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Chapter 285, goodbye Qin Yiliu

How could Yu Qingwu not understand Song Yilan's thoughts?

He must have been in a hurry to show off his power in front of Qin Yiliu, and wanted to see Qin Yiliu's depressed and guilty look after seeing them living in peace.

Thinking about it, Song Yilan also suffered a lot in front of women like Qin Yiliu. If she wants to be angry, she should help her.

So she smiled faintly and replied, "It's up to you."

After saying that, he winked at Xie Jinyan, who had been silent until now.

After getting the hint, Xie Jinyan squeezed out a smile on his gloomy face and replied softly, "As the guest does, the host does as he pleases."

Hearing this, Song Yilan's eyes became even more excited.

Happily, she pulled Yu Qingwu and walked ahead.

Song Guan shook his head, and smiled helplessly at Xie Jinyan, "Too... Xie Langjun laughed at me. My third sister has this kind of temperament. She has a clear distinction between love and hate, and a very hot temper. Now she knows it."

Qin and Shen Ke’s plan, I think the first thing they will do when they come back is to slap them in the face.”

"I can see that your sister has a bad temper, but she's not bad at all."

Xie Jinyan stood in the distance, looking at the figures of the two women in front of him, and said with some emotion.

Song Yilan's domineering and willful behavior are very similar to Ah Yue's. The only difference is that Song Yilan can empathize with her after suffering, and can correct her mistakes after she realizes them.

Being able to pity those who are lower than her.

When facing someone with a higher status than before, he does not appear humble, let alone flattering.

Even after experiencing those things, I grew up a lot.

But Ah Yue never seemed to think that she was at fault.

When she met someone who was inferior to her, she would step on her to death. When she met a noble or something, she would be polite and flattering, and her style of worshiping superiors and undermining inferiors would continue for ten years.

The little thoughts that harm others come one after another.

Xie Jinyan vaguely remembered that when she was a child, Ah Yue was a very cute little girl with a lively temper and a good heart.

When did she become like this? Xie Jinyan couldn't remember.

He only remembered that he was only eight or nine years old when he left the fishing village. Ah Yue was two or three years younger than him, so she was only five or six years old at that time.

When he saw Ah Yue again, Ah Yue was already thirteen years old.

She is a girl...

But...it seemed that Ah Yue at that time seemed quite domineering and had a lot of thoughts.

But at that time, he felt guilty, and because he was angry with Qingwu, he became more accustomed to and protected Ah Yue.

Perhaps, there is his reason for this.

Perhaps, it was also because he was not a good person in the past...

If he was a good person, why would he bully her like that out of jealousy and to attract Qing Wu's attention?

In a daze, several people had arrived outside a stone fortress.

This fortress, like the house outside, is also made of natural stones.

It's just taller and looks like a giant tower from the outside.

Song Yilan led them inside and pointed at the stone tower with a smile, "Ms. Yu, Mr. Xie, this is the auspicious tower of our Song family. Our Song family's meeting hall is inside, and Qin Yiliu also lives there."


"In normal times, this is where the elders discuss matters or the Qin family asks questions."

As he said this, several people had already walked outside the door.

As soon as he walked over, he was stopped by the guard at the door.

The guard first looked at Song Yilan in surprise, and then looked at Yu Qingwu and Xie Jinyan who followed her.

Finally, she said to Song Yilan in embarrassment, "Third Miss, the clan leader and elders are discussing matters inside, you can't go in."

"I can't go in? Why?"

Song Yilan was stunned for a moment, and her face looked a little ugly at the moment.

When the guard saw this, he also looked embarrassed and said awkwardly, "It's like this, didn't we Qingzhou have a refugee crisis a few days ago? As soon as those refugees came, there were a lot of robberies and thefts in Qingzhou.

Case. Fortunately, the saint had forewarned it in advance and resettled the refugees in the open space outside the city."

"But... the saint also said that the reason why these things happened has something to do with the feng shui of our clan. It is said that... because a woman entered the meeting hall, the yin energy was too strong, which caused the yin energy in the clan.

The Qi was damaged, so that the Yin Qi continued to flow, attracting foreign evil spirits and Yunzhou wars and refugees."

The guard was stumbling, but Song Yilan's face was even more ugly.

She raised her hand and immediately wanted to push the guard away.

At this moment, Yu Qingwu reached out to stop her.

Seeing Yu Qingwu killing herself, Song Yilan was a little confused. She glared angrily, gritted her teeth and said, "Ms. Yu, don't stop me. This is clearly Qin Yiliu's excuse to exclude us girls of the Song clan."

"If a woman is said to be sinister, then she is not a woman herself?"

Song Yilan was filled with anger and immediately raised her voice.

At this moment, a loud male voice suddenly interrupted her.

"Alan, what are you talking about? The saint is different!"

Following the voice, a tall man came into view. It was Song He, Song Yilan's eldest brother, whom he saw on the street that day.

Song He warned Song Yilan with a serious look, then looked at Song Guan, then glanced at Yu Qingwu and Xie Jinyan, and finally scolded her unhappily, "You girl, where have you been crazy these days? Do you know Yun

What happened in Zhoucheng? Nowadays, there are piles of refugees running into the city. You don't want to bring back all the shabby people."


Are you talking about her and Xie Jinyan?

This Song He was prejudiced to the core, thinking that they were friends of Song Guan, and that all the people brought back by Song Guan were unfair.

Song Guan is still fine, he is used to it.

Just thinking about the identity of the other party made him startled, but due to the previous explanation between Yu Qingwu and Xie Jinyan, Song Guan did not remind Song He.

Yu Qingwu curled his lips and quietly glanced at Xie Jinyan.

I saw that a layer of frost suddenly appeared on that stunning face.

However, Xie Jinyan did not answer.

I just silently watched the few people walking out from behind Song Guan. The one walking at the front with a full beard and a rich brocade dress must be Song Yan.

Beside him, apart from a few elders, were two familiar faces.

At this time, both of them had dressed up as locals.

Shen Ke is dressed as a scholar and looks like a military advisor.

Qin Yiliu, on the other hand, was wearing a dark purple skirt and a layer of purple tulle on her head. She really looked like a saint from a novel.

At this time, she was walking beside Song Yan with a straight posture and a proud look.

He looked so proud of himself.

However, when she reached the door, she froze instantly.

The proud eyes just now were full of surprise, disbelief, and even a little fear.

Especially when she saw Yu Qingwu, she trembled violently.

How is this possible! How is this possible? She clearly remembers that this is not the case!

At this time in my last life, that *** Yu Qingwu didn’t come here at all!

This chapter has been completed!
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