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Chapter 355 Seeing Us Eaten

In the foggy gray forest, there are sparse weird knotted trees, which look like ghosts.

The whole place was lifeless. Compared with the sea of ​​flowers and the sinkhole on the cliff, it was a completely different world.

In view of the fact that when they stepped out of the mist world and stepped into the sea of ​​flowers, they were quickly attacked by a swarm of bees and butterflies. This time, Xu Yan and the others walked cautiously, fearing that Leng Buding would suddenly launch another strange attack.

But they groped along the gray fog for a long time, and the surroundings were still quiet, and they didn't even see an evil insect.

Although these small worlds in the Hundred Thousand Mountains may be different from each other.

But Xu Yan and the others still felt a little uncomfortable. After all, the journey was too smooth.

After groping carefully for a while, Niu Jingang suddenly raised his hand and motioned for everyone to stop with a strange look on his face.

"Brother, what's wrong?" Ergou Laosan asked at the same time in confusion, and looked at Xu Yan out of habit.

Xu Yan shook his head inexplicably. This time he really didn't find anything wrong.

But Niu Jingang looked a little ugly. He hesitated for a long time and suddenly said: "I saw a lot of ants..."

"Where is it? What's there to be afraid of ants!" Fu Dongliu was puzzled, "I'm not even afraid of them. Brother Niu, you're not naturally afraid of ants, are you?"

The third child and the second child also grinned, feeling that these words were a bit incomprehensible, and there were no ants in frowning!

But in a blink of an eye, they saw Xu Yan and Hong Lian both frowning. They suddenly thought of something and asked strangely: "What about brother?"

"But...we were eaten. After being surrounded, in the blink of an eye, each of us was chewed into bones."

"!!!" Xu Yan and the Niu brothers and sisters both stared wide-eyed.

Fu Dongliu was confused and muttered: "Brother Niu, we don't like such a crow-mouthed person, it's too unlucky!"

"It's already a gray sky here, but you're still trying to scare people when you look at the strange people..."

"Lao Fu, Brother Niu can occasionally have a premonition of what is going to happen, see some fragments and so on..." Xu Yan reminded with a frown.

"Oh, Brother Niu still has this kind of talent? Niu Pi, isn't this the same as my spiritual treasure?"

Fu Dongliu said in surprise, but his expression soon turned ugly, and he trembled: "No, it can't be?"

"What he predicted will happen? We all have to die here?!"

Fu Dongliu immediately panicked, and the two sides started fighting.

Niu Jingang looked solemn, shook his head and said, "I don't know if these pictures will change."

"Maybe I saw it wrong, and it's actually someone else who is surrounded? In short, there really is an ant colony, like a black swamp, moving and engulfing the surrounding..."

Now everyone's expressions became completely serious, after all, this was no joke.

If you're not careful, Niu Jingang's prediction may come true, and all of them will be eaten by the ants!

Xu Yan thought about it seriously, "Since we are not sure, it can probably be avoided!"

"Brother Niu, is this the surrounding area?"

"Yes!" Niu Jinjiang nodded firmly, "I can't see the details clearly, but it should be in this small world."

"What should I do? Do you want to continue?"

Niu Jingang was a little panicked. After all, he was the only one who had foreseen the scene. This kind of stimulation was extraordinary. It could annihilate the ant colony. Just think about it and you will know how terrifying it is!

Xu Yan turned around and looked behind him, smiling bitterly: "If we don't continue, we may not be able to go back at all."

Only then did everyone realize that the area behind them was completely covered in gray, making it impossible to tell where they were coming from.

After originally deciding to move forward, we followed the direction pointed by Fu Dongliu and had no intention of going back. We didn't make any marks along the way. Now we have completely lost our sense of direction.

Calculating the time, it should still be half a day, and the sun is still shining brightly over the sea of ​​flowers, but in this small world, the thin gray fog has completely blocked the sun, making it impossible to determine any direction.

"We can only move forward!" Xu Yan frowned and said, "Let's look for the ants first!"

Although nothing can happen, what Niu Jingang encountered is really something that people dare not ignore. After all, what if it comes true?

Once it comes true, all of them will be finished, and they will be eaten directly until only the bones are left.

