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【1683】The most economical department

It is impossible to say that every student in the class has exactly the same personality. Pan Shihua, a well-known gentle man like him, is the only one in the class.

Xie Wanying expressed her understanding: "It's okay."

Not to mention medical students, there are quite a few doctors who like to work alone in clinical practice. After all, some people’s idea of ​​​​doing things is that I am not prepared for others to help me, and I am not prepared to help others. In this way, both parties will be less involved.


In fact, Xie Wanying had similar thoughts, but her mother and her childhood sweetheart Wu Lixuan were definitely not such people and led her astray.

"Yingying, don't you like to help others?" Li Qian blinked in surprise on the other side. He thought back to when he was in the second year of General Foreign Language School, and without the help of classmate Xie, it would have been difficult for him to graduate successfully.

It is absolutely true that the environment shapes people. If it were not for her mother, if it were not for the monitor, classmate Zhao, and the enthusiastic clinical senior sisters, brothers and teachers, she, Xie Wanying, would probably be a lone ranger. As for why classmate Geng is still a lone ranger, nine

Cheng Jiu wants to start from his original experience.

"He is a poor student like you. The counselor helps him apply for scholarships every year," Li Qian said.

She must not be the only student in the class who comes from a difficult family situation. It is said that Geng comes from a really poor place in the country and is even poorer than her family. She is so poor that she is different from other students in the class. The scholarship she received needs to be sent back.

I went home. I can only say that their counselor, Teacher Ren, is a really good teacher and considerately helps each of their classmates. Only she and Geng among the group of students have the opportunity to go to Beidu No. 3 Obstetrics Department for internship. She can probably go because she is in the class

It’s because he’s the only girl. Classmate Geng is definitely not the only one. Teacher Ren fought for it for him.

There are a lot of troubles in obstetrics, which makes doctors worried, but obstetrics has the best economic returns among surgeries. How good is it? There is a famous saying in the surgical circle that no one can make more money than an obstetrician. Refer to her cousin Aunt Zhou

Ruomei. Zhou Ruomei makes much more money as an obstetrician than her husband, who is the so-called first surgical knife in the hospital.

In the obstetrics department of their small local hospital, Songyuan, the people have already tacitly accepted such an unspoken rule. Regardless of whether the mother has a normal or difficult delivery, the obstetrician and nurse must give red envelopes called gambling tips to the obstetricians and nurses after the baby is born, ranging from a few hundred to a few thousand.

It’s not surprising to receive tens of thousands of dollars in money. The red envelope income of doctors and nurses in a day far exceeds the salary given by the hospital. Therefore, obstetrics is one of the most difficult departments for medical students to get into.

The health department has repeatedly ordered medical staff not to accept red envelopes. The regulations are difficult to control in small places. Control the big guys? No need. Academic experts don't bother to accept red envelopes and don't need to control them at all.

It is only a small number of patients who send imported food items to Ding Yuhai’s family. Most of them are given to her cousin Zhou Ruomei by the family members of pregnant women.

Her mother, Sun Rongfang, wanted to take her to her cousin's house on the first day to build a good relationship. She was also thinking that one day her daughter could enter the obstetrics department and make a lot of money.

It happens that the obstetrics department is short of male doctors, and recruitment tends to favor male doctors. Compared with other surgical departments, it is much easier to find employment. Ren Chongda calculated for Geng that if he could stay in an obstetrics department such as Beito San or Guo Xie, he would basically have no worries about food and clothing and achieve a class leap.

No problem.

The environment for male obstetricians is not as harsh as shown on TV. There are very few male doctors in ordinary front-line prenatal check-up clinics, and the number of practitioners is one thing.

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