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Chapter 248 The teammate who suddenly disappeared

The Niu brothers thought Xu Yan was evil.

After all, they were not cheating, they were doing it very seriously and hard, and the result was really shocking!

But what a few people didn't know was that they were only working hard to investigate, but Xu Yan, for the sake of safety, pushed the Qi machine to the extreme like never before!

Throughout the entire process, he barely rested for a moment and was frantically exploring the entire process!

This kind of exploration consumes a lot of money, and may seem unnecessary to others, but Xu Yan thinks it is worth it, and it is not excessive!

After all, what he has to face is a half-step master!

Roughly speaking, this is about receiving a critically ill patient with some preparation.

Everyone is happy if he is rescued, but if he is not rescued, his life and that of his friends are in danger.

In this case, it is natural and reasonable to make more efforts to deal with it in advance.

The Niu family brothers and sisters were completely convinced. They sat cross-legged on the ground and rested, waiting for Xu Yan to tell them the next step.

"The situation on the fork in the road is indeed more complicated. It's almost like a maze!"

Xu Yan pondered and said, "The path you explored with the treasure hunter's compass may very well become the choice of those who follow you!"

"After all, according to my investigation, that is indeed the best route in the journey ahead."

"So, what we can do is to do things around this main road!"

Xu Yan said with a smile, and the Niu family brothers and sisters nodded repeatedly, which was also in line with their previous thoughts.

Follow the main road route, use the dim surroundings and complicated forks to do things, and completely muddy the water!

Seeing that they had no objection, Xu Yan continued: "Let's divide the work in detail!"

"The other party should be following the two treasure hunting teams, so we only need to attack the people in the front team. There are many of them, so it should be easy to succeed."

"Don't hurt people easily. Try to knock them unconscious and drag them far away so that people behind you can follow the traces to find them. This can create more situations."

The eyes of the Niu brothers and sisters lit up. They originally planned to make a sneak attack and create panic and chaos for those people.

But obviously in this environment, Xu Yan's method is better. After all, if you just make frequent sneak attacks, you will be easily noticed, and you may be chased by the masters in the team, and the plan will be easily messed up.

At this time, Xu Yan continued: "Anyway, we have only one purpose. After frightening the two teams of treasure hunters, we determined that the murderers were Wu Zuojiang and the others!"

"Originally, I invited other treasure hunters to fulfill the lies I made up before, but now that they are here, let's just play some role!"

"Remember, avoid exposure as much as possible!"

"You are considered celebrities among treasure hunters. It would not be a good thing for you to be recognized by them before the situation is under control!"

"Don't worry, we know what we know!" Niu Jingang said with a smile: "When the time comes, I will go and keep an eye on the Wuzuo River?"

"They really need someone to keep an eye on them!" Xu Yan thought for a while, "Brother Niu, you and Lao San should keep an eye on them. Miss Honglian and Ergou are in the same team, and I am in the same team, creating chaos for both teams at the same time!"

Ergou heard this and clapped his hands and said, "I understand. Is this to make the two teams doubt each other first?"

Xu Yan smiled: "That's all we can do and arrange. As for the specific direction of things, we can only leave it to fate!"

"These are some Linshan Pills I brought. They can temporarily help restore Qi. Everyone, take a good rest and wait for them to come!"

In the valley outside the cave, two teams of treasure hunters rested and set off one after another, groping their way into the cave.

Seeing them setting off, Wu Zuojiang immediately stood up and called on his three companions to follow them, still maintaining a distance of more than 100 meters from the front.

The four of them are all masters, although after entering the cave, they will lose sight of the team in front due to the terrain and light.

But they naturally have enough experience to judge the direction of the team in front based on the traces and noises on the ground.

As Xu Yan expected, after the first treasure hunting team arrived at the fork in the road, they made a decision in their own way, and finally chose the main road and quickly went deep.

The second detachment 5, who was more than a hundred meters behind, chose the same route after some discussion.

The whole second team was very relaxed. After all, they knew that the team in front was about the same strength as them and had enough experience.

