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Chapter 213 Find a place to treat

The sky was clear and the weather was clear, so a few people continued on their way out of the mountain.

Niu Jingang handed the treasures of heaven and earth to Xu Yan and said with a smile: "Doctor Xu, how about I have a good chat with Mr. Fu on the way?"

"Okay!" Xu Yan thought for a while but did not refuse. He was very curious about this gentleman, but he didn't know much about some things and really didn't know where to start asking.

Just let Niu Jingang ask some questions, so he can take the opportunity to get familiar with the Panxincao in his hand. In addition, he also has to think about ways to eliminate the remaining poison of Honglian.

Those poisonous insects were also caught before. Considering the situation of the poisonous insects and considering a plan, Honglian can truly recover.

Without the sense of urgency before, everyone was more relaxed this time, as if they were on a sightseeing tour.

Only Mr. Fu, who was constantly being stared at by Niu Jinjiang, became more and more frowning.

When they set up camp to rest in the evening, Xu Yan, who had been silent all day, suddenly spoke and said to Honglian: "I have already thought of a way to eliminate the remaining poison."

"To be on the safe side, the sooner the better. Have you brought a tent?"

Several people had been using sleeping bags before, and Xu Yan was not sure whether they had tents.

"I didn't bring it..." Honglian didn't understand what the tent was for, and asked doubtfully: "Will it be troublesome?"

"Yes! Because we are afraid of residual poison entering the internal organs, we have to acupuncture all over the body." Xu Yan said seriously, glancing in front of her, "Especially the torso!"

"You can discuss it with Brother Niu first, and find a convenient place."

Honglian suddenly understood. No wonder she needed a tent. This meant that she had to take off her clothes!

She was embarrassed at first, but when she met Xu Yan's calm gaze, she couldn't help but be stunned.

Suddenly she felt that she might have really thought too much.

This guy is a miraculous doctor, and he is also a powerful warrior who kills people without blinking an eye!

There is absolutely no need to use treatment as an excuse to take advantage of it, right?

That's right, in Hong Lian's eyes, Xu Yan had another characteristic, killing people without blinking an eye.

At that time, he actually dodged the gun, and then kicked Boss Zhao away. He obviously wanted to kill the guy without any hesitation!

To these brothers and sisters, this is nothing to the treasure hunter, but Xu Yan has the status of a doctor who can save lives and heal the wounded!

This makes him even more determined and ruthless!

"Okay, I'll find a place!" After thinking about it, Honglian nodded and agreed.

She was also worried about the residual poison. Since Xu Yan simply wanted to cure his illness, there was nothing to hesitate about.

Children of the world should naturally feel more relaxed at times like this.

Honglian didn't go to Niu Jingang to discuss it. She said hello to Lao San and the others, saying that she wanted to treat the remaining poison, and then walked towards the woods with Xu Yan.

"Why do you need to go to the woods for treatment?" Ergou looked at the two people's backs and scratched his head.

The third child slapped him in the face and said, "What do you know? It must be inconvenient!"

"What's the inconvenience? Hongmei has grown up watching us!" Ergou glared.

The third child was speechless, "Hongmei has grown up now, and isn't there an outsider here?"

Ergou looked at Mr. Fu who was being questioned by Niu Jinjiang, suddenly realized, and then asked curiously: "Third brother, tell me, does Dr. Xu care about Hongmei?"

"Going into the woods, is it possible that during the treatment, the two of them fell in love with each other? In fact, they are quite a match!"

The third child said depressedly: "You idiot, did you arrange your own girl like this? Come on, I don't want to talk to you!"

Ergou grinned innocently. He originally wanted to follow him and have a look, but he felt it was inappropriate. He was mainly afraid of delaying something and annoying Mao Hongmei again.

The angry red girl is so fierce!

Honglian explored the nearby terrain and took Xu Yan to a cave behind the woods.

Although she was mentally prepared, she was still embarrassed in the end.

Although it is getting dark, this makes the atmosphere feel even more weird.

Xu Yan, however, was minding his own preparations, taking out the bug from before and nailing it aside.

Then use a silver needle to collect the venom, and then use the alcohol lamp you brought to disinfect it.

There are risks in doing this, but it is the only way to solve all the remaining poisons.

The reason is actually simple. It is nothing more than using these toxins to stimulate Hong Lian's defensive energy, causing her to temporarily enter a poisonous state, inducing the emergence of poison.

Then use acupuncture to drive away the accumulation of toxins, and then find a way to drive them out.

