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【1776】Why is this color

It's fine.

The words "Senior Brother Cao" were concise and concise, and his handsome and beautiful black eyes looked at her with a gentle smile, as if he was saying that the mother was fine, or that she would be fine?

I was lying on the bed in the dormitory at night. Maybe because I slept too much during the day, I couldn't sleep when I opened my eyes. When I looked at the window, I could vaguely see signs of the wind and snow hitting the glass at night...

Get up and sit for a while. The second senior sister went home tonight because she had something to do and did not spend the night in the dormitory. She said she also missed home. After going to the obstetrics department, she became more aware of the greatness of her mother. She missed her.

I wanted to call home today, but I was afraid that when I was talking to my mother, I couldn't help but feel a sore nose when I thought about the scenes of those precious mothers last night.

She picked up her cell phone to check what time it was, and opened the text message box before going to bed. The text message Senior Brother Cao sent her after returning home:

"It's very beautiful. I also like it very much."

Senior Brother Cao is a very nice person, and he would probably say he likes whatever he gives her. Xie Wanying couldn't help but laugh when she saw this.

Cao Yong at home was actually a little confused when he looked at the new handkerchief she gave him: why the color she gave this time was completely different from the one she gave last time. The last time he gave it was blue, this time it was brown.

Maybe she was thinking that he would like handkerchiefs of various colors. If so, what color would she give him next time, green?

No, a stubborn person would never think so much. Like the day she gave her the blue one, it was just because she thought Senior Brother Cao smiled so brightly that the sky was blue. This time, she gave her the brown one because she remembered that Senior Brother Cao came to the emergency room to see her that day.

When I was there, I felt that Senior Brother Cao would be so handsome if he wore a brown British-style windbreaker.

She lay down and continued to sleep. Suddenly her phone rang and a text message came in. Xie Wanying picked it up and took a look. It was from an unknown number. It said: Can you lend me some money?

Classmate Geng’s face popped into my mind almost without thinking.

Another text message came later saying: Sorry, I sent it to the wrong person.

Picked up the phone and quickly texted back: "You can borrow it, how much do you want."

After a long silence, the other party sent: 500.

"Is 500 enough?"

Her usual rhetorical question, but the other person may have realized that she guessed the story correctly and did not respond.

She, Xie Wanying, was also a well-known poor student in the class. It was easier than the counselor and monitor to guess the reason why classmate Geng was frugal and insisted on sending money home.

Simply because the family is poor, the poor will not let their children who can go to college send money back to support living expenses. Like her mother. Living expenses are only a few dollars more for the poor. If you can go to college, there will be less people to eat at home.

, how can you say that the living expenses are not enough?

In recent years, with the help of counselors, her and classmate Geng's tuition, miscellaneous, and accommodation fees have been reduced to almost nothing. With bursaries and other subsidies available, they have no pressure on their living expenses at school.

She didn't believe that Geng didn't make money by working part-time jobs like her. In addition to her own expenses, she should be able to save money, and she wouldn't be so strapped that she only eats steamed buns.

There is only one explanation left: Classmate Geng’s family has a patient who spends money for a long time.

Expensive medical expenses are the real straw that breaks the back of the poor. This is true in both developing and developed countries.

No matter who you are, the medical expenses required to cure a disease are basically the same. As a result, many lives have to be given up because of money.

This kind of abandonment is often not only the abandonment of the patient's life, but also the abandonment of the treatment effect and the abandonment of all aspects of the patient's physical quality and quality of life. Long-term accumulation is like a pile of sand that will eventually collapse one day.

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