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Chapter 40 Black Shadow

 Wu Xiaoxie felt that the wooden fish was a little weird, but he couldn't tell what was weird, so he randomly tested it out. As a result, Zhang Zhuxun's reaction made him feel a little bit in his heart, his eyes became solemn, and suddenly, the previous dream came into his mind.


There seems to be an overlap between the pale, disheveled face in the dream and the face of Zhang Chuxun in front of me.

Wu Xiaoxie felt excited and quickly shook his head to dispel the absurd thoughts in his mind.

There was a bit of silence in the atmosphere. Zhang Zhuxun took out a roll of gauze from his backpack and wrapped it casually on his left palm. Then he looked at the entangled tree roots around him with a flashlight.

Shining the light into the hollow hole between the tree roots, he said: "I guess we have to go in from here and take a look. There are so many holes here, and I don't know which one is real. Let's go look for it separately."<


As he spoke, he moved his feet that way, as if he wanted to duck in.

Wu Xiaoxie had been paying attention to his movements, and he responded when he heard the words. He stared at the hole Zhang Zhu found and the features of the surrounding tree roots, and then pretended to find a hole and crawled in.

After entering, he walked a dozen steps inside and immediately turned off the flashlight, turned around, and then held his breath, waiting quietly for Zhang Zhuxun's movement over there to get smaller and smaller, until he was far away and could no longer be heard.
Wu Xiaoxie pricked up his ears and listened carefully. There was indeed no movement over there. Then he quietly breathed a sigh of relief and walked out of the cave. Zhang Zhuoxun's behavior was really wrong. He was worried and vigilant, and finally decided to

You should follow up and see what's going on.

There were so many thoughts in his mind that he didn't even turn on the light, so he just touched the cave wall and walked out. Suddenly, he stopped for a moment.

He stared straight at the black shadow cast on the ground by the entrance of the cave.

The shadow shines on the ground through the tiny bits of light leaking out of the gaps in the ceiling. Coupled with the influence of the tangled tree roots surrounding it, it looks a bit illusory.

But Wu Xiaoxie intuitively felt that there was an unknown creature standing at the entrance of the cave he entered, or in other words, a person!

Wu Xiaoxie was startled by her own thoughts, and her mind was buzzing.

Who is it? What the hell is it? What is it trying to do standing there?

What to do, what to do!

His heartbeat was beating like a drum, and the sound was so loud that he could feel the impact of the heart pumping on his muscles through his chest. He wanted to retreat, but his legs couldn't help but feel a little weak.


Wu Xiaoxie scolded himself hard in his heart, secretly complaining about his bad temper, always shutting down the phone and losing control. It was so unsatisfactory, and he was so angry.

After scolding himself and diverting some attention, Wu Xiaoxie's mind started to work again.

Staring at the shadow on the ground with wide eyes, he made sure that it was just standing there, motionless, and he didn't know what evil it was holding, but he felt that he should avoid its sharp edges until he didn't know the details of the other party.

There is only a lot of space in this hole, and if a fight breaks out, he will definitely die. It is better to retreat into the hole and hide, and then wait and see what happens.

However, although the unknown creature is silent for the time being, there is no guarantee that it will not get in. When the time comes, it will really cost him his life to catch turtles in an urn.

After thinking about it for a long time, there was no movement from the thing. Wu Xiaoxie gritted his teeth and decided to retreat. The worst he could do was fight with Ya directly. Besides, he still had the gun that Muyu gave him before.

It’s really not certain who will kill whom!

Thinking about it in my mind, I put my hand into my pocket.

It's fine if you don't touch it, but you'll be shocked if you touch it. Damn it! Where did the young master's gun go?

This chapter has been completed!
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