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Chapter 269

Xu Yan woke up early the next morning and found two guys sleeping soundly in the noodle suite.

Too lazy to wake them up, Xu Yan packed up and left the hotel, strolling to Liu's Medical Center by himself.

Zhang Jingjing and Liu Qiaoshan also came for the consultation early. Seeing Xu Yan and Liu Qiaoshan enjoying themselves, Zhang Jingjing cupped her hands in embarrassment and said, "Doctor Xu, you lost your temper yesterday!"

"It's nothing. We just had a good chat last night and drank a few more drinks." Xu Yan smiled, "I even threw up when I got back!"

"Haha!" Both Zhang and Yanjing laughed, and the awkward atmosphere dissipated.

Xu Yan was concerned about the face of this senior saint hand, all because he had a really good impression of him.

Xu Yan admired both his medical skills and his character. Zhang Xiangjing still perfectly matched his image of a great doctor.

"Will Mr. Luo come over today? Mr. Zhang, let's go upstairs and have a chat first?"

"Okay! Brother Liu, I won't help you with your consultation today!" Zhang Qianjing smiled at Liu Qiaoshan and prepared to go upstairs.

Upon hearing this, Liu Qiaoshan hurriedly said: "No, now we know that the three of us are an expert consultation team, how can you two go upstairs and leave me behind?"

Xu Yan watched happily, but Zhang Jingjing said seriously: "Brother Liu, there is nothing you can do about Luo Yatou's situation!"

"Instead of wasting time, it's better to continue to receive medical treatment within the scope of your control!"

Xu Yan was stunned. Although these words were said very sincerely, they really didn't sound good!

When he came back this time, it was obvious that Liu Qiaoshan and Liu Qiaoshan were already very familiar with each other.

Including the previous consultations between the three of them, as well as when they had drinks and exchanges, there were always three people involved.

But Zhang Jingjing's words just now are undoubtedly telling Liu Qiaoshan, little brother, you can't do it. The difficulty we have to face today is very difficult, and you can't handle it!

This kind of thing really doesn’t sound like what Zhang Jingjing said!

But amidst Xu Yan's astonishment, Liu Qiaoshan hummed: "Okay, okay, okay, I, Old Liu, am not as good as you! Forget it, I'll just treat some simple patients!"

"Brother Liu!" Zhang Xiangjing said sternly: "The illnesses may be simple or complex, but the condition should not be underestimated. This is a taboo!"

"Humph! You don't have to say it, I know it, I know it!" Liu Qiaoshan went to the pharmacy with his hands behind his back.

Zhang looked at his back longingly, and seemed a little worried.

When Xu Yan saw this, he understood and couldn't help but smile and said: "Don't worry, Mr. Zhang, Mr. Liu's medical skills are fine, and he will never be hasty or careless in medical treatment."

"That's right!" Zhang Yanjing breathed a sigh of relief and quickly asked Xu Yan to go upstairs first.

However, Xu Yan earnestly helped him and walked slowly upstairs.

Xu Yan really understood that what Zhang Yanjing said just now had no intention of trying to push against Liu Qiaoshan. He said it very seriously and completely sincerely.

Because there is indeed a big gap between Liu Qiaoshan's level and him or Xu Yan.

What Zhang Jianjing meant was that there was no need for Liu Qiaoshan to waste time trying to keep up with them and help Luo Wanqing to see a doctor. If he had this time and energy, he might as well treat a few more ordinary patients!

These words are not out of denial, but precisely out of recognition of Liu Qiaoshan's medical skills and ethics, and I hope he can do better in the right direction.

Liu Qiaoshan obviously understood these truths, so he wasn't really angry. He snorted a few times, just to express his dissatisfaction that he couldn't join in the fun.

In general, Xu Yan was impressed by Zhang Yanjing's ability to consider Liu Qiaoshan and sincerely speak out.

At least Xu Yan felt that it would be difficult for him to be so honest and care about or even care about a friend in the same industry whom he had known for a short time.

In the separate consulting room upstairs, the two of them entered the door one after another, and they were extremely polite to each other.

"Doctor Xu, this is the medical record I diagnosed Luo Yatou several times before. Please take a look at it!"

"Mr. Zhang, there's no need to be so polite, I can just look at it myself!"

"Okay, this is the idea of ​​​​taking medicine last time. There were some changes in the middle and it is a bit sloppy. Sorry!"

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, I understand!"

Xu Yan was sweating a little, mainly because this letter was so polite!

However, when he took a serious look at Zhang Clan's medical case, he was amazed at the first sight!

This is the most neat and detailed medical record he has ever seen. It can be described as beautiful and perfect. It is completely template-level!

"The writing is also a bit verbose? I'm really used to it..." Zhang Xiangjing smiled sheepishly.

