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【1594】To live well

Good guy, what are you trying to hide in front of the doctor? Zhang Huayao's eyes narrowed slightly, and the corners of his mouth seemed to be smiling.

The doctor does not embarrass the patient's family or infringe on other people's privacy. Now Xie belongs to the patient's family and is not under his control for the time being. Zhang Huayao did not force them to speak, but told Shang Siling: "If you have any difficulties, you should communicate with our doctors in time to avoid them.

Unnecessary questions."

Don't do anything secretly on your own, otherwise the doctor will not know and it will cause a mess.

Shang Siling hurriedly nodded in response. How dare she and Xie Wanying follow the doctor's orders in all their actions. For example, when they donate blood now, they just follow the doctor's instructions.

"Have a good rest." Before Zhang Huayao left, he comforted the patient a few more words, turned around and took the patient away.

A large group of doctors left.

Xiao Shugang suddenly asked his wife: "Did a doctor come last night?"

It turned out that her husband knew who came last night. Shang Siling nodded and replied: "It's Dr. Cao."

Dr. Cao Xiao Shugang's eyes flashed.

I don’t know how much my husband heard last night. Shang Siling sat down and told her husband in detail: "Doctor Cao is very concerned about Yingying. When he heard something happened to Yingying, he immediately rushed over to visit her and you."

Xiao Shu just heard the implication of his wife's words and pointed out: "When the time comes, find someone to investigate what kind of person this Doctor Cao is."

"She must have a pretty good character. I came here and tucked Yingying into bed gently. She is also a doctor and speaks politely and politely." Shang Siling had a good first impression of Cao Yong and said.

Xiao Shugang was not as naive as his wife. As a man, he knew very well that men are willing to do anything when they are chasing women. No matter whether men and women are the same, there will always be people who will change drastically after they catch her.

As far as he knows, most doctors are suave and charming. Especially capable doctors are more qualified to attract countless romantic partners because of their own advantages and resources.

My cousin is still young and has not yet graduated and has no job. As a university teacher, he believes that students at this stage should focus on their studies.

"He didn't say he was in love with Yingying. I guess he is waiting, and he is a good person." Shang Siling thought on the bright side. A man who is willing to wait for a woman must have serious thoughts about her. It can be said that he is considerate and considerate in his relationship.


"We'll see then." Xiao Shugang didn't finish his sentence.

Shang Siling glanced at her husband: Why didn't you ask Yingying what she thought? Isn't it most important to let Yingying make her own decision?

Men know men best, and women can only see superficial things about men. As a cousin, this cousin is kind to him, so Xiao Shugang must seriously help his cousin to distinguish whether this man is a good person or a bad person. It doesn't matter whether the man is rich or not for the time being.

What matters is the man's character. There are more unhappy women who marry second-generation rich men than those who marry ordinary men.

Maintaining a long-term marriage relationship does not rely on a momentary impulse of love, but on the character of each other. Since ancient times, families where men and women have the conditions before marriage will fully understand each other's character through introducers or other channels. It is based on

This principle.

Thinking of this, Xiao Shu just said: "I have to live well."

Shang Siling's eyes sore when she heard her husband's words, and she almost burst into tears.

Her husband must be well, completely well. Otherwise, what will happen to her and her daughter? A bunch of people around her are watching with eager eyes, wishing that her family would decline and die.

I hope the doctors in the capital can really find a way to save her husband.

This chapter has been completed!
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