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Chapter 281 Green Fire Evil Qi

Xu Yan also believed Zhang Clan's speculation.

After all, during the whole ordeal, there were visions one after another, and they all seemed to be perfect reactions!

Luo Wanqing was already confused. She looked at the people looking at the medicine, but she was just worried.

Xu Yan pondered and said again: "Our introduction and dosage should be fine, but this may not be the only combination of Panxincao."

"Maybe there are other perfect combinations when taking advantage of its other characteristics or for other uses."

"Yes, yes!" Zhang Xuejian nodded repeatedly, "But I can basically confirm that the usages I saw in the Medical Association in the past were still too sloppy after all, and they were far from being able to exert the correct effect of the medicine!"

As he spoke, he couldn't help but want to discuss it with Xu Yan.

Xu Yan smiled and said: "The medicinal soup is ready to be taken. Mr. Zhang, let's let Mr. Luo take it!"

"Ah, that's right!" Zhang Yanjing smiled sheepishly, quickly helped pour out the medicinal soup, and then handed it to Luo Wanqing with confidence.

"Wan Qing, don't worry about taking it. With Dr. Xu and me here, there should be no problem!"

"Okay!" Luo Wanqing hesitated, looked at the two of them, and finally picked up the medicinal soup and drank it all!

After drinking it, she sat quietly while Xu Yan, Zhang Jianjing and Liu Qiaoshan stared at her with wide eyes, observing her possible reaction.

"Hey, you're blushing? Will the medicinal power of Panxincao affect the burnt first?" Zhang Qianjing was slightly confused.

"I..." Luo Wanqing touched her cheek in embarrassment, "I feel a little awkward when you guys look at me like that..."

"Ah, that's it!" Xu Yan and the others couldn't laugh or cry, so they quickly retreated and put some distance between themselves and her.

Sure enough, Luo Wanqing breathed a sigh of relief, and the blush on her face faded a lot.

But not long after, her eyes suddenly widened and she said in surprise: "I seem to be getting hot!"

"It seems like there is a fire, no, there are many fires, burning up little by little, and gathering in the stomach!"

"It's not the stomach, it's the pit of the heart!" Xu Yan's eyes lit up, staring at the pit of Luo Wanqing's heart, "It should be working!"

This position made Luo Wanqing feel awkward again. After all, Zhang Chongjing and Liu Qiaoshan were both old doctors, so naturally they wouldn't make people think too much about them. But Xu Yan was very young, so staring at her so directly... was weird.

However, as the medicine progressed, even the skin on Luo Wanqing's arms turned slightly red, let alone her neck and face, which did not show her embarrassment.

Xu Yan and Zhang Qianjing each held her wrists tightly while Liu Qiaoshan curiously and slowly observed the changes in her complexion and breathing.

All three of them could tell that the strange medicinal power was spreading rapidly, rapidly affecting Luo Wanqing's whole body's energy!

Suddenly, Xu Yan, who was checking his pulse with his eyes closed, opened his eyes because he felt Luo Wanqing's pulse, which was originally thin, suddenly became as thick as a torrent!

Zhang Yanjing was also startled and looked at Luo Wanqing in confusion.

At this moment, Luo Wanqing himself stared and opened his mouth. He wanted to say something but before he could speak, his eyes suddenly trembled and he fainted backwards!

Xu Yan quickly supported her, and Zhang Qianjing and Liu Qiaoshan were also shocked.

"What's going on? Is the medicine not right? Why did you pass out?" Liu Qiaoshan exhaled subconsciously, for fear of something going wrong.

Zhang Yanjing was also a little panicked. This strange situation happened so quickly that he didn't expect it.

At this time, the pulse and even the face-to-face examination were of little use. Fortunately, Xu Yan found the clues using Qi-gazing techniques and quickly waved his hand, "She's fine. It's because the power of the medicine is gathering to hit the heart vessels!"

As he spoke, he quickly helped Luo Wanqing lie down and continued to observe the changes in her Qi.

Liu Qiaoshan Zhang Jianjing breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. If the situation were different, they would have panicked. After all, even the pulse had changed.

Fortunately, they absolutely trusted Xu Yan and knew that it was definitely okay if he said it was okay, so there was no need to use first aid.

Xu Yan observed and quickly explained: "Panxincao is forcibly replenishing and adjusting the heart fire. In this way, the mind of the heart owner will naturally be temporarily confused, and it is reasonable to faint."

Liu Qiaoshan and the others suddenly understood, and then they realized that Luo Wanqing's complexion was rapidly improving, and her pulse gradually returned to normal and became stronger.

"Looking at the situation, three more doses may be needed?" Zhang Jianjing roughly estimated.

