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Chapter 50 Xiao He was kidnapped

Seeing the content of the MMS, Xu Yan almost burst his phone!

Silly girl was kidnapped? How could she be kidnapped?!

Without any time to think about it, he raised his feet and rushed to the county seat!

But he calmed down again in an instant. It was now three o'clock in the afternoon, still some time before twelve o'clock.

Don't be anxious, be sure not to be anxious, no matter who the other party is, they are obviously here for you!

Xu Yan directly activated his Qi machine, took a few breaths, and forced himself to calm down.

Opening his eyes, he dialed Xia Xiaohe's phone and found that the phone was turned off. He hurried back to the pharmacy with a normal expression.

He said hello to Mo Xiaolan and said that he was going to talk to Dong Changshan and might not be back tonight.

Mo Xiaolan was busy and didn't ask any questions. Xu Yan took the opportunity to dig out the phone number of Xia Xiaohe's head teacher from her phone.

After getting the number, Xu Yan left directly and dialed the phone to inquire about the situation.

"Xiao He? She sent a text message asking for leave at noon. Didn't she say there was something going on at home?"

The head teacher didn't notice anything, and said earnestly: "It's true for you parents, there is only one month left for the exam, you can't keep delaying her review!"

"I called her and turned off her phone. I was about to call you to talk!"

"Let me see, you are Xiaohe's cousin Xu Yan, right? Your parents left your contact information the day before yesterday,"

"Thank you, teacher. I just want to confirm with you because she turned off her phone!"

Xu Yan frowned and said quickly: "She must have run out of battery on her phone while riding in the car. I'll pick her up right away."

"Teacher, don't worry, she will go back to school early tomorrow morning."

After patiently listening to the class teacher's nagging, Xu Yan hung up the phone and let out a breath.

Obviously, the kidnapper used Xia Xiaohe's mobile phone to ask for leave.

The key is that the head teacher reminded Xu Yan that he left his contact information during the parent-teacher meeting that day.

After thinking about it, the only person who could get his phone number and know Xia Xiaohe who is still in the county...can only be someone from the school!

Is it that Yuan Yuan again? Xu Yan frowned and became angry!

I called Dong Changshan and asked him to arrange a car. Dong Changshan heard that something was wrong and wanted to arrange manpower, but Xu Yan refused.

Since the other party told him to go alone, if he brought others, he was afraid that those people would hurt Xiao He in advance.

Besides, it's not necessary.

No matter who the other party is or how many people there are, he alone is enough, there is no need to add extraneous matters.

Shortly after Xu Yan left the village and reached the intersection, Dong Changshan rushed there driving an off-road vehicle.

"Xiao Yan, something happened?" Dong Changshan was a little frightened when he saw his face.

I thought to myself, who was this person who was so desperate that he could provoke Xu Yan into this?

"Xiao He was kidnapped in the county town." Xu Yan got into the car expressionlessly, "Go to the western suburbs!"

Dong Changshan was suddenly startled and quickly turned around and started the car before asking: "Who is it?"

Xu Yan shook his head. He suspected it was Yuan Yuan, but he was not sure.

Just then, the phone rang again, and there was another message from an unknown number.

"My surname is Xu! Is Xia Xiaohe dating you? You bastard and a scumbag! Try your best to delay her review. I will definitely do better than her in the exam later. See how I laugh at her then!"

Xu Yan frowned in confusion. The tone seemed to be that of Yuan Yuan. Did she not know the truth or was she just acting?

After thinking about it, Xu Yan replied: "I didn't see Xiaohe, and she didn't go home. Does Mr. Yuan know where she went?"

"What are you, classmate Yuan? I'm not you, don't talk nonsense!"

"What do you mean, Xia Xiaohe is missing? Didn't she ask for leave?"

Xu Yan stopped replying, frowning and wondering what Yuan Yuan wanted to do.

But a few minutes later, Yuan Yuan suddenly called and said in a panic: "The person named Xu is in trouble! Feng Xiaojun is not here either!"

