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Chapter 360: Screaming in the Forest

After escaping from death and improving their strength, everyone was very happy.

Since they had gone through so much trouble before, they didn't rush on their way anymore and decided to rest on the spot for a day.

When we were rowing to escape, when we approached this shore, the piranhas seemed to dislike this place and were unwilling to pursue them. After observing, everyone found that there were many normal fish living near this shore in the river.

So a group of people were busy catching fish, and simply had a fish feast by the river, just to reward each other.

After a full fish feast at noon, Ergou proposed to go hunting in the woods in the afternoon.

He had been a little greedy for those fat rats before, but unfortunately he never had the chance to catch them and roast them.

Niu Jinjiang beat him and Lao San, and warned them not to run around.

After all, this is a mountain with hundreds of thousands of mountains. Although it is an ordinary mountain range with an undeveloped atmosphere, it is better not to cause trouble.

After all, it is a rare opportunity to rest and recuperate. It would be depressing if something dangerous happened.

The third and third children were very aggrieved. After all, they had already rested. Coupled with the improvement brought by the flower and fruit wine, they really couldn't sit still.

Xu Yan discussed it with Niu Jinjiang, and consulted Fu Dongliu's opinions, and finally decided to let them go hunting and not go too far.

Fu Dongliu said that since they left that dangerous evil place, they were probably closer to the treasures of heaven and earth.

Anyway, he still firmly believes that he can encounter the treasures of heaven and earth, it must be in this direction, he can't go wrong!

The third child and the second dog are both getting stronger, so let's just use hunting as a way to explore the road and let them go.

Honglian took advantage of the moment to count the supplies, while Fu Dongliu was doing miscellaneous tasks nearby to listen to the arrangements. However, Xu Yan and Niu Jingang walked aside and chatted alone.

"Aside from reaching the intermediate threshold, do you feel anything else?" Xu Yan was curious.

Niu Jingang nodded solemnly, "The bloodline energy seems to have been activated, but I'm not sure."

"So, you'd better check it out, so that I can rest assured."

As he spoke, he relaxed directly and allowed Xu Yan to inspect him without any precautions.

Xu Yan activates the qi-gazing technique, and at the same time reaches out to feel the pulse, feeling like climbing over mountains and ridges, trying to explore the special ray of qi hidden deep in Niu Jingang's bloodline!

Xu Yan is now a half-step master, and his perception has improved even more than before!

In fact, even the Qi-gazing technique has been strengthened with this progress, and he can now almost easily identify the direction and details of the Earth's Qi.

However, under this powerful perception, Niu Jingang's blood and Qi machine is still difficult to detect.

After a lot of effort, Xu Yan felt it again. After carefully sensing it, he couldn't help but be stunned.

He took back his hand and closed his eyes to rest. When he opened his eyes again, Niu Jingang was looking at him expectantly, "How is it? Has anything changed?"

"There are indeed some changes, quite obvious." Xu Yan frowned, but his expression was a bit hard to explain.

Niu Jingang was startled for a moment, then smiled and said, "Don't try to scare me by showing off. What's going on?"

"Now that we are here, we don't talk secretly."

Xu Yan nodded, organized his words and said: "It's not that I'm trying to show off, but it seems that your bloodline and qi... have become stronger."

"??!" Niu Jinjiang almost carried it in one breath, his eyes trembled, and he said blankly: "Strong, have you grown stronger?"

"Is this...the curse getting worse? I'm about to get sick?!"

Niu Jingang and everyone are numb.

I have been desperately trying to find a way to resolve the curse, but as a result, I still haven’t seen any real hope. My own curse has worsened. What the hell is this?

Niu Jingang's eyes were red, mainly because he was now the strongest in Niujiadong. If something happened to him in advance and Honglian and others hadn't grown up yet, Niujiadong would be in ruins!

"Very good, very good..." Niu Jinjiang controlled his emotions and said with a wry smile: "At least it proves that flower and fruit wine, a natural and earthly treasure, cannot solve the curse. It can be regarded as... a trial and error for the tribesmen..."

"Uh, Brother Niu, maybe I didn't make it clear."

"No, you made it very clear. If my bloodline and Qi become stronger, the curse will definitely get worse!"

Niu Jingang smiled bitterly: "Xu Yan, there is no need to comfort me. I just hope you can help me take good care of Honglian."

