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Chapter 182 Waiting for them to appear

The Dong family is very influential in the town and also in the hospital.

Without Xu Yan's intervention, Dong Jianbing communicated with the hospital so that no one would disturb him.

The person who went to the village to get medicine came back, and when Xu Yan changed the bandage, he directly put it on the medicine he prepared.

There is Wu Guo in it, which is an enhanced version of Linshan Dan. It is naturally more beneficial to Dong Changshan’s bone healing.

It was already dark after he finished his work, so Wu Yan called to report that he was safe.

"Fat man, you have to make a trip to find someone for me."

Xu Yan considered it carefully and said: "Remember that sloppy one I mentioned to you before? The one at the stall outside the main hall of Zhishantang."

"Go and look for it. Ask around. If you don't have it, go look for it in the pavilion on the hill in Baihua Park."

Wu Yan was stunned when he heard this. He had just come all the way back, why was he suddenly looking for a Taoist priest?

"Brother Yan, what do you want to do, ask that old man to do your horoscopes for you?"

"There is something very important. Let's talk about it after we find it!" Xu Yan was not in the mood to chat with him and hung up the phone after telling him.

Only by finding the sloppy Taoist can we find out why he hid it, and what happened back then. Was the guy with the mark on his face the murderer of the fire?

"Xiao Yan..." Dong Changshan stopped on the hospital bed, shouting to bring Xu Yan back to his senses.

"Old Dong, don't move. How do you feel?" Xu Yan hurried over and held him down.

"Hiss! I must have broken a bone, damn, I can't move!" Dong Changshan cursed and simply lay down.

"I'm going to change your dressing, please take care of yourself first!" Xu Yan frowned and said, "What happened, and who is that person?"

"Alas!" Dong Changshan sighed, "It's simply inexplicable!"

"I don't know how that guy sneaked in. If he finds me, he wants the secret recipe of Linshan Pill. How can I give it to him?"

"He broke my legs and my arms. Hey, my boss is afraid of this? It just hurts. Just bear with it!"

"But, that guy is probably a warrior too, he feels a bit powerful!"

He said it in an understatement, but Dong Jianbing and Xu Yan were filled with anger.

The co-author actually broke off his hands and feet bit by bit, trying to force him to hand over the secret recipe. This was so fucking crazy, he just came to snatch it away!

"Don't you know the origin at all?" Xu Yan's face was sullen, his eyes were sharp, and he was obviously angry.

"Xiao Yan, don't worry, you just want me to lie down for a few months. I'm on vacation!"

Dong Changshan gasped in pain when he moved, but he laughed and said: "There is no loss in the factory, and the formula is not leaked, so this is not a big problem!"

"I heard that guy's accent, it's not from Baiyun anyway, it's very strange."

"But from what he said, they must have had the idea of ​​Linshan Dan, and they came here to take action after they couldn't crack it. But I insisted that I didn't know, and he was blind."

Xu Yan still frowned, thought for a while and asked curiously: "The other party is a warrior. Since everyone came here, he didn't ask anything and just left?"

"No, he answered the phone at that time and left in a hurry because he didn't know what was going on."

Dong Changshan recalled, "It must have been around nine or ten o'clock yesterday morning?"

Xu Yan thought about it, he went to Pingzhou the day before yesterday, cleaned up He Shaotong the night before yesterday, rescued Du Xiaohui yesterday, and then went to Lingbaozhai.

Maybe someone saw him in Pingzhou around ten o'clock yesterday morning?

There is no abnormality in the village, which means that the other party does not know that Linshan Dan is related to the village. There is a high probability that he will think that the secret recipe belongs to him, and maybe he wants to rush back to Pingzhou to stop him?

But these are all speculations and difficult to confirm.

The other party may also have noticed that Dong Changshan was too strict and wanted to change his strategy.

"In short, it's for Linshan Pill, right? Let's wait and see!" Xu Yan's eyes flashed, he paused and asked curiously: "Have you encountered a similar situation before?"

"I mean, could it be that other pharmaceutical companies have been attacked by Linshan Dan and are thinking of revenge or taking away the secret recipe?"

"It's possible, but it doesn't seem like it!" Dong Changshan thought about it, "I feel like that guy is very anxious!"

"It gave me the feeling that I was impatient, so I rushed over and took action directly."