This is so scary!

Everyone did not dare to go too far, and looked for ants around them using Fu Dongliu, who was standing there shivering, as a signpost.

Soon, they all discovered the problem.

It turns out that not only are the strange gray trees around them full of holes, but the ground is also full of holes!

It was just because of the gray fog that they never noticed it.

To put it simply, in this small world, everything from the ground to the rocks to the only living gray strange tree is full of tiny holes!

Xu Yan motioned for everyone to step back and thought about it before opening the sealed large water cup.

When I poured flower fruit wine before, there were a lot of wine stains on the water glass, and the aroma of the wine overflowed.

For safety reasons, the entire cup was put into a sealed container.

Now as soon as the sealed container is opened, the aroma of wine comes out again.

Xu Yan picked off the sparse leaves from the ash tree, dipped them on the quilt, and then placed the leaves on the ground.

After doing this, they sealed the water cup again, and everyone waited attentively.

After a while, there seemed to be no movement, but Xu Yan's expression changed slightly.

"Coming up! Back off!"

He quickly led a few people to distance themselves and retreated to a position where he could barely see the leaves on the ground.

After a few breaths, there was a rustling sound, and from the small holes under the tree trunk, densely packed gray ants suddenly emerged!

They were all attracted by the aroma of the wine. They rushed forward instantly and started fighting over each other. During the fight, they even made many subtle sounds that sounded like the clanging of gold and iron!

Xu Yan restrained his breath and took a closer look, only to find that the joints and jaws of these gray-backed ants were all metallic in color. No wonder they made the sound of gold and iron!

The small leaves disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye, but there were at least hundreds of gray-backed ants in the large area, but most of them were angry. Those who had not eaten the leaves began to bite the gray tree trunk next to them. After a while, they directly chewed the gray tree trunk.

, fell to the ground with a bang!

These gray-backed ants of different sizes are obviously not only aggressive, but also have a very bad temper!

Xu Yan continued to watch with calmed breath, and waited quietly until all the ants got back into the holes and disappeared completely, then he exhaled and turned around to find a few people.

"Doctor Xu, how are you?" Fu Dongliu was the first to speak anxiously. Seeing Xu Yan's face, he suddenly became a little panicked, "Don't scare me, did you really see the ant colony?"

Xu Yanning nodded: "They vary in size, have gray backs and stiff backs, and the jaw joints and limbs are metallic in color. They have strong biting abilities and have a very bad temper!"

"These things should live deep in the surrounding holes. I didn't realize their existence until they were close to the ground just now."

Everyone looked at each other in shock. The third child couldn't help but murmured: "Lao Fu, is this related to the heavenly materials and earthly treasures you mentioned? Don't tell me that these man-eating ants are heavenly materials and earthly treasures!"

"I didn't tell you, don't rely on me!" Fu Dongliu waved his hands quickly, his exaggerated and funny look failed to make everyone laugh again.

Fu Dongliu's face became even more depressed when he saw this, "Is it really that dangerous? Aren't they just ants?"

Xu Yan glanced at him, stretched out his palm and said, "I saw the biggest character sticking out of his head. It's about the same size as my palm."

"What the fuck?!" Everyone was completely shocked.

If there were many palm-sized ants, densely packed into thousands, let alone them, even a group of elephants would be eaten clean!

Shocked, several people looked at Niu Jingang and Xu Yan, waiting for them to make up their minds.

Niu Jingang also nodded and said: "In the picture I saw, the size of the ant colonies also varied greatly. The largest one seemed to be larger than the palm of my hand."

"So Xu Yan, the masters of this small world are probably these ants, right?"

"Let's not hit the good things in their nest. Let's quickly think about how to escape. It makes my back feel hairy just thinking about it!"

Xu Yanning nodded and said thoughtfully: "Let's go ahead. We didn't disturb them along the way."

"Perhaps they live too deep, or perhaps they are inactive during this period. No matter which case, be careful and hurry up to see if you can find a boundary without holes."

"There must be other things in this small world."

Everyone hurriedly followed quietly, but they all asked in confusion: "Why?"

"Because they have to eat and live!" Xu Yan looked around, "There is not enough food nearby!"

This chapter has been completed!
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