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【1049】Suddenly exposed what she did

The most important thing is that anyone who pays attention can tell that the most difficult technical operation in the surgery is performed by the hand holding the mirror.

This man's question goes right to the point.

For Tao Zhijie and the people of the National Association, it is natural - Tie Ju.

Tao Zhijie looked solemn and spoke sternly: "The operation is completed by a group of people working together. Even if I am the chief surgeon, I don't think I am the most important. This includes the professional assistance of anesthesiologists and operating room nurses, including the professional assistance of other doctors."

Thank you very much for your help. So I think the question you asked should not be like this."

The person who asked the question gave a wry smile and had no choice but to sit back on the stool.

"This operation is very difficult to perform. Your hospital and team can do it so successfully. I hope you can have relevant exchanges and discussions with our hospital in the future." The warm invitation that followed came from an expert sitting in the front row.


"This depends on the arrangement of our Dean Wu. We don't have the power." Tao Zhijie responded with a smile. There was no pressure among the various colleagues, and he only had to push Old Wu out when necessary.

Teacher Lu touched his forehead: These naughty and trouble-making gangs are as cunning and cunning as the old naughty Dean Wu.

The audience fell silent, and the people in the outer courtyard were gasping for air, wondering how to pry Tao Zhijie's mouth open to reveal the secret.

"Doctor Tao." The door of the lecture hall opened and someone walked in quickly.

Everyone turned around to see who it was.

I saw Wei Guoyuan, Xiao Yang and Luo Jingming's expressions changing.

The person who came in was Professor Hao, who gave a special lecture yesterday.

Professor Hao may have rushed here after being busy elsewhere. He was afraid that Tao Zhijie was about to leave, so he ran in and asked: "Is there a medical student in your hospital named Xie? Yesterday she said she was from your hepatobiliary surgery department."

Doctor Xie? The eyes of a group of doctors from other hospitals lit up. Yes, they heard it was Dr. Xie in the live broadcast during the operation.

However, the Dr. Xie that Professor Hao mentioned is a student?

People in the outer hospital looked at each other: Is this really a difficult surgery performed by a student?

Tao Zhijie looked at Professor Hao who appeared in surprise. He remembered that he was not familiar with this person. How did the other party know Xie Wanying?

"Dr. Tao, hello, hello." Professor Hao was eager to explain to him. "She introduced to me a new technical concept for bile duct radiotherapy. I thought it was very creative and profound. After I returned home, I checked it overnight.

Related information, I found that no one at home or abroad has done this research. I don’t know if you did it externally in the liver and gallbladder. She said no, is that so, Dr. Tao? Our two hospitals can cooperate."

Tao Zhijie's expression suddenly changed.

The crowd of people standing by the stage were all dumbfounded.

What kind of new technology is there? If this person is talking about Xie Wanying, they have no idea that they have never heard her talk about it, let alone their secret research project that is not open to the public.

The National Association members in the audience felt that something was seriously wrong when they saw the outrageous reaction.

"Did she say that?" Nie Jiamin turned around and asked Luo Jingming, knowing that he was with Xie Wanying yesterday and should know the whole story.

There was no way to escape. This was the reason why he specifically told her not to tell anyone. Luo Jingming actually felt that she was a little wronged, so he explained to Nie Jiamin in a low voice: "Bile duct radiotherapy is a technology that has never been listed as a key project in our hospital's hepatobiliary department. The ward

She hasn’t done a case like this for many years. Maybe because of this, she saw other hospitals doing it and gave them some ideas.”

This chapter has been completed!
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