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Chapter 184 It's too filthy! Destroy his image!

However, this time he did not show his displeasure. He only looked at her teasingly and said softly, "Awu, you are an orphaned princess. How can you do the work yourself? Xiao Fengyun was willing to let you wash his clothes for him back then.

I can’t bear to part with my clothes now.”

"..." For some reason, Yu Qingwu always felt that his words were provocative.

She rolled her eyes at him, feeling helpless, "Your Highness, after all, you and I are still members of the sect. In our sect, whether it is washing clothes or doing other things, we all take care of ourselves. We have been like this since we were young.

It's been okay, but now I've only been away for more than half a year, and it's really inappropriate to bring my maid with me when I come back."

"Besides, Chuntao is not a member of the sect, so it is somewhat inconvenient to go together. You also know that there are always a few thorns in our sect. If it is my own junior sister, that's all.

They have to be more or less scrupulous about it, and the sisters and brothers are all very skilled, so they won't be merciless when they hit those thorns."

"But Chuntao is different. She is just an ordinary weak woman. If we go together, I will be worried..."

Yu Qingwu lowered his eyes and did not continue what he said.

But after hearing her words, Xie Jinyan immediately understood.

Yes, the Xiao family's disciples are a mixed bag, and the descendants of famous families in the world are all gathered in one place. But the so-called famous family does not mean that they have good character. Even if there is the restraint of the master, the only ones the master can restrain are his own disciples.

Furthermore, even if he can restrain others, there will always be a few who slip through the net.

For example, Ah Yue back then.

It means doing evil under the nose of the master.

Time and time again, he finally offended his master and was expelled from the master.

In addition, Ah Yue was the only one with such a personal support, and he did not have as strong a background as the other disciples.


Looking at the woman with lowered eyes and a smile, Xie Jinyan replied calmly, "Senior sister, are you worried that those bastards from the Xiang family and the Wang family will be harmful to Chuntao? Don't worry, it won't happen. They don't dare, and they can't."

Hearing this, Yu Qingwu was a little confused.

But from Xie Jinyan's eyes, she vaguely read something.

Frowning, he pulled him to one side and lowered his voice and asked him, "Your Highness, what do you mean by this? But... what happened?"

"It's nothing. I just returned to the school alone at the beginning of last year and found that Xiang's guy was trying to sneak into senior sister's room at night. When I got angry, I kicked him out..."


"Kicked to death?" Yu Qingwu was shocked, and was so shocked by Xie Jinyan that it took him a while to recover.

Then she slowly recalled that one night at the beginning of last year, she did hear some noises outside.

She vaguely seemed to hear the bastard's voice from the Xiang family. She originally thought about setting a poisonous scorpion to bite him, but as soon as she got up, there was no sound again, so she lay back down again.

I thought it was the Xiang family guy who noticed that she was going to release poisonous insects, so he wisely left.

As a result... Xie Jinyan was actually carried away?

No, the residence of the male disciple and the residence of the female disciple are far apart for no reason. So why did Xie Jinyan appear outside her room in the middle of the night?

A trace of doubt flashed across his eyebrows. Yu Qingwu suddenly raised his head and looked at the man suspiciously. In sync with his mouth and brain, he blurted out and asked him, "Your Highness, why are you outside my door in the middle of the night?"

Hearing this, Xie Jinyan, who had been asking for credit just a moment ago, suddenly choked up.

He originally wanted to show off as a hero in front of her, but he didn't expect that she would suddenly ask this.

He could say that because before that, Ah Yue was expelled from the school by her, and he wanted to avenge Ah Yue.

Or... he wanted to use the guise of revenge for Ah Yue to take the opportunity to get intimate with her. The best thing would be to make her pregnant and have to commit herself to him.

Xie Jinyan didn't dare to say this, it was too dirty! It ruined his image!

But he swore that this idea only lingered in his mind for a moment. When he walked outside her room, he just wanted to secretly put the newly bought cakes into her room.

Their eyes met, a hint of guilt flashed in Xie Jinyan's eyes, and he quickly regained his composure. He looked at Yu Qingwu with an innocent face, and hurriedly explained, "Senior sister, don't look at Gu with that look. Is Gu that kind of person?"

I just thought that you like to eat sweet-scented osmanthus cake, so why didn’t I bring you sweet-scented osmanthus cake when I returned from Kyoto?”

"As a result, I had a fight with the guy from the Xiang family and the sweet-scented osmanthus cake was spilled."

Speaking of this, Xie Jinyan was also a little angry.

Isn't it? If it weren't for the man named Xiang, the sweet-scented osmanthus cake would have been sent out long ago, so why would it be Xiao Fengyun's turn to show his hospitality the next day?

Thinking of this, Xie Jinyan couldn't help but complain, "If it weren't for that person named Xiang, the first one to give out gifts on New Year's Eve would have been Gu. How could it be Xiao Fengyun's turn to show off the next day? After all, I still called you.

Washing clothes for him, why didn't he wash his own clothes in such a cold weather? When Gu Yi was angry, he kicked him into the water..."

"He just loves to talk and pretend to take credit."

Yu Qingwu originally suspected that Xie Jinyan was up to no good, but now that he was so angry, he became a little more convinced.

Suddenly, my mood became complicated.

Thinking back to that day when she saw Xie Jinyan kicking Senior Brother Xiao and getting very angry with him, she felt that he was as willful as before and even bullied Senior Brother Xiao for no reason.

But now that I think about it, it sounds like Senior Brother Xiao treated her very well, saved her, and spoke out to defend her.

However, it seems that for many years afterwards, she washed Senior Brother Xiao's clothes.

And Senior Brother Xiao seems to take it for granted, even in the coldest weather.

However, it seemed that every time she helped Senior Brother Xiao wash his clothes in winter, Senior Brother Xiao would always encounter some inexplicable accidents.

Either she fell into the water, or she stumbled for no apparent reason while walking on the road. The most outrageous one was that she had been shaved by a ghost in the middle of the night, and both eyebrows and a large chunk of hair in front of her head were shaved off...

Now that I think about it, this is all man-made. It is Xie Jinyan taking revenge...

At this moment, Yu Qingwu suddenly didn't know what to say, and suddenly remembered something.

She bit her lip tightly and looked at Xie Jinyan with complicated eyes. She suppressed her emotions and stared at that stunning face for a long time before she asked him in a low voice with a nasal voice, "Your Highness, you kicked Senior Brother Xiao that day because of

He asked me to do his laundry."

"Then why did you fight with him one day? But because, he...he took the credit for your achievements?"
This chapter has been completed!
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