Xu Yan shook his head and said: "Let's perform acupuncture. With the conditions for acupuncture, solution is the first priority!"

In fact, Xu Yan is worried that if this time is not enough, it will cause the green fire bug to change again. Rather than doing this, it is better to solve it directly.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be necessary to use a lot of Panxincao?

Zhang Jianjing's eyes lit up when he heard this, he glanced at Luo Wanqing who was still asleep, nodded and said: "Then let's do the acupuncture, I agree on her behalf!"

"Okay!" Xu Yansong said, now is a good time to perform the acupuncture while the medicine is at its strongest.

He quickly took the needle and prepared it, and then quickly applied the needle array to Luo Wanqing!

Zhang Yanjing saw it again and was still secretly amazed. He felt that Xu Yan's acupuncture skills were like a formation of troops. It seemed chaotic, but in fact every stitch was full of profound meaning. Unfortunately, there was only a limit to what he could understand.

Xu Yan was able to determine that the green fire insect lurking in Luo Wan's Qingxin Vein was now very weak and suppressed by the power of the Panxin Herb. Of course, he had to take advantage of its illness to kill it and directly cooperate with the power of the medicine to get rid of it!

After a lot of fiddling, when Luo Wanqing's pulse condition was almost close to normal, Xu Yan finally finished!

After leaving the needle for a moment, Luo Wanqing suddenly stood up and vomited a mouthful of blood!

Xu Yan had quick eyes and quick hands. He had already prepared the silver needle in his hand and directly pointed at the wisp of green and red air that splattered with blood!

But after taking action, I realized something was wrong. This thing was actually different from the blood thread Gu. It had lost its form and became a mass of gas visible to the naked eye!

Xu Yan quickly opened his palm, activated his qi machine to wrap it up, and grabbed it directly!

The next moment, a stinging burning sensation quickly spread across his hands. In the blink of an eye, Xu Yan's palms turned blue and red, with bulging blood vessels!

"Doctor Xu!" Zhang Jianjing and Liu Qiaoshan exclaimed when they saw this.

Luo Wanqing also woke up and was stunned when she saw Xu Yan's last movements and changes in his palms.

"It's okay, it's done!" Xu Yan looked a little uncomfortable and shook his head with a smile: "Mr. Zhang, you can use a needle to sort out Mr. Luo's blood later. I...I'll go next door to rest first!"

Xu Yan turned around and walked away quickly, but accidentally staggered.

The three people behind him all saw their hearts trembling, and they all could see that he was under the influence of the evil Green Fire Insect.

"Doctor Xu, in order to save people, did not hesitate to put himself in danger!" Zhang Jianjing said with admiration: "How many people can have such medical ethics and heart?"

Seeing Xu Yan staggering out of the door, Luo Wanqing had no time to speak, but her eyes turned red when she heard this.

Xu Yan bared his teeth secretly, not bothering to explain anything, and hurried to the next door and closed the door.

In fact, he really wasn't affected that much, it wasn't even as big as when he absorbed the blood line Gu before.

However, this does not mean that the Qi of the Green Fire Worm is weak. On the contrary, after absorbing it, Xu Yan discovered that the evil energy level of the Green Fire Worm was significantly higher than that of the Blood Nematode, and had already reached the crimson level!

However, it is wrapped with a layer of Panxincao, and its aura is already suppressed, so its impact is limited.

Xu Yan sat down, peeled off a little bit of Panxincao's Qi and felt it, and immediately grinned as he was stung by the evil Qi.

With this level of evil energy, if it were all refined, it might be possible to stabilize the middle level of Transformation Energy, or even sprint to the high level?

It may be a little bit difficult at high level, but it shouldn't be a big problem to hold on to mid level.

In this way, it is not bad to consume a piece of Panxincao. After all, it not only saves people but also absorbs a lot of evil spirits.

Xu Yan tried to refine some of it first, and then used the previous method again to store the evil energy on his arm, so another small blue-red line appeared on his arm.

The lines were not obvious, but Xu Yan frowned as he stared at them. After thinking about it, he took out the previous lion's mouth bead and tried to introduce the evil energy into it again, otherwise it would be too obvious.

The lion's mouth bead that I happened to find at the beginning was considered a good spiritual object, but I didn't expect that it would now become a temporary container to contain evil spirits.

Speaking of which, I have to thank Wu Yan, but the capacity of this lion's mouth bead is limited. If we encounter more evil objects, will it still be stored in the arm?

We can only think of a solution later, Xu Yan thought, got up, opened the door and walked out.

The three people next door were still waiting for him, and Luo Wanqing had just woken up, so he didn't know if the situation had stabilized, so he had to go over and take a look.

By the way, there are some things about the Xiao family that I want to talk to her about.

This chapter has been completed!
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