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Chapter 18 It’s a snake spirit

 Zhang Zhuxun felt dizzy in his head, as if ten thousand alpacas were whizzing past his head.

The big snake didn't know that he was feeling numb in his heart at this moment, but there was a trace of salivation in his eyes... Ah, there is mercy.

I don’t know how Zhang Zhuoxun could see the kindness in those huge purple eyes.

The big snake used the letter to sweep the egg white off Zhang Shuxun's body, then rolled up the eggshell with a hole in its tail and placed it in front of Zhang Shuxun. It spat out the letter and signaled him to eat it quickly.

Zhang Zhuxun: "..."

Zhang Zhuxun: "!!!"

Good luck! This big snake won’t regard him as its own cub, right?

So careless? No need to doubt it?

Seeing that he was dumbfounded and unresponsive, the big snake tilted its head, walked around Zhang Zhuxun's back and "gently" nudged him.

Zhang Zhuoxun stumbled and had to hold on to the eggshells to regain his balance.

The eggshell was like a small house. It was so big that Zhang Zhu, who was only 1.82 meters tall, still had to miss more than a meter to reach the top.

The big snake obviously realized that its cub was still too small to reach, so it was considerate and helped him turn the eggshell sideways, and the remaining egg white inside flowed out from the breach.

Zhang Zhuoxun's face was calm, but in his heart, mmp.

There is a sudden sound in the system.

[The host may wish to collect these egg whites first, as they contain the scent of Zhu Jiuyin, which can deter all snakes]

Zhang Shuxun's eyes lit up, yes, why didn't he think of that?

I hurriedly took out a container that could hold liquids from the space, filled all the egg whites with pots and pans, and then took it back to the space and put it away. This thing will be of great use in the future.

The space provided by the system is magical, and time inside seems to have stopped. Zhang Zhuxun once tried to put a mechanical watch in it, and then took it out a week later. The hands on it rotated rapidly, and finally it was completely scrapped due to overload.

The self-heating rice, guns and ammunition installed inside will not move or breathe. What goes in will remain the same when it comes out.

Zhang Zhuxun deduced from this that only dead objects can be placed in the space, not living ones. Of course, egg white can also be dropped.

Zhang Zhuxun always had his back to the big snake while operating, and the container of egg white in his hand was also covered.

Therefore, when the big snake saw Zhang Shuxun "drinking up" all the egg whites, he licked his face as a reward. The cold and smooth touch stimulated Zhang Shuxun and shuddered, and then he realized what he was doing.

There is nothing on me.


Taishe is dead.

Fortunately, Xiaozhen and the others are not here, otherwise Zhang Zhu would be so embarrassed that he would crawl into the cracks in the ground.

Zhang Zhuxun quickly took out a set of camouflage overalls and a water bag from the space, rinsed them casually, dried them with a towel and quickly put them on.

The big snake stared at Zhang Zhuxun for a while, feeling that it was not interesting, so it spit out the letter and climbed to the stone platform in the center of the cave. Its huge body was coiled together, and it looked like a small mountain up close.

Zhang Zhuoxun also followed up and stopped two meters away from the big snake. No matter how close he was, he was afraid that the big snake would accidentally crush him to death with its tail.

Then he sat cross-legged on the ground, took out a self-heating meal from the space to prepare, and while waiting with his chin propped up, he typed the system in his mind.

[System, system, didn’t I fall from the waterfall with Xiaozhenlaoitch and the others? Why did I end up in the big snake’s egg again?]

The system avoided this question and only answered [They are in another cave, and the energy contained in Zhu Jiuyin’s egg is useful to the host]

Zhang Shuxun knew that once the energy of the bronze tree was involved, the dog system would choose to avoid talking about it.

[What about the small candle and nine yin in the original egg?]

The system said [This egg itself belongs to the host] (one of the reasons why the wooden fish was able to suppress King Zhou Mu who turned into a blood corpse)

"?" Zhang Shuxun was horrified, "You mean, I'm actually a snake spirit?!"

The system choked for a moment and said helplessly [The host is a human being, the Zhang family]

Zhang Zhuoxun touched his nose and realized that if this was really a goblin, the Zhang family would first suppress him before he grew up.

He was in trouble just now.

In fact, he didn't need to ask, he knew that all this was the fault of the system, but he didn't say anything, and always used "the host has no right to know for the time being" to excuse him, which made him extremely depressed.

Forget it, Zhang Zhuxun let out a long sigh. There is no point in worrying about these people now. The system will tell him sooner or later anyway.

After clearing his mind of questions, Zhang Zhuxun had time to observe the surrounding environment.

This is a very large cave, which has been artificially modified and carved on the basis of the Yuanben natural cave. The circular sacrificial plate carved on the top is in a pentagonal shape and inlaid with five fist-sized luminous pearls, making the entire cave

Even without torches and lights, you can still see things clearly.

This is a real night-time pearl. It is very different from the aphrodisiac that he and Fatty dug out from the top of the treasure in the Xisha Undersea Tomb before. Although it is not as bright as day, it is still no problem to see things clearly, let alone

Zhang Zhuxun also has night vision ability rewarded by the system.

Zhang Zhu looked at the luminous pearl on the top, tears almost flowing from his mouth.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the big snake lying quietly with its single eye closed. Zhang Zhuoxun wisely chose to follow his heart.

Although because he came out of the egg and absorbed the energy of the egg, he also has Zhu Jiuyin's aura, but if he really wants to steal, er, take someone else's Night Pearl, there is no guarantee that the big snake will not mistake him for being naughty and teach him a lesson, and then

Give him a bite. His small body is not big enough for his big mouth to chew.

There is only a huge stone platform in the center of the cave, and the big snake is lying on it.

Except for a branch of Yanquan passing through here, the rest of the place is empty.

The surrounding walls of the cave were carved with densely packed and strange patterns, and they were very messy. After looking around for a long time, Zhang Zhu could only figure out from inside that this was a scene of people making sacrifices at some time, and the object being sacrificed was obviously

The nine-yin candle sits steadily on the central stone platform.

Zhang Zhuoxun couldn't tell which period the people on the murals were from. This kind of brain-consuming research work was only suitable for a naive person.

Thinking of Xiao Tianzhen facing so many wolves, tigers and leopards outside alone, Zhang Chuxun couldn't help but feel anxious.

[System, how long have I been in that egg?]

【One day and one night】The system answers.

Zhang Zhuxun compared the time in the original plot. At this time, Xiao Zhenzhen should have climbed down from the cliff and passed through the maze of coffins.

In the original plot, the sparks from the flare launched by Lao Itch ignited the pine oil on the ground of the coffin position, and burned the coffin. Xiaozhen and the others were forced into a pit by the wall of fire and the fat mouse that had settled in the coffin.

Below the pit is a tomb chamber. The largest coffin inside is double-layered. Lao Itchy found the lower layer with ease and opened the mechanism.

This chapter has been completed!
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