This is Xu Yan's specially prepared treatment idea based on the characteristics of these poisonous insects. This may not be necessary in another situation.

But I really can't say more about these words, otherwise it will be easy to misunderstand that he did it on purpose.

Hong Lian struggled for a while and finally took off her clothes in the dark cave, leaving only her underwear.

She completely lost her usual wildness and arrogance, her face turned red with embarrassment, and she said in a voice as loud as a mosquito: "Yes, do you still need to continue?"

"No need!" Xu Yan glanced at her, his eyes paused slightly but quickly returned to normal, and he hurriedly said: "Okay!"

He was really afraid that she would continue to take off her clothes, otherwise if any of the Niu brothers came over later, they would not be able to tell clearly.

Hong Lian breathed a sigh of relief, okay, okay, in this case, it is almost the same as swimming clothes.

She was thinking wildly, but Xu Yan simply explained a few words and then started acupuncture.

The first needle to induce the poison was inserted into her shoulder after hesitation.

After all, this position is relatively normal and calm.

After introducing the poison, before Hong Lian could feel any abnormality, Xu Yan quickly began to set up needle formations one after another, which was equivalent to laying a dragnet, just waiting for the remaining poison to emerge to cut off its escape path!

Honglian secretly glanced at his focused expression, and couldn't help but think slightly.

In fact, Xu Yan at this moment was very different from usual and when he was fighting with others.

He usually always smiles and is very easy-going, but before he really took action, he was so powerful and decisive that it was terrifying!

At this moment, Xu Yan was only focused, with an indifferent sense of concentration, as if there was no one in front of him, only the disease itself.

As the acupuncture was performed, Honglian's complexion suddenly changed, and she noticed that the feeling of poisoning began to appear in her body again!

She was a little surprised, but at this time, Xu Yan continued to perform acupuncture and said: "Believe me, just don't move!"

"After all the remaining poisons are activated, I can trap them in one place and then drive them away!"

Honglian nodded, but looked a little weird and said: "But my Qi machine is very uncomfortable!"

Xu Yan frowned slightly, squinted his eyes to observe her energy, and nodded: "You can try to resist, this should stimulate the toxicity, no problem."

"Okay!" Honglian secretly breathed a sigh of relief and quickly activated his qi to resist the stinging and numbness caused by the remaining poison.

Xu Yan didn't think much and continued acupuncture.

After all, the residual poison is very deep, so it should be fine if Honglian activates the Qi from the inside out.

But as all the remaining poisons gathered, Xu Yan transformed into a needle array and was about to start the encirclement and extermination, but his expression changed slightly.

After these remaining poisons gathered together, they actually lingered on her shoulders and refused to gather towards the wound!

How could this happen? Xu Yan was confused.

The needle array has obviously blocked the escape route of the remaining poisons. Under the movement of Qi and blood, they can only converge towards the wound of the first needle and then be discharged together. Why did it stop at the shoulder?

At this time, Honglian's complexion suddenly changed, and she suddenly trembled in pain, "Toxins are infecting my Qi!"

"How is that possible!" Xu Yan was shocked!

These toxins should feed on qi and blood. Unless they encounter the kind of qi machine that is full of life in Xu Yan, it is possible to give up qi and blood and devour the qi machine!

These toxins come from the poisonous insects associated with the fungus and should be more sensitive to anger.

The red lotus is not the strength, the qi machine should be just the strength of ordinary warriors, so how can it attract toxins?

Xu Yan was a little confused for a moment, but Hong Lian became more and more uncomfortable. In the dimness, her delicate body was shaking violently, and she was becoming more and more painful!

Unable to bear it any longer, Honglian let out a low roar, and her Qi suddenly changed, becoming thicker and starting to fight against toxins!

Xu Yan's whole body trembled, and he watched helplessly as her Qi was as thick as that of a warrior!

Not only that, the energy in her ears is actually different from that of ordinary warriors!

Xu Yan actually felt an unusual aura from it!

This aura is very weird. As soon as it appears, even if Honglian is in disguise, every inch of her skin and every tiny movement seems to be filled with inexplicable attraction!

Xu Yan could not help but slowly approach her, but suddenly he woke up suddenly and realized that he had almost been tricked!

This is the charming charm of Honglian. Her natural charm is originally caused by this deep Qi!

Suddenly, Xu Yan was amazed!

In other words, he actually found the root cause and reason why Honglian is naturally charming!

It turned out to be because of the unique energy hidden deep in her body!

This chapter has been completed!
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