In this way, the people in front became their pathfinders.

They just need to save their energy to follow and grab it in the end.

Of course, there may also be some troubles, and both parties have to work together and move forward together.

No matter what, with them at the back, the pressure is always much less. In this way, it is naturally like touring the mountains and rivers, and there are even people joking from time to time.

After successfully traveling a certain distance, the surrounding terrain became more complex and the light became dimmer.

There are gusts of wind blowing at the intersection of the holes, which is perfect for some weird problems to arise.

The first group of people passed smoothly without any accidents.

This made the people in the first team secretly happy, thinking that although the rumors about Trumpet Mountain were evil, in fact the road was easier to walk than many other treasures.

Many people in the team were discussing this when they suddenly heard a strange noise coming from behind.

At first, these people didn't pay attention and continued to move forward.

Zhang Xiaoshan was in the middle and rear of the team. After marching for a certain distance, he swept through the people in front of him in the darkness and suddenly fell behind, trying to find his friends further back in the team.

As a result, he waited until he was at the very end. The man looked into the darkness several times and saw that no one was following him. Then he suddenly got a chill down his spine and grabbed the man at the end!

"Where is Lao Wang? Have you seen Lao Wang?"

"Old Wang? He must have gone ahead. This place is so dark, and I was the last one."

Zhang Xiaoshan frowned. He had retreated from the front specifically to find Lao Wang. How could he miss it?

Confused, he straightened the flashlight on his head, frowned and hurried forward, looking for Lao Wang along the way.

However, no!

His good friend Lao Wang has always been at the rear and has not moved forward at all!

Is it possible that he is too far behind? This person is a little worried. Although he has not been in danger yet, this is treasure hunting after all. If he falls behind, something might happen!

Worried about his friend, he hurried back to the end of the queue. He wanted to confirm with the person who just spoke to him, but if that didn't work, they would go together to pick up Lao Wang.

But when he rushed back, he realized that the man just now... was also missing!

A chill suddenly rose from the tailbone and quickly spread to the back and top of the head!

Zhang Xiaoshan looked horrified and hurriedly looked at the last few people one by one at close range. However, after taking a closer look, he found that they were not the same ones. When he inquired, he found that no one had paid attention to where the guy just now had gone!

"Something happened. Lao Wang is missing. Two people are missing!" Zhang Xiaoshan was frightened and couldn't help but tell the people at the end of the team.

When the last few people heard this, they immediately became frightened. After all, it was their companions behind them who were missing. Could there be something strange in the dark that would attack them later?

Several people immediately started shouting, and soon the agitation spread to the front of the team, alerting the leaders.

The team stopped moving forward, and in the dim light beams of flashlights intertwined, these people talked incessantly and were inexplicably worried.

They are all experienced treasure hunters. They have encountered and solved all kinds of troubles during the treasure hunt, but they have never encountered this situation where they quietly lost a few teammates!

This unknown fear made even the experienced people panic!

"Why are you panicking!" The leader came back and asked with a stern face: "Shut up, everyone! Count the number of people!"

The count was quickly completed, and sure enough, there were two people missing!

The team leader's face became darker, and he glanced at Zhang Xiaoshan and others, asking for specific information.

But the strange thing is that no one knows what happened.

If Zhang Xiaoshan hadn't been looking for Lao Wang, they wouldn't have noticed it even now!

The key is that in the process of Zhang Xiaoshan going forward to find someone and then rushing back, another person was missing!

This team of treasure hunters was in a panic. For a moment, they couldn't help but feel goosebumps all over their bodies. They subconsciously thought, could there be anything dirty in Trumpet Mountain?!

The team leader naturally guessed what they were thinking, and when he saw this he couldn't help scolding: "What are you thinking about?"

"Let alone a cave, we have entered many ancient tombs. Where did the dirty things come from?"

"In what age do you still believe this? Think about it carefully, are you sure there was no movement just now?"

After being asked this question, the faces of the few people at the end of the team gradually became weird, because they seemed to have heard some small noise just now, and they didn't pay much attention at the time...

This chapter has been completed!
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