"He said he wanted to take revenge on you that day. Oops... Could it be that he took revenge on Xia Xiaohe first? I'm going to ask for leave!"

Xu Yan carefully discerned her tone, not pretending to be anxious or panicked.

Unless this little round face is a movie queen, she must be really ignorant.

"I will rescue Xiao He, just mind yourself!" Xu Yan didn't want to say more and hung up the phone directly.

After all, even if she didn't instigate it, this matter was indirectly related to her, which made Xu Yan very unhappy.

"Hey! Bastard! It's really not me this time, I can help! Hello?!"

Yuan Yuan shouted at the phone at school, but all she heard was beeps.

"Assholes! They're all bastards!" She didn't even bother asking for leave, and rushed out of the teaching building and towards the school gate.

The off-road vehicle quickly got onto the road and headed straight for the county seat at lightning speed.

Dong Changshan hesitated for a while, but then spoke with concern: "Xiao Yan, how about I ask my third son, Changlu, for help?"

"No, I'll scare the officer... I can't take it out." Xu Yan shook his head decisively.

Dong Changshan bared his teeth secretly after hearing this. It was obvious that the man next to him was completely angry this time!

I don’t know which unlucky guy in the county is really unlucky this time.

As the car approached the county seat, Xu Yan called the unfamiliar number again, but still refused.

He had no choice but to send a text message: "I will be in the western suburbs soon. If she loses a hair, I will lose one of your fingers!"

There was no reply, and the car soon arrived in the western suburbs.

Dong Changshan looked out the window and frowned: "This area in the western suburbs is full of factories and there are many people. Is there a specific location?"

"Or if I know his identity, I will find a way to have someone track him down."

Xu Yan was silent for a moment, "It should be Feng Xiaojun, who is also a student of No. 1 Middle School. It's difficult to find out."

"Student?" Dong Changshan was stunned, "I thought he was from the medical clinic... Why is he a student?"

"In this case, it will be difficult to check. The student's information must be obtained through the school."

"We can't let the school know." Xu Yan had already considered this. "Xiao He is about to take the exam, so we can't have any influence, so as not to delay her."

Dong Changshan also nodded, and then suddenly said in shock: "Wait a minute, your surname is Feng? Could it be that you are from the Feng family?"

Xu Yan frowned, thinking it couldn't be such a coincidence, right?

Just as I was thinking about it, the number replied to the text message: "You must be very anxious and angry now, right? Only by experiencing this anger can you roughly understand how much I want to kill you!"

"But what's the use of being anxious? If you want to know the specific location, just go to Chengyuan Plastic Steel Factory and run around the big turntable next to it! Run until I tell you!"

Xu Yan's eyes were sharp and he replied: "Feng Xiaojun, are you afraid of me? Are you deliberately draining my energy?!"

Unknown number: "Ha, you guessed it was me, you're not too stupid! But why are you so stupid that you dare to threaten me?"

"I don't just consume you, I want you to be like a pen, at my mercy, to run around for me!"

"If you don't run away, I will let people get close to classmate Xiao He, and they will all be greedy for it!"

Xu Yan's face was ashen.

He couldn't understand how a student could do such a thing to his classmates? What kind of parents and teachers could raise such a scumbag?

"Okay, wait!" Xu Yan replied suppressing his anger.

Dong Changshan also saw the content of the text message and was immediately shocked and angry.

"This is too much! This little beast who stepped on a horse is looking for death!"

Xu Yan exhaled, still expressionless, "Go to Chengyuan Plastic Steel Factory."

"Really? Xiao Yan, he is playing tricks on you!" Dong Changshan was shocked, "And he is deliberately trying to hurt you. You can't let him control you after running over?"

Xu Yan suddenly smiled and said: "I used to work hard just for myself, and I suffered all kinds of hardships."

"Now, if you can do it for the people you care about, what does this mean? Let's go!"

Dong Changshan was startled, a little dazed for a moment.

The Xu Yan he knew was a miraculous doctor and a master, but what had this young man experienced before that?

How strong of a heart do you have to be able to deal with it calmly at a time like this?!

This chapter has been completed!
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