"Who is that person?" Qu Xiangtian said, and Lu Yunzhi replied: "The people of Fenggu are just outside the people. The big ones are hidden in the city and the small ones are hidden in the wild. The real masters may be in unknown places, or they may be by our side, but they are not eye-catching. In the eyes of real masters, we are just insane sorcerers at all. At least Master Feng has this qualification."
Qu Xiangtian stood up, patted Lu Yunzhi on the shoulder and said, "No matter what, third brother, I believe you. Since you said there is no problem, it will definitely work."
Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and walked out of the magic circle arranged with Wang Yulu in the room to ensure that the whole process was as foolproof as possible. The formation was just to act as a barrier to win a moment of time. It was not very useful when fighting. Wang Yulu asked in a low voice: "Master, you are almost sure to control the chaos after becoming a demon."
Lu Yunzhi shook his head and said, "I don't know. To be honest, although the invisible number I have learned has not backfire and will not cause abnormal movements in the body, it consumes a lot of energy. If you can't handle it within three moves, it may be difficult to issue the fourth move. If you switch to other moves, you can only achieve 50% of the effect. Whether it is power or accuracy, it will be affected, and you can only sit and wait for death at that time."
"Then you dare to take risks?" Wang Yulu didn't call Lu Yunzhi the lord, and shouted in surprise. Lu Yunzhi made a silent move and said, "Wow, don't let my brother hear this. You must take risks. I have some confidence. Besides, for my brother, I will have to take risks even if it's a sea of swords and fire. Once I still can't control my brother after three moves, and I don't have the strength to use the fourth move, then don't worry about me, I'll stop him. You should escort Murong Yunfei away quickly, and then go back to the city to inform Dong De and others. If the enemy is not Yu Qian in the future, hurry up and die. I think Timur is a good place. My second brother also has the power there, and will continue to support your dreams at that time. Please."
Wang Yulu said in a panic for a moment: "My lord, it's not as dangerous as the devil's chaos even though he goes up to the sword mountain and goes down to the sea of fire. Even if you explain your funeral, why don't our plan be put on hold? I'll study it and find a safer way."
"Haha, it's just to explain the funeral. By the way, remember to tell my two wives that I love them. In fact, I also want to find a safer way. It's just that time is too late. Yu Qian has already started to act now. If the elder brother falls into a devil at the last minute, it will be unfavorable to us. Everyone will die. Success or failure is here, so I can only decide this way. Although it is a rash suspicion, it is a helpless move." Lu Yunzhi said.
While talking, Qu Xiangtian and Murong Yunfei walked out hand in hand. Qu Xiangtian asked, "What was Brother Yulu saying just now? Why did I listen to something that is taking risks and not taking risks? How, third brother, are there any deviations in this plan?"
Lu Yunzhi showed a confident smile on his face, and then said, "It's okay, brother, hurry up and enter the formation." Qu Xiangtian walked into the formation, sat cross-legged, and looked at Lu Yunzhi, and the two brothers' eyes were full of trust. Then Qu Xiangtian looked at Murong Yunfei again, looking at him with thousands of words, and looking at him with iron-blooded tenderness.
"I'm starting." Lu Yunzhi said, then stretched out a hand from Lu Yunzhi's chest, grabbed Qu Xiangtian's head, and then quickly left. Qu Xiangtian's raised head finally lowered and fell asleep deeply. Wang Yulu opened Qu Xiangtian's mouth, then put it in the golden elixir, closed his mouth, and patted it gently, and the pill entered Qu Xiangtian's abdomen.
Suddenly, Qu Xiangtian's whole body was filled with golden light, like a god descending to earth. Although the sleeping face stopped, it was still not angry and powerful, and there was a slaughtering around him. Murong Yunfei whispered to herself: "How to lure chaos."
But when Lu Yunzhi suddenly turned into a sword and stabbed Qu Xiangtian straight. Murong Yunfei let out a low cry, Wang Yulu rushed to Murong Yunfei, hugged her in the waist and didn't care about any etiquette. She jumped out of the formation and watched from afar.
Qu Xiangtian opened his eyes, his eyes full of blood-red, full of fierce aura. Behind him, there were also ghost energy tumbling out two huge wings, instantly blocking the sword of Qi-kun that was stabbed. In an instant, the sword of Qi was shattered. Qu Xiangtian was still sitting cross-legged, but suddenly ran up in the air and rushed towards Lu Yunzhi.
The sky was rolling, lightning and thundering, and electric currents were surging around him. Lu Yunzhi was not alone. Nightmare came out of his body. The two did not dodge. Suddenly, the electric current around the blue sky also hit Qu Xiangtian at the same time. At the same time, with the slight sound of the air being torn, wandering in the air for a long time. The earth trembled at the same time. The two stone pillars soared into the sky, and suddenly bent and clamped the Qu Xiangtian in the middle. A raging fire ignited above the stone pillars. The hot high temperature immediately made Wang Yulu and Murong Yunfei standing in the distance feel as if they were in a elixir furnace.
Lu Yunzhi and Mengyao were pushed up by a stream of spring water that rushed from under his feet, and they also quickly faced Qu Xiangtian, who was being held and burned but was about to struggle away. The spring water suddenly frozen into ice, but did not stop, and turned straight into spikes, stabbing Qu Xiangtian, who had already occupied his body by chaos.
The two big wings formed by the ghost energy behind Qu Xiangtian protected Qu Xiangtian's side, blocking the burning of the high temperature. Qu Xiangtian's hands suddenly hit the stone pillar. The stone pillar collapsed and was vulnerable to Qu Xiangtian's fists. Qu Xiangtian turned into a palm and pushed forward suddenly, making ordinary martial artists go straight to the point, but the power was extraordinary. The ice cone that pierced in front of him was shattered, and infinite flames seemed to rise on Qu Xiangtian's arm, but the flames were red and black for a while.
Suddenly, the flames seemed to be torn apart, and then Qu Xiangtian let out an angry roar. This roar was not Qu Xiangtian's voice, but an angry roar from the deepest part of hell. The lightning and thunder were fleeting in a blink of an eye, and they struck Qu Xiangtian's body. He could no longer make the roar of excitement. This was the invisible wind control technique. Lu Yunzhi made Feng Shengshui rise, and at the same time, he used the invisible mental method to use the earth, thunder, water, and fire control.
There was dust around him, and Qu Xiangtian stood up. The big wings formed by the ghost energy had already floated. At this moment, a sword formed by the same steel sword, but was dark red and white light, stabbed over. The person holding the sword was Lu Yunzhi. The wings formed by the ghost energy quickly protected one in front of him and the other hit Lu Yunzhi. However, before he touched the sword, the wings disappeared as if they were suddenly defeated by something invisible. Qu Xiangtian's body suddenly retreated back and wanted to retreat, but the formation on the ground formed a light curtain but blocked his way.