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Chapter 242 Yin Soldiers Transit

The Niu brothers and sisters looked at Xu Yan in surprise.

None of them expected that at this time, Xu Yan was obviously frightened just now, but was he trying to understand the situation outside?

Is this a big-hearted thing, or is it too serious?

Hong Lian was speechless at Xu Yan's reaction and subconsciously crossed her shoulders.

Ergou and Laosan grinned. They admired Xu Yan before, but now they feel that Dr. Xu is still a cowhide and more courageous than them!

The movements outside the cave are still there, and he is still able to think about problems. It’s amazing!

But damn, what the hell is going on outside? It’s so scary!

They have been searching for treasures for many years, and they have encountered all kinds of strange environments, but they have never seen such a terrifying thing!

The key is that this will scare them half to death no matter how they calmly pass through places like ancient tombs in the future!

Niu Jingang, who was the eldest brother among their siblings after all, gradually calmed down as Xu Yan asked.

"When you say that, I seem to remember seeing a record of this situation somewhere. Let me think about it..."

So, amid the weird noises outside, Hong Lian and the other three were nervous and frightened, but Xu Yan and Niu Jingang both frowned and fell into thinking.

For a long time, the movement outside has not stopped. It seems that there is still a steady stream of ancient troops gathering towards the trumpet mouth.

"I thought of it!" Suddenly Niu Jingang roared, so frightened that the third child squatted on the ground.

Honglian and the two dogs were also frightened, and their faces were filled with grievances for a moment.

Niu Jingang was embarrassed for a moment, but his expression was much lighter. He looked at Xu Yan and said, "It's the Yin soldiers crossing the border!"

"I have seen records in the notes of treasure hunters of the past generations in Zudong. This phenomenon is definitely the crossing of Yin soldiers!"

"Yes, Yin soldiers are crossing the border!" Xu Yan also smiled with a long sigh of relief, looked at the three people who were worried and said: "This matter has a scientific basis!"

"The mineral composition in the mountain may have magnet properties. After thunder and lightning on a rainy day, it will have functions similar to a phonograph or even a photo recorder!"

"And once very similar weather occurs, these sounds and images will be played again, which is what it is like outside!"

The Niu family brothers and sisters were stunned when they heard this. Ergou bared his teeth and said, "Doctor Xu, the truth is so simple in such a big scene?"

"Well, that should be it!" Xu Yan felt that he had missed something, but he couldn't think of it for the time being. He smiled and reassured a few people: "I remember that this scientific principle is in the physics books in middle and high school, it is very simple!


"To put it bluntly, this is essentially the same principle as a tape recorder and a video recorder... Well, that's the explanation I've seen anyway!"

Phew! Hearing this, several people subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, including Xu Yan himself.

Some things are just like this. The unknown causes fear. Once it is understood, the fear will dissipate.

"If that's the case, then you're afraid of a bird!" Ergou suddenly grinned, "Let's go, Third Brother, and put some water on it!"

Xu Yan and Niu Jingang smiled, Hong Lian wrinkled her nose, and she was used to these two careless brothers.

Niu Jingang took the opportunity to change the subject and said: "Doctor Xu is really our lucky star. This trip has allowed us to see the situation recorded by our seniors. It is rare! Isn't it Hongmei?"

Honglian hesitated for a moment and nodded slightly, and just as he was about to speak, Ergou and Laosan suddenly screamed strangely and ran back in fright, holding up their pants.

Xu Yan and the others quickly asked cautiously. The third child was so frightened that his face turned pale. Ergou stammered: "Come on, those ancient soldiers below, look at us!"

"What?!" One sentence made several people feel numb again!

Xu Yanniu King Kong finally felt more confident, so he simply tried to get closer to the entrance of the cave and looked out again.

After looking at Xu Yan for a few times, he breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and said with a smile: "It's a coincidence that the soldiers at that time must have also discovered this cave, and when they happened to look over, you met them."

"Really, are you sure?" The third child was hung up on Ergou and couldn't speak clearly.

"It should be right!" Niu Jinjiang felt very embarrassed and said depressedly: "Can you two use it appropriately? I'll scare you, not as good as Hongmei!"

