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Chapter 23 Life and Death

 Lao Itch sneered, thinking that Wu Xiaoxie was just Zhang Muyu's brainless guy. Maybe that guy fell from the waterfall and got stuck in a corner and couldn't get out.

Zhang Zhuxun, who was missed by the two men, was currently surrounded by monkeys.

Yes, I didn't poke it. The monkeys that Wu Xiaoxie and the others used to drive away with flares found their target again. When they were escaping downwards, they happened to run into Zhang Zhuxun, so they overestimated their capabilities and wanted to encircle and suppress them.
Zhang Zhuoxun raised his head and looked at the place where the light of the flare finally disappeared, and decided to make a quick decision.

He raised his hand to hold the branch above his head, and while his legs were in the air, he kicked a monkey that was coming towards him. Using his arms and waist and abdomen at the same time, he immediately jumped up to stand firm, stepped on the branch while avoiding the attack, and jumped from the monkey group.

In the gap, he climbed up quickly in the same manner, until he turned around about 10 meters away, took out a flash bomb from the space, pulled out the safety tab, and threw it hard towards the monkeys chasing after him.

I didn't dare to stay at all. I used my hands and feet together and wished I could grow wings and fly straight away.


A deafening roar resounded throughout the space, and the intense and dazzling white light burned the retinal tissue and photoreceptor nerves, causing blindness instantly. It was as if there were hundreds of millions of bees flapping their wings at the same time in the mind, accompanied by hissing tinnitus and bursts of dizziness.

, Zhang Zhuxun was almost knocked down by the shock. He intuitively grabbed the branches under his feet, pressed his body against the bronze tree, buried his head in his arms, and waited for the moment to subside.

The monkeys who were exposed at close range ran around, running away and attacking wildly. They were deaf and blind and could not see their feet. They either fell to death or were bitten to death by the monkeys who attacked randomly. In less than half a minute, the entire monkey group was wiped out.


The violent explosion alarmed Wu Xiaoxie and the other two people. They looked at the white blazing light that suddenly appeared in the space below and exclaimed, "There are people down there."

Wu Xiaoxie's eyes lit up, and he said happily and confidently: "It must be a wooden fish!"

As he was about to shout, Lao Itch covered his mouth, winked, and then lowered his voice and said, "Are you crazy? What if the people below are the remaining two from Uncle Tai's group?"
Wu Xiaoxie was stunned, and when he realized it, he was also frightened. Uncle Tai had fallen to his death, but the remaining two were not easy to deal with. Two against two, they were almost tired and vomiting. They had no chance of winning. Master Liang was sure

Nor will it be towards them.

Tou Mo glanced down at Master Liang below, Wu Xiaoxie winked at Lao Chu, "What should we do?"

Lao Itch frowned and thought for a few seconds before saying decisively: "Run, let's climb up."

Wu Xiaoxie beat her sore legs and cried in her heart, "Sir, tell me honestly how far up there is."

Lao Itch was silent for a long time, and he couldn't bear to speak. Finally, he could only answer vaguely, "I don't know. I climbed up last time and it will last one day."

One day?!!

Wu Xiaoxie's eyes were dazzled, and he wanted to faint on the spot. They had been crawling for so long and exhausted, and it was probably only seventy or eighty meters. If the top was really that long, they might not have even looked at it.

Like Uncle Tai, he lost his strength and fell and was shattered to pieces.

Wu Xiaoxie no longer has the energy to curse, she is tired.

Master Liang also has an expression that is hopeless and has seen through the world of mortals.

Seeing this, Lao Itch quickly cheered Wu Xiaoxie and the two up, "Isn't it just a few hundred meters? It passed in a blink of an eye on the flat ground. Now it's just standing up. It's just a bit troublesome. There's nothing to worry about. Let's

I can definitely climb up."

Wu Xiaoxie rolled his eyes angrily, "Go away, grandpa. According to what you said, anyone can ride a bicycle up Mount Everest. We are fighting gravity now, not friction. You know nothing, you are illiterate."
Lao Itch was a little angry when his shortcomings were exposed, "Then what do you think we should do? Aren't you a college student? If you are capable, you can think of a good way."

Wu Xiaoxie choked and thought, "How can I, my mother-in-law, still use this thing that is stuck in mid-air?" She felt cruel, gritted her teeth, and said, "Climb!"

"Isn't it just a few hundred meters? The worst thing is to slow down a little and rest for a while."

At this point, even if the front is a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, they still have to break through.

The three of them reached a consensus and did not dare to waste any more time. They organized their equipment and left behind everything they did not need. Lao Itchy climbed to the front with a flashlight.

After climbing for a while, Master Liang really couldn't make it. His hands and feet were weak, and he couldn't exert any strength. He was also afraid of being thrown down, so he gritted his teeth and persisted, but he still fell halfway.

Seeing the two people in front of them climbing further and further away, Master Liang sighed and leaned against the tree trunk, feeling sad in his heart, maybe this is his fate.

This chapter has been completed!
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