"This is not verbose, but detailed!" Xu Yan exclaimed: "Mr. Zhang, your medical records even include the height, short, fat, and skin color of the patient. Reading the medical records is like seeing the patient face to face!"

Xu Yan gathered his thoughts and followed the contents of the medical record, as if he had re-diagnosed Luo Wanqing several times.

After reading the part about disease diagnosis and thinking, Xu Yan felt slightly heavy. Although Luo Wanqing did not faint suddenly like before, the symptoms of heartache became more and more obvious.

According to the detailed diagnosis of symptoms, the green fireworm is likely to grow again!

Xu Yan secretly thought about how to deal with it. He lowered his eyes and continued to look at the medication ideas. He was a little absent-minded at first, but when he looked at it, he suddenly froze and was secretly surprised!

Before, including the consultation yesterday, he had not paid much attention to Zhang Xiangjing's method of prescribing, but now he found out that he was very flexible in using medicine, and he did not follow the traditional prescriptions and found his own way, which was very interesting!

"Mr. Zhang, how is the effect after using your Fang Ziluo?" Xu Yan suddenly asked.

Zhang Yanjing said with a smile: "It's embarrassing to say that in the past, even for severe cases, one dose was as effective as a drumstick, but for Luo Yatou's problem, the effect was very little. I had no choice but to make adjustments several times, but none of them were satisfactory!"

Xu Yan twitched the corner of his mouth and quickly looked through the follow-up records. He suddenly discovered that Luo Wanqing's symptoms were actually on the verge of being curbed!

Can medication actually affect evil things like green fire bugs? Xu Yan was shocked in his heart!

He had never dared to think about this aspect before, so he only relied on the special needle array method in the medical scriptures to suppress it. Although the effect was good, it was also time-sensitive.

Zhang Jianjing can actually take medicine and it works. This simply opens another door for Xu Yan!

In addition, it can be seen that this doctor with holy hands is really not a cover-up!

Putting down the medical records, Xu Yan took a deep breath and asked seriously: "Mr. Zhang, have you heard Mr. Liu talk about the green fireworm?"

Zhang Jianjing was slightly stunned, nodded and said: "Indeed... I heard about it."

"However, I have never seen green fireflies, nor have I seen such records, so I did not accept them."

Xu Yan was silent, not knowing what he was thinking.

Zhang Yanjing thought he had an opinion and quickly explained: "I don't have enough knowledge, so I can only find a way to solve it within my own scope."

"Then I thought that our traditional Chinese medicine doctors, since ancient times, diagnosis and treatment have been nothing more than syndrome differentiation and treatment."

"Any disease is nothing more than a deviation caused by the deviation of yin and yang in the human body and the loss of righteousness. The deviation is a disease!"

"If that's the case, then I won't care about the green fire bugs and just use defense as offense!"

Speaking seriously, Zhang Xiangjing felt a little embarrassed, "It's just that the effect was not ideal...it made Dr. Xu laugh!"

Xu Yan suddenly became enlightened after hearing this!

He suddenly realized that whether he was facing the Blood Thread Gu or the Red Brilliance Gu before, or now the Green Fire Worm, his ideas had always been limited by means!

He is good at acupuncture, because acupuncture is a method of killing in traditional Chinese medicine. Compared with medicine, most of the time it is powerful and effective!

In addition, in the tradition of orthodox Chinese medicine, acupuncture has always been the first priority when it comes to rescuing and rescuing patients!

Because of these cognitions, when encountering bugs and the like, you will naturally want to use acupuncture, and you will unknowingly become dependent on acupuncture!

But Zhang Jianjing seems to have a pure heart!

Doesn’t he know how to acupuncture? As a master, he is naturally proficient in it!

But he insisted on the most basic diagnosis and treatment, and it was effective. This undoubtedly taught Xu Yan a lesson!

Acupuncture is useful, but it only deals with emergencies.

In the past, blood thread poisons and the like could be removed with acupuncture, but green fireworms can no longer be removed!

Because the blood thread Gu is attached, and the green fire insect is more like parasitism, the evil spirit is even stronger!

Once you try to remove it by force, it will cause serious damage to the patient himself, which is very dangerous!

Therefore, if you have to use medicine, you still need to attribute it to medicine, which is the real cure!

Thinking of this, Xu Yan suddenly became serious and bowed seriously to Zhang Yanjing!

"Oh, Doctor Xu, I can't help you, what are you doing!" Zhang Yanjing was startled, a little at a loss, and quickly bowed to Xu Yan in the same way... and bowed back!

Xu Yan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He stood up and said seriously: "Mr. Zhang, you are right. When it comes to practicing medical treatment, you really shouldn't think so much sometimes!"

"Thank you for inspiring me!"

"Where is it?" Zhang Yanjing was a little curious, but more importantly, he waved his hands in embarrassment.

This chapter has been completed!
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