Ergou and Laosan both looked embarrassed. Xu Yan smiled and was about to come back, but suddenly he frowned and looked at the ground carefully.

The rain was still falling, but it was much lighter than before, and the thunder became more intense.

Xu Yan could see the ground more clearly, but surprisingly found that the two figures on the ground who were secretly looking at the team were a little blurry?

Not only them, after they walked over, the subsequent carriages and horses passing under the entrance of the cave would also be a bit blurry!

Why is this happening? Xu Yan was at a loss.

According to the principle just now, everything they see and hear now are just sounds and images played by the valley as a device.

In this case, why is it that suddenly only the image below the hole is fixed and blurred?

Those two positions, like the two origins as the center, seem to be blurring, but they do exist.

"Since everything is fine, let's take a rest quickly. If we keep tossing for a while, the sky will be bright again!"

Niu Jingang waved his hand and sent several people to sleep.

Xu Yan suddenly grabbed Ergou, leaned closer and whispered: "Did you pee just now?"

Ergou's expression suddenly became weird again, and he nodded and said: "It just so happened that I peed on that ancient soldier's face. That guy's face blossomed, twisted and cracked, which scared me to death..."

"Oh, I won't tell you anymore. It's scary. Anyway, it's fine. I have to get some sleep!"

Ergou was a big guy, so he didn't think much about it, just put himself in his sleeping bag and went to sleep.

Xu Yan was a little confused again, so he just stood at the entrance of the cave and didn't go back.

"Doctor Xu?" Niu Jinjiang said softly: "Don't worry about what it is. As long as there is no danger, don't worry about it. Just keep your spirits up!"

"It's a rare sight!" Xu Yan turned around and said with a smile, "I'm not tired. Since there's no danger, I'll see more!"

"This scene may be very rare for those who make movies or do academic work!"

Niu Jingang shook his head when he heard it. He felt that he couldn't understand it, so he simply fell down and fell asleep.

Xu Yan turned his head to look outside the cave and frowned again.

The principle of Yin soldiers passing through borders sounds very scientific and reasonable, at least that's what I thought before, and just now.

But the question now is, why did Ergou and Laosan’s comments affect the images in the canyon?

The water they put in must have its own breath, but it can't have a magnetic field, right?

If the entire Yin soldiers' transit is really an audio image formed by the magnetic field theory, then it shouldn't be affected!

So, what is the problem? Xu Yan is puzzled.

The scene in the canyon continues, and it seems that this is still a very long presentation.

However, the rain became heavier again, and it was difficult to see the specific situation, but the shadowy figures, carriages and horses could still be distinguished.

It looked like a real team marching in the heavy rain, almost the same.

Scenes like this gradually become boring after experiencing fear.

There was no answer to the question Xu Yan was pondering. In a daze, he fell asleep at the entrance of the cave.

I don’t know how long he had slept, but Xu Yan was suddenly awakened by a strange feeling. He suddenly opened his eyes, only to find that the energy of heaven and earth outside the cave suddenly entered an even weirder and chaotic state!

At the same time, the team in the canyon suddenly began to become restless, followed by killing cries and screams, coming from the depths of the canyon like a tide!

The team of Yin soldiers crossing the border in the rain were in complete chaos!

A tall figure on horseback rushed over, urging the team to abandon their carriages and horses, and rush forward with weapons in hand. But at the same time, there were roars and screams, and even injured and broken figures, with vague

The blood shadow escaped from the depths of the canyon!

Something happened! What happened? What happened to these ancient teams in that era?

The enemy doesn't seem to come from outside the canyon, but from deep inside the canyon, deep inside Trumpet Mountain?

Xu Yan frowned and watched, seeing all the vehicles abandoned and scattered below.

The horses were also tied to the vehicle, but they were all neighing, as if they felt a mysterious fear!

Xu Yan could not clearly see the situation deep in the valley, or it might have exceeded the range of lightning photos taken at that time. The darkness was like a bottomless pit, swallowing up the soldiers who were originally all over the valley, and they were nowhere to be found!

Xu Yan felt very uncomfortable. He felt that the energy around him was extremely chaotic. This was no longer the cause of rain and thunder, it was far beyond this level!

This is wrong, very wrong, what is going on?

This chapter has been completed!
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