"Why don't you get married where you are and have a child? Then the child will belong to us, Niujiadong!"

"Your child must be very talented. When the time comes, let him take Niujiadong to find a way to save him..."

"???" Xu Yanren was dumbfounded and couldn't laugh or cry: "Brother Niu, what are you talking about?"

"Listen to me first! Although your blood and qi machine have become stronger, the entanglement with qi and blood has weakened!"

"I finally understand that the root of your curse should be the entanglement between qi and qi and blood, rather than the normal qi that travels with the qi and blood without interfering with each other."

"Ah? I've even thought of a name for your child. What do you mean by telling me this?"

Xu Yan's head was full of black lines, "That's a damn child's name, can you please stop joking? I'm serious!"

Niu Jingang was stunned, quickly calmed down and asked: "No, what do you mean, I didn't pay much attention just now."

Xu Yan had no choice but to explain it to him carefully again.

This is a new discovery, and it is considered two new discoveries!

The first one is that it turns out that their blood and qi machines are born from the blood but are entangled with the qi and blood. Because of this, as they grow stronger, they will affect the body and cause strange illnesses.

The difference between different Shouyuan families is probably due to the different ways in which Qi machines affect Qi and blood, which is why they have different strange diseases.

Under normal circumstances, the Qi of a martial artist is actually dissolved in Qi and blood, with Qi and blood as the carrier.

To put it simply, under normal circumstances, the qi machine is more like a fleet of ships, and the passage of qi and blood will not cause harm to the water flow.

But their qi machine will destroy qi and blood and interfere with qi and blood, thus affecting the body!

In addition, the new discovery is that flower and fruit wine indeed strengthens Qi, but it weakens the entanglement between Qi and Qi and blood!

Under normal circumstances, the enhancement of blood and qi machinery will affect qi and blood to a greater extent!

But under the influence of flower and fruit wine, the energy of Qi is strengthened, but the entanglement with Qi and blood is weakened. This is definitely good news!

After hearing the explanation, Niu Jingang pondered for a long time and said in surprise: "Xu Yan, does this mean that my curse has been alleviated?"

"Probably!" Xu Yan nodded with a smile: "Although the degree is not obvious, it stands to reason that it has been reduced!"

"And one more thing, your bloodline Qi machine itself has been enhanced, which is also a good thing. It proves that your bloodline martial arts skills have also been enhanced."

"But it shouldn't be considered a qualitative change, so it won't be obvious."

Niu Jingang was faintly excited, "So, flower and fruit wine can cure the curse?"

Xu Yan shook his head and smiled bitterly: "It can only prove that it is good for you, but I'm afraid it can't completely solve it."

"Depending on the extent, I'm afraid each of you will have to drink several tons of flower and fruit wine. Maybe it will be possible to completely eliminate the entanglement and interference of qi machines on qi and blood."

"How many tons? Brother Niu, how could we find so much?"

"Even if you keep guarding that pit for decades, you may not be able to save so much, right?"

The light in Niu Jingang's eyes dimmed again, and he smiled bitterly: "Then it's still useless, isn't it?"

"Can't you solve even the gold-level treasures of heaven and earth?"

"This is not bad news!" Xu Yan said seriously: "At least it worked!"

"Flower and fruit wine itself is special. It can be regarded as a mixture of natural materials and earthly treasures. It can be regarded as using natural materials and earthly treasures as medicine."

"In this case, I will be more confident to use heavenly materials and earthly treasures as medicine, as long as it can slow down the curse that controls you."

"To solve the root cause, when we have the opportunity, we can go to Dongshan Province and ask the Zhao family at Hushang Villa!"

After hearing what he said, Niu Jin calmed down and said with a relieved smile: "Yes, that's true!"

"Xu Yan, I'm sorry, I'm really worried about gains and losses in this matter."

Xu Yan shook his head. In fact, he could understand. After all, this was related to the future of many people in Niujiadong.

Anyone who suffers from such a curse will probably have ups and downs of emotions!

Just after comforting him, Xu Yan was ready to think about why flower fruit wine was so effective.

But before he could get any clues, a scream suddenly came from the distant mountains and forests.

Xu Yan and the three people next to him were suddenly shocked, because the figure was clearly Ergou's!

This chapter has been completed!
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