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Chapter 6 Corpse Cave Ghosts

 Chapter 6 Ghost in the Corpse Cave

Wu Xiaoxie used a bottle to turn the lower half of the corpse over, and saw a fist-sized hexagonal copper sealed wind chime connected to its tail, with incomprehensible incantations densely engraved on it.


Wu Xiaoxie flicked it gently, and the hexagonal copper bell started to move on its own, and the sound it made was exactly the same as the one he heard before that confused his mind.

But perhaps because the space is small, the sound sounds much clearer now.

Pan Zi was annoyed by the noise and stepped on it.

Zhang Zhuxun quickly stopped him, stretched out his hand and tapped the bell, "This is a good thing, it's valuable."

Pan Zi almost put the mistress in danger because of his previous mistakes, and Zhang Zhuxun happened to save the mistress. He always had a clear sense of grudges, so he had a good attitude towards Zhang Shuxun. When he saw him stopping him, he didn't do anything.

Continue again.

Mr. Wu wanted to test Zhang Zhuxun's ability, so he said: "Although it is valuable, it won't work if it keeps making noise. The noise will make my head dizzy."

Zhang Zhuxun responded with a kind voice, "I have a way."

As he spoke, he turned around and took out two pairs of latex gloves from the small pocket on the front of his backpack, putting them one on top of the other to protect his hands tightly. Then he took out a small box, opened it and took out a very thin pair with one end.

A wire with a small hook.

After getting ready, Zhang Zhuxun held the hexagonal copper bell and signaled Pan Zi to use a dagger to cut off the connection between the bell and the tail. Then he held the bell and rinsed it in the stream several times.

Everyone was confused by his actions.

Wu Xiaoxie asked, "Why, is this bell poisonous? It's better to throw it away."

"Not at all." Zhang Zhuoxun didn't even raise his head. He held the bell with one hand and drilled the hooked end of the thin steel wire through a hidden hole in the mouth of the bell with the other hand. He hooked one set at a time, and with a click, the bell stopped.

There was a noise, and at the same time a small stream of green water flowed out of it, which was very smelly.

Zhang Zhuoxun frowned in disgust, took out the hook, and explained: "I just think it's dirty."

In the original period, some of his father's generation and descendants had already been recruited by the state and family.

They are considered talents in a special industry. They have been given the title of consultant. Although their occupation has not changed, the nature is different.

Eating an iron rice bowl, helping the archaeological team explore some ancient tombs that are difficult to enter, and take out objects from them for experts to study.

Moreover, he has five insurances and one housing fund, his wealth and life are protected, and sometimes he can even receive a medal of honor.

Wearing gloves is partly due to working habits, and partly because of a little bit of mysophobia.

He also has a hexagonal copper bell in his house. He has studied it eight hundred times. This thing is considered one of the most powerful works created by the ancestors of the Zhang family.

Although no one can understand the secret of the mechanism inside, he can still dismantle it with some skills.

Compared with other more complex bells, this one can only be regarded as a training exercise at the moment.

Zhang Zhuoxun rinsed the bell and hook in the stream again, then placed them on the boat board, took off a layer of gloves, took out half a bottle of Coke from his backpack, unscrewed the cap and poured it over the whole body of the bell.


Coke is slightly acidic and does not cause harm to copperware. Soaking bronze objects in Coke can soften the green rust layer on the surface.

Zhang Zhuxun rinsed the bell with clean water again, and finally took out a ziplock bag from the side pocket of his backpack. He held the mouth of the bag and turned it over half of the way. He held the bell in his hand and picked it up. With the other hand, he turned the bag again.

Come back, pinch the seal, seal it and put it away.

Then spray the hook with the bottle of alcohol spray just now, and finally pick up the hook and put it in another transparent flat box.

Wu Xiaoxie was curious and asked, "Why don't you take it back?"

Zhang Zhuoxun glanced at him and explained: "The disinfection just now was not thorough, and other tools cannot be contaminated."

The corner of Wu Xiaoxie's mouth twitched, "Are you so serious about mysophobia?"

"No." Zhang Zhuxun packed his backpack, "It's just a little bit, plus a little bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder."

Seeing that Zhang Zhuxun easily solved the bell, Mr. Wu's evaluation of him became higher and he also became wary.

The boatman's tattered corpse, bitten by corpse crickets, was half floating and half sinking on the water. He was too dead to die.

Pan Zi fished the body out and said, "This is what you deserve."

Wu Xiaoxie was also thankful, "Thanks to our luck."

Zhang Zhuoxun smiled and said to himself that you have a physique where the corpse will be raised when the coffin is opened and the tomb will collapse when the tomb is opened, so you still have the nerve to say you are lucky.

When the matter came to an end, everyone placed the corpses of the big corpse and the boatman on the bow of the boat to clear the way, and continued onward.

After walking for a while, the little brother suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed, "The place where the corpses are accumulated has arrived."

Zhang Shuxun's heart trembled, knowing that a greater danger was ahead. He moved his fingertips slightly, holding a dart in preparation.

Although this guy is very awesome, and all the monsters and monsters will kneel down and worship him when he sees him, he is not afraid of ten thousand, just what happens.

Mr. Wu also took out the weapon and held it in his hand, and said seriously: "Everyone, please be alert. There is something strange here. Take aim and hit again."

Pan Zi and others nodded, took out their weapons and got ready.

As the boat continued to drift inward, the green light in front became brighter and brighter, and the space became much more spacious. At least there was no need to bend over.

Zhang Zhuoxun's ears twitched, and suddenly he heard the young man standing on the bow of the boat curse in German.

The translated meaning is very beautiful.

Then there was Pan Zi and the others scolding each other one after another. Wu Xiaoxie curiously poked his head to look, and almost became a dumbfounded goose in fear.

The shoals on both sides of the river were filled with green, bone-white carrion corpses, covered with large and small corpses.

They were densely swarming and gnawing at the carcasses, making one's scalp numb just by looking at them.

On the mountain wall above the rotting corpse, a green crystal coffin hangs vertically. There seems to be a corpse in white inside. It is too far away and it is difficult to tell whether it is a male or a female.

"There's one over here, too." Pan Zi flashlighted the coffin and took a closer look. It turned out to be an empty coffin.

At this moment, everyone has a question in their mind: Where did the corpse go?

The direction of the river changed.

Big Kui Hun'er was about to fly away, his teeth kept chattering, and he couldn't speak at all, "Big... big rice dumplings!"

Cold sweat broke out on Wu Sanye's forehead. He stretched out his hand and said, "D...Dakui, quickly take out the black donkey hooves in the bag and give them to me. I want the oldest one."

After waiting for a long time, there was no response. When I turned around, I saw that Da Kui had already passed out on the board with his eyes rolled.

"You're such a bitch!" Mr. Wu was dumbfounded.

(End of chapter)

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