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【1432】Because she changed her career

First of all, when doctors meet patients, they must be vigilant in judging these diseases and know how to rule out such diseases.

During her internship that year, she mainly practiced in the dental department. She had no clinical experience in this area, so she was misdiagnosed.

I think back then, she asked the patient herself, and the patient answered that it was a toothache, and did not tell her that it was a heartache. Otherwise, she would not have been stupid enough to say that a heartache turned into a toothache. But this patient had tooth decay. If she had been given some time,

To find out whether the patient's entire gums are hurting instead of just a single tooth, she may be able to think of other causes.

But a patient with an acute attack will never give the doctor time. Death comes too quickly, and the patient's sudden heart attack scares her head like a computer disconnected.

The teacher was right to scold her. She was right that she forgot how to do first aid after the incident. She was too arrogant in her previous judgment.

Her mother kept nagging that it was the fault of Xie Wanying and her daughter. She is different from her mother. She wants to be a doctor. When the incident happened, she was afraid and regretful. She must regain her clarity. Clinically

It's all a lesson learned. Complaining about Xie Wanying can't make her a skilled doctor. What's more important is to learn well.

Later, she did not continue to study for postgraduate studies at her alma mater, but stayed up all night to study to challenge the most difficult entrance examination of the National Association of Dental Medicine. Perhaps the biggest difference between the Department of Stomatology of the National Association of Dental Medicine and other medical schools is that the Department of Stomatology of the National Association of Dental Medicine and other medical schools

There are close connections with other clinical departments, and the scope of research is larger. Her medical path will undergo a huge change from then on.

After closing the door and approaching Xie Wanying, Lin Liqiong adjusted her glasses and asked her in a low voice: "When will you graduate?"

Hearing these words, Xie Wanying was sure that this senior sister should know her.

"In two years."

"I hope we can meet more often in the future." Lin Liqiong said meaningfully to her, convinced that she would definitely become a cardiologist. Because on the train that day, the beautiful cardiac emergency surgery performed by her hands was clearly a trailer.

"Liqiong, give Teacher Zhang and the others a cup of tea." Professor Shen stood up at his desk to personally greet his colleagues and said to the students.

Lin Liqiong walked to the tea table to make tea.

Zhang Huayao helped his mother sit on a chair and expressed his gratitude to his colleagues: "Thank you, Professor Shen, for taking time out of your busy schedule to see my mother's teeth."

"Director Zhang, you are too polite. Why are you thanking me? I know your mother. Teacher Lu was in the medical school back then, and I was her student." Professor Shen winked at the mother and son, and pulled away.

The doctor sat down in the doctor's chair and chatted with the patient, "Mr. Lu, have you forgotten me? When I came back to medical school to study again, you taught us pharmacology. The class you taught was so exciting that a group of our classmates all remember you.


Teacher Lu said sheepishly: “I’ve become forgetful as I get older.”

"That's not the reason. It's because you, Teacher Lu, are too good and have too many students. How can you remember this little guy like me?" Professor Shen said.

Little guy? Professor Shen is actually fifty years old this year.

Teacher Lu laughed.

"Teacher, let me help you to the dental chair and show you which tooth is the problem. I don't understand what Director Zhang said on the phone." Professor Shen said and came to help the teacher get up.

"He is not in your profession, so how can you understand?" Teacher Lu blamed his adopted son for talking too much and affecting the specialist's judgment.

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