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Chapter 265 , Loyal to one's own country

"Pig...pig pen!"

In an instant, Bai Chen's vision almost went dark.

He is not a fool and naturally understands what this deceitful couple wants to do.

They... actually want him to sleep with pigs! New

If word spreads about sleeping with pigs, he...

Bai Chen didn't dare to think about it anymore, and his mind was instantly confused.

However, in a daze, Xie Jinyan had gagged him, stuffed him into the sack prepared in advance, and then swayed for a while.

When I opened my eyes again, there were several fat sows surrounding me.

The strong stench hit the nostrils, and the pigs looked like they had been fed medicine in advance...

One after another looked at him eagerly, like wolves and tigers.

Seeing them approaching step by step, Bai Chen's legs couldn't help but tremble violently.

Looking outside at Xie Jinyan, who was approaching step by step with a medicine bottle in hand, he finally couldn't bear it anymore.

He shouted out loud, "I...I promise you! I promise to cooperate with you!"

"Very good, it would have been better if I had said no earlier. Why should I suffer such a crime for nothing?"

Xie Jinyan sneered and waved his hand, and two boys appeared out of nowhere and dragged him out of the pigsty, one from the left and the other from the right.

Bai Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, he never expected that Xie Jinyan would not let him go.

After dragging him out of the pigsty, he was not taken back to the room. Instead, he was blindfolded and taken to another village.

When I opened my eyes again, I was surrounded by tattered furnishings, a musty smell that entered my nose, and the sound of crawling mice.

In addition, there were several fierce-looking villagers standing at the door, each with a fierce look in their eyes, as if they wanted to kill him.

However, when the Wei Dynasty prince raised his hand, the villagers withdrew again.

As he was leaving, he didn't forget to turn around and spit in his face.

Bai Chen recognized that these were the believers who had previously worshiped at his feet.

Now, in just a few days, they are already being used by the prince of Wei Dynasty?

Bai Chen's eyes flashed with reluctance and disbelief.

Even in the past few days, he knew that the prince of the Wei Dynasty had used some tricks to make the villagers believe that he had caused them to fall into a food shortage and that he had caused them to pay more taxes.

It was he who collaborated with Wang Zhizhou, deceived the superiors and deceived the inferiors, and put the people of Yunzhou into dire straits.

He knew that they must no longer be as convinced of him as before, and they might even be resentful.

But he couldn't figure out how Xie Jinyan got these villagers to obey his orders in just one day.

Seeing all the villagers exiting, Bai Chen finally couldn't hold it back any longer.

He gritted his teeth, unwillingly, questioningly, and asked in a trembling voice, "Prince Wei, how did you... do it?"

"It took me nearly decades to convince them completely, but you have only been here for a few days?"

"Yes, you are right, I have only been here a few days."

"Ke Gu has lived in this land for more than ten years in the Wei Dynasty. Compared with foreigners like you, Gu Zi understands his own people better and understands better what they need and what they hate.


Xie Jinyan looked at him with a faint smile, looking at his eyes full of unwillingness and disbelief.

In his trembling eyes, he added in a low voice, "Mr. Bai, the people of a country, no matter how much they hate their court, will never allow foreign enemies to invade. At least, most of them are like this.


"What's more, now they find that they were wrong from the beginning. Maybe the imperial court has been far away from the emperor and neglected management over the years, but this does not mean that the people of the Wei Dynasty will become South Vietnamese. The people living in Yunzhou

Their ancestors have lived in this land for generations, and they have been taught by their fathers since childhood. Even if they hate the current ruler because of the hardship of life, the only thing they can think of is to change the emperor, or to rebel.

The Wei Dynasty should not be ruled by foreigners. What would a Wei Dynasty ruled by foreigners look like? It is not about living and working in peace and contentment, nor is it about the peace and prosperity of the country and the people, but about us.

The people of the Wei Dynasty have since become the slaves of others. Even if they walk on the street, they will be discriminated against and despised by foreigners even if they have no choice but to do so."

"Finally, Bai Chen, you have to understand that sometimes the higher you hold someone up, the harder you fall. Also, in this world, you are not the only one who can be heart-wrenching."

Yes, Bai Chen is not the only person in this world who can kill people's hearts and manipulate public opinion.

He can deceive the superiors and deceive the people, and use illusions to deceive the people. Is he not necessarily the same?

In fact, Xie Jinyan did not think of this level at first.

However, Qingwu reminded him. Qingwu told him that most people are loyal to their country.

Maybe they won't be loyal to a king, but they will definitely be loyal to their country.

And the vast majority of people hate being deceived and hate being played by others.

When they discover that the faith they have held for several years is nothing but a scam, and a vicious trap of foreign invasion, then their former faith will turn into hatred overnight.

Especially farmers who are already living a hard life.

These people did not receive much favor, but they lost their relatives and friends in the past food shortage. If they want to control Yunzhou, the first people to mobilize are the farmers.

Xie Jinyan also took advantage of this to slowly expand the news that was unfavorable to Bai Yuehui and Bai Chen.

It was precisely because of this that he dared to make a desperate move to reverse the situation.

Then after turning the tables, he took advantage of the chaos and arranged for his people to go to Yunzhou City.

The Baiyue Society relies on ideological poisoning to control the people. Without the protection of the people, it is like a soldier without weapons. Even though they have a small number of elite troops, even half of these elite troops are Wei people.

Once they find out that they have been deceived, it will be even more difficult to take control.

After Bai Chen listened to Xie Jinyan's words, he naturally thought of this, and his face suddenly lost color.

Ding Ding looked at Xie Jinyan unwillingly, but couldn't say a word anymore.

Suddenly, Xie Jinyan handed over the pen and ink, glanced at him coldly, and ordered, "Bai Chen, I won't talk nonsense with you anymore. I want you to have a map of Baiyue Palace, and also mark the location of Xie Qiyun and others."

"Finally, don't have any feelings for Gu. If Fan Gu doesn't come back alive and safe, you will still end up in a pig pen, a cow pen, or a dog kennel. In short, there are plenty of places for you to go."


Bai Chen really wanted to play tricks.

He was thinking of using some tricks to hint that Bai Gang would come to save him.

But at this moment, Xie Jinyan's words completely extinguished his newly ignited hope.

This crown prince of the Wei Dynasty is really doing a disservice!

Gritting his teeth, Bai Chen reluctantly took the pen and ink.

About half an hour later, under Xie Jinyan's cold and stern gaze, Bai Chen drew down the address of Bai Yue Palace very clearly, stroke by stroke, and explained the location where Xie Qiyun was imprisoned.

Taking the map, Xie Jinyan immediately stepped out of the room, ordered two secret guards dressed as villagers to keep an eye on him, and then walked all the way to a hut in the west.

This chapter has been completed!
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