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【1534】Strange patient

This is on a plane, not on the ground. You can't find other doctors or take a taxi to the hospital at any time.

"Sister, you go." Leilei grabbed her mother's hand and stopped her from grabbing her sister's clothes. Her sister's words made her stronger.

Leilei's mother was so angry that she could only sit back on the chair. After a while, she looked around curiously like other passengers on the plane. What kind of patient could this be?

When her daughter was sick just now, no one said she was sick.

Adults are more tolerant of illness than children. Especially some hard-working old people often endure minor illnesses and pains into serious illnesses, just to prevent their family from worrying. This old woman was kept by her side until she almost died.

The daughter discovered.

Walking quickly to the elderly patient, Xie Wanying took one look at the patient, alarm bells went off, and she felt as bad as the nurse.

"Should she lie down?" The flight attendant once again made the same suggestion as before, thinking that this time the patient was seriously ill and should need to lie down.

"No, she can't lie down." Xie Wanying and the nurse said in unison.

Heart failure patients cannot lie down. There is a medical term to describe this special phenomenon called orthopnea.

To explain this phenomenon, we need to first understand what heart failure is. Heart failure is not an independent disease, but a group of clinical manifestations. Many cardiovascular diseases will develop to a certain extent and will present a group of typical symptoms. The causes of these symptoms are

Through research on the physiological structure and functions of the human body, medical scientists have found that the systolic and diastolic functions of the heart in such patients are impaired compared with normal people. Some have both or one of the two, resulting in venous blood returning to the heart.

Reduction, the technical term is called reduction of blood return to the heart. The reduction of blood return to the heart causes venous blood that cannot return to the heart to become stagnant in the human venous system. The blood pumped by the heart to the human arterial system decreases, showing insufficient arterial perfusion.


According to the principle mentioned above, the heart function of patients with heart failure is not good. If they lie down, normal venous blood return will increase the burden on the heart. The patient cannot accept it, so the patient will behave like he has to sit up to allow the returned heart blood to be stored in the lower limbs.

, make your heart feel more comfortable. This is the source of sitting upright breathing.

It can be seen that edema of both lower limbs is also one of the common symptoms of heart failure patients.

The old lady waved her hand and said there was no need to lie down. Apparently she had difficulty breathing and couldn't lie down, which was a symptom of acute heart failure and orthopnea.

The nurse rolled up the patient's trouser legs to expose the patient's ankles.

If there is edema and the skin around the ankle is weak, medical staff can tell by looking, touching and pressing it.

The strange thing about this old woman is that she is fat, but when the medical staff pressed their fingers on her skin, there were no indentations that can usually be seen when there is edema.

Lu Xin felt like scratching her head.

Xie Wanying was a little confused about the patient's condition. Just listening to the local accent of the old man's daughter could confirm certain things.

A province in China is quite large, and can be compared to a small country in the world. There are differences across provinces, each with its own local accent and customs. For doctors, distinguishing the specific place where the patient comes from is not just for the sake of differentiation.

Treating patients will help doctors identify whether it is a local epidemic.

Each place has its own epidemic species due to differences in climate, soil, dietary sources, etc.

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