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【1506】It's useless for you to find me

In addition to observing the drainage bottle, Xie Wanying stared at the ECG monitor placed beside the patient's bedside. The ECG curve displayed on the screen of the instrument rose and fell, and the heart rate occasionally beat with a relatively large amplitude, all of which showed that the patient's heart activity was not stable.

The infusion has not started during the day, so Xie Wanying has no way of knowing what medicine her eldest cousin is taking now. According to what her cousin said last night, the patient does not receive many medicines, but antibiotics.

The patient in bed 21 at the door saw someone and shouted: "Doctor Jiang, have you eaten yet?"

"Have eaten." The person who answered had a low-key voice and quick footsteps. The pace of tertiary hospitals has always been fast, and there are many doctors who walk like the wind.

After a while, a young male doctor in his twenties appeared in the ward.

Xie Wanying preliminarily determined that the other party was a doctor in charge of the bed. The other person's surname was Jiang, and he was the doctor Jiang whose cousin-in-law kept talking about the patient's condition communication. This meant that the only doctor Shang Siling could find and talk to here was this doctor in charge of the bed, and her superiors

The doctor didn't show up.

It is generally difficult for ordinary people to find doctors with seniority. Doctors with seniority only appear during collective ward rounds during the day, when performing operations in the operating room and outpatient visits. Otherwise, they need to find insiders to help contact them.

It’s not that young doctors are bad, but that young doctors are unable to make decisions on many major issues and are destined to act as mouthpieces for their superiors. If the patient’s condition reaches a critical point at this time, the patient’s family will be anxious and unable to find a more experienced and seasoned doctor.

Professors will be very frustrated if they discuss it. This is also one of the factors that triggers conflicts between doctors and patients.

Why didn't the superior doctor come forward? At this time, there was only one possibility left. The superior doctor thought that he had no choice. Like other industries, he could only push the people below to block the gun. In fact, it was telling the patient's family a cruel fact in disguise.

It's useless for you to look for me.

Let the young doctors do the work of appeasing the patients and their families first. If the family members get into trouble, they will step in when the time comes.

The time has come to test the comprehensive abilities of young doctors.

The lowest level is to say a few words of comfort. The most helpless one is to be a sounding board. There is also the kind like classmates Xie Wanying and Pan Shihua who put forward technical solutions to solve problems and have the courage to surpass the teacher.

How many young clinicians can do what Mr. Xie and others can do? It cannot be said that there are none, but the proportion is relatively low.

After all, medical students are in the nature of mass production due to the huge market demand. Just like the college entrance examination, the proportion of high scores is low, and the majority is average scores.

Xie Wanying looked at Dr. Jiang in front of her, wondering what kind of doctor he would be and whether he would be easy to talk to or not, which would determine her cousin's next treatment path.

"Where are his family members?" Dr. Jiang asked.

"I am his cousin. My cousin-in-law went out to buy breakfast. If you have anything to say to me, I will tell my cousin-in-law." Xie Wanying walked over to the other party to identify herself.

Dr. Jiang was busy. After hearing what she said, he signaled her to leave the ward to talk before Shang Siling came back.

Xie Wanying turned around and comforted her cousin: "It's okay. I'll ask the doctor."

When he saw the doctor come in, Xiao Shugang had an uncontrollable sense of panic in his eyes. As a patient, he seemed to have noticed some bad signs.

Seeing that her eldest cousin seemed unable to hear her, Xie Wanying stretched out her hand to shake her eldest cousin's hand, and looked at her eldest cousin firmly saying: It's okay, I'm here.

This chapter has been completed!
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