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[138] She is not reckless

Surgeons have always worked so hard.

Xie Wanying and her children put dozens of folded paper cranes into plastic bags.

The door of the operating room opened, and those who pushed Liu's father out were Yue Wentong, who was following the operation, as well as the anesthesiologist and nursing staff. The surgeon did not come out, maybe because he knew that the patient's family member was a seven-year-old child who could not understand, so there was no need to come out to explain. First,

Going to take a rest.

"Dad." Zhengzheng approached the hospital bed and held her father's hand lying on the hospital bed.

Before the anesthesia wore off, Father Liu was in a daze. He seemed to hear his daughter's voice, but seemed unable to hear it. He tried his best to move his eyelids.

The group of people pushed Liu's father's lathe to the big elevator door and waited for the elevator, preparing to go to the ICU.

Without seeing the surgeon, it was impossible to know the patient's condition. Xie Wanying asked the squad leader in a low voice: "How was the operation?"

Yue Wentong answered her: "It's more serious."

Although he couldn't quite understand it, the doctor would always say something during the operation, vaguely revealing some details about the patient's condition.

"The blockage was serious and the blood vessels were malformed, making it impossible for intervention." Yue Wentong said, "Fortunately, we didn't do intervention. If it had been slower, it might have been too late."

Cardiac surgery bypass surgery and cardiology interventional surgery have both similarities and differences. What can also be treated is myocardial infarction. The so-called myocardial infarction means that the large blood vessels on the surface of the heart that supply blood to the myocardium are blocked, the blood does not flow, myocardial ischemia and necrosis, and the heart

It stops beating and the patient dies.

For this reason, bypass surgery is to open another blood vessel or multiple blood vessels when the blood vessel is blocked to maintain the blood supply to the heart.

Intervention is based on the original blood vessel. A stent is placed in the blood vessel that is not completely blocked to isolate it from the blockage outside and allow blood to continue to flow through the stent.

After comparison, you will find that there is an obvious difference between the two. That is, if another blood vessel is built, the patient needs to open the chest, and the doctor can do it by looking directly at the heart, so bypass is done by cardiac surgery.

For interventional surgery, placing a stent along the blood vessel is somewhat similar to inserting a needle into the blood vessel during an injection. There is no need to open the chest, and it is obvious that a cardiologist can do it.

Opening the chest requires a knife, and many patients are unwilling to do so. The problem is that if the blood vessels are completely blocked, it is difficult to place stents during intervention. And if the blood vessels are not completely blocked but are deformed, like the situation discovered by Liu’s father after the thoracotomy, intervention is definitely not possible.

No, if the cause is not treated, it will reoccur and must be corrected by surgery.

"Doctor Yang said that it was right to send him for surgery." Yue Wentong summarized the surgeon's words and asked Xie Wanying, "How did you judge it?"

At that time, she was the one who always recommended that patients be sent for bypass. It seemed that her judgment was more accurate than that of several clinicians.

Xie Wanying couldn't honestly say that she was reborn and had special powers. After thinking about how to fool the monitor for a while, she saw the elevator coming and quickly said: "You can push it in."

Feeling that she was hiding some secrets when she refused to tell him, Yue Wentong frowned and said to her: "How dare you tell me."

Xie Wanying, the squad leader, understood what she meant and explained her motives: "It depends on who you talk to. The National Association is the number one hospital in the country. The teachers here are highly responsible. The teachers know that the patients who come here to see a doctor are desperate.

The doctors of the Association are the last line of defense to protect life. Because in the Association, I dare to say that the teachers are much better than me and can definitely judge whether I am right or wrong."

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