Xu Yan nodded, patted him gently and said, "Thank you for your hard work. Please take good care of your injuries first. You can leave this matter alone."

After explaining to Dong Jianbing how to change the dressing, Xu Yan took the car arranged by them and returned to the village.

It was late when we returned to the clinic. Xu Yan went for a walk around the pharmacy and Sister Lan's house, and then returned to the clinic.

When it got late at night, Wu Yan called and said depressedly: "Brother Yan, I've searched all over the area and even the small park, but I can't find it!"

"I spent a few packs of cigarettes and inquired with the night market on the roadside. They said that I haven't seen the old man in two days. He used to go to the neighborhood to drink and eat skewers every day. It's quite strange."

"What exactly is going on, Brother Yan?"

Xu Yan was silent, and suddenly realized that the old man had run away or was hiding!

He told an important clue the night before, but yesterday morning he tried to fool him again. Maybe he wanted to leave time to escape?

"You turn around and ask Lin Xiao to pay attention to this person!" Xu Yan said in a deep voice: "This old man probably knows the truth about the fire in the orphanage that year!"

"I met him last time and was deceived. Be careful when you meet him!"

Wu Yan was shocked, and then shouted: "Brother Yan, don't worry, I will work with Lin Xiao later to figure out how to catch him!"

After hanging up the phone, Xu Yan fell into deep thought in the darkness.

Linshan Pill has quietly become famous, and it is not difficult for those who are interested to discover the power of Linshan Pill.

Even if it is a coincidence, you may realize the value.

As a result, there may be many people who want to make plans for pharmaceutical companies.

But the man with the strange face happened to be the person that the old man said, so he was connected with the fire again.

So, what is the background of the other party?

Xu Yan carefully thought about the whole thing and thought for a long time before suddenly having an idea.

The fire in the welfare home, the statue of Zhu Rong in the main hall of Zhishantang!

Assuming that the Zhishantang Main Hall is related to the fire in the welfare home, and if the fire is related to the strange-faced man, that means that the strange-faced man is related to the Zhishantang Main Hall!

So this time the strange-faced man appears, is Cheng Qingfu actually eyeing the pharmaceutical factory? In this case, everything makes sense!

But what confused Xu Yan was, what happened to the old Taoist?

Without his reminder, Xu Yan would have been unable to connect these things, but he disappeared again.

Right now, I can only wait until the matter with the pharmaceutical factory is dealt with before going to the old man.

After all, Dong Changshan was beaten and suffered multiple fractures, so he had to take revenge!

Xu Yan made up his mind to rest immediately. After practicing the exercises the next morning, he suddenly ran to the pharmacy, which shocked Sister Lan and others.

After talking about the pharmaceutical factory and telling them to be careful, the village simply stopped accepting patients in the past few days and asked the village to set up a patrol team to strengthen patrols.

The village now has an industry of collecting medicinal herbs and making medicines. Regardless of anything else, everyone has a good income, so naturally they attach great importance to the pharmacy.

Whether Xu Yanti or Sister Lan talks about patrols, many people will definitely respond.

After finishing the explanation, Xu Yan rode a motorcycle from the village to the town hospital. After looking at Dong Changshan, he went directly to the pharmaceutical factory to take charge.

There was a large office left for him by Dong Changshan in the pharmaceutical factory, but Xu Yan didn't even enter the door. He ran to the factory to check the pharmaceutical process and simply stayed in the factory.

He soon discovered that Dong Changshan was cross-producing Linshan elixirs. The sixteen elixirs had different formulas. Before the final filling and sealing of the bottles, the introduction of medicine prepared by the village was put into them, which was also done under cover.

The most critical powdery primer was actually hidden in the cotton ball plugged into the bottle, and the cotton ball came from the village.

People in the pharmaceutical factory don't know this at all, and with the overlap in the dispensing process, anyone who comes will be confused and have no chance of finding out any clues from the factory.

In addition, Dong Changshan insisted that he did not know the secret recipe. As a result, Xu Yan was the only one who apparently had the secret recipe.

So the question is, regardless of whether the mastermind behind the scenes is Cheng Qingfu, if they don't give up, what other methods will they use to make plans?

Xu Yan was very curious and waited for them to appear again!

He really hoped that it was the man with the strange face who came, so that he would have a chance to find out the truth about the orphanage back then!

This chapter has been completed!
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