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Chapter 147, Lone is not so stingy

Yu Qingwu's straightforward questioning made Xie Jinyan feel even more guilty.

But soon, the avoidance in his eyebrows was replaced by doubts. He frowned and asked Yu Qingwu, "Identity? What kind of identity can I have as a servant? What is the senior sister talking about?"

His tone was innocent and his expression was aggrieved.

It stands to reason that he has always been good at disguising, and with his stunning appearance, it is very easy to gain the trust of others and make people feel pity.

Even though he usually has a bad reputation, as long as Xie Jinyan is willing, there is no one he can't coax.

However, Yu Qingwu silently looked at the man's aggrieved Qingjun face, but there was no hint of winter.

Pursing her lips, she smiled lightly, with a hint of sarcasm in her tone, and snorted, "Your Highness, there is no need to pretend in front of me. I, my sister and brother, have been with you for many years. I cannot say that they are completely thorough, but they also know a little bit."


"Your Highness, you knew that Chamberlain Yu was my brother Yu Jinnian, didn't you?"

Yu Qingwu's voice was calm and her emotions did not fluctuate too much. But when she said the three words "Yu Jinnian", Xie Jinyan's heart trembled violently.

He paused and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't answer.

After a while, he regained his composure and explained, "Gu Yuan didn't want to hide it from you, but now is not the time. Besides, the waiter Yu is not willing to recognize you. You..."

"I understand, brother is afraid that I will blame him." Xie Jinyan was thinking about how to explain to Yu Qingwu. The next moment, the woman on the bed just chuckled softly. There was no trace of excitement on her beautiful face, or maybe...

She was trying her best to control it.

Looking up at him, she raised her lips and smiled, sighing, "When I was young, my brother was very high-spirited and he was the famous first son in Dengzhou. Although our Yu family is from a merchant family, my brother was very good at reading and talented.

At the age of ten, he was admitted as a scholar, and at the age of thirteen, he already looked like a handsome young man. Many officials and people wanted to marry him..."

"Nothing like that happened to the Yu family. Now my brother must have joined the court as an official and has two children..."

"It's a pity..." Thinking of the past, Yu Qingwu's eyes dimmed again. He closed his eyes, forced his emotions back, looked at Xie Jinyan with a smile, and continued, "Brother, I think he was afraid that I would blame him for not protecting him even though he was alive.

My mother and I, or perhaps, we became that eunuch, and he felt ashamed of the ancestors of the Yu family."

"But do you know, Your Highness? As long as I know that my brother is still alive, I am already very happy."

As she spoke, her eyes had been filled with tears for some time. She looked at the prince in front of her with a look that was both crying and smiling. She said again as if she was emphasizing something, "Your Highness, as long as my brother is alive, I don't care about the rest."


The implication is that as long as Yu Qi can live, she will not ask whether he appointed her as the crown princess because Yu Qi holds power and the eunuch cannot pose a threat to his relatives.

If you want him, keep Yu Qi alive.

This kind of generosity made Xie Jinyan suddenly feel uncomfortable.

He doesn't like Yu Qingwu seeing him too clearly, and he doesn't like her putting others before him, even if that person is her blood brother...

Looking at each other, Xie Jinyan forced himself to calm down and responded to her gently, "Senior sister, don't worry blindly. Although the eunuch Yu is now a eunuch in the palace, he is also involved in some cases, which has caused dissatisfaction among many officials, but after all, he is a close minister of the father.

Even if those people are unwilling to do so, they will never dare to attack him."

"Besides, Chamberlain Yu has been with my father since he was a child. What kind of scenes have he not seen? How can those idiots be his opponents?"

Xie Jinyan deliberately pulled the conversation aside and pretended not to understand Yu Qingwu's intention.

Seeing that he was unwilling to answer directly, Yu Qingwu stopped trying to expose anything, and just said again in a warm voice, "Your Highness, my brother has been a bit stubborn since he was a child. If he has done anything wrong, please let me know.

Your Highness, please be more considerate, just as..."

"Just think of it as a reward for my injury..."

Perhaps he felt that these words were not safe enough. After thinking for a while, Yu Qingwu added softly, "If...if my brother really gets into trouble, your highness will tell me and I will persuade him..."

Are you subduing yourself with these words? Submitting to him?

Ha, his second senior sister is always the toughest woman.

So far, she has only surrendered to him for two things. The first one was to save her life and take revenge. The second one was at this moment, for her brother whom she had not seen in nearly ten years. This gesture was even worse than any other time in the past.

All are humble.

Her obedience and softness were what he could not hope for in the past, but now, he doesn't like her so much.

Holding the woman's hand lightly, Xie Jinyan pretended not to care, and gently comforted her, "What are you talking about, senior sister? How could an unprovoked orphan embarrass my servant?"

"Let's talk about Ah Yue's incident today. He didn't know the inside story, but he just wanted to protect you. Gu knew it in his heart..."

"Don't worry, Gu is not such a stingy person."

Yes, he is not that stingy person, but he is a ruthless and paranoid prince.

Whenever someone blocks his way, he will kill them without hesitation.

But the life of anyone he doesn't care about is worthless.

Maybe he will be a good emperor in the future, but he will never show mercy to his ministers, especially those who are disobedient and intend to disobey and coerce him...

Yu Qingwu knew this when he was still a student.

She could not care about these things in the past, but now that she knows her brother is still alive, she can no longer act as recklessly as she did in the past.

After giving Xie Jinyan a deep look, Yu Qingwu responded to him gently, "Of course I know that Your Highness is not that stingy, but people are bound to have tempers..."

"By the way, Your Highness, please don't be angry with Brother Yu Zhen and Ling'er. They were also worried about me. When they came to see me, they accidentally talked about the process of getting along with my brother along the way. After all, it's me.

You've noticed the details yourself, so don't embarrass them."

A few polite words are all used to protect others.

At this moment, Xie Jinyan suddenly felt that there seemed to be a sense of distance between him and her, as if they were no different from his father and the concubines sent to consolidate his power in the harem.

But it was clear that just a moment ago, he was the only person she could rely on.

Xie Jinyan suddenly felt very disappointed. He pursed his lips and smiled, and pretended to reply, "Senior sister, don't think too much, these things will fall into your ears sooner or later, and I didn't deliberately hide it from you.

, but, I’m afraid you have to deal with Waiter Yu on your own..."

"Don't worry, Your Highness, I know how to deal with it." Seeing Xie Jinyan relax, Yu Qingwu also breathed a sigh of relief, with a genuine smile on his face that he had never seen before...

But Xie Jinyan couldn't laugh. He inexplicably remembered what Qin Yiliu had predicted...

Perhaps, he should investigate Qin carefully. Only by doing so can he know whether what she said is true or false.
This chapter has been completed!
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