Xie muttered mockingly, "I am just Option E, the grass on the ground, the instant noodles placed in the front row that everyone can crush, and the

A sunflower thrown away carelessly is broken, a rag doll that will never be taken seriously even if it makes a sound is..."

"You are very important." Zhang Zhuxun felt that if he kept silent, his style of painting would become strange.

Like a stray cat that had lost a piece of ham, Wu Xie raised his head alertly, pricked his ears, and heard Zhang Zhuxun say again, "Of course you are very important."

"At that time, I thought I was going to die. I didn't know who else I could trust."

Zhang Zhuxun lay on his back, raised a hand to cover his eyes, and said softly: "Only you can do it, Wu Xie."

Wu Xie was really upset. He felt very uncomfortable and angry when he knew that his good brother was plotting against him. But when he saw Muyu's sad expression when he poured out his heart, he felt even more uncomfortable.

Forget it, Wu Xie sighed, the matter is over anyway, let's just cancel each other out.

He walked over and patted Muyu on the shoulder, "I forgive you."

This chapter has been completed!
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