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【1810】Go quickly

Unlike his old classmate Fu Xinheng, Zhu Huicang's passion was hidden and exposed.

As a doctor talking about the case, Chang Jiawei directly yelled at the patient's family who seemed to be stunned: "Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and bring someone to the capital for treatment!"

Geng Yongzhe trembled all over, jumped up, and rushed out of the coffee shop...

Seeing this, fearing that something might happen to her classmates, Xie Wanying hurriedly followed her out and called the counselor at the same time.

When Ren Chongda received the call, his head was spinning, and he blamed him: "I just asked you this morning if there was anything you didn't report, and you told me no!"

She knew that she was stubborn and could not understand the meaning of his teacher's question.

"Teacher Ren, it's like this -" Xie Wanying didn't know how to defend herself. She said that Teacher Ren should have known that classmate Geng's younger brother was sick, which meant that Teacher Ren might have misdiagnosed or missed the diagnosis.

Ren Chongda touched his forehead. Geng Yongzhe did not tell him that his brother's condition had worsened. He only said that his calf continued to hurt. He could only say that as a doctor, he did not pay enough attention to his classmates to distinguish the true and false symptoms of the patient, which required careful screening.


It's his fault.

"I will accompany him back to his hometown to pick up his younger brother for treatment. You, especially you, should be careful in everything you do when I am not around." Ren Chongda told her student.

"I know, Teacher Ren."

"If it's not convenient for you to contact me, you can call your senior brother Cao or other teachers."

"Yes, yes, teacher." While talking on the phone, Xie Wanying quickly caught up with classmate Geng who was running ahead. She handed over her mobile phone and said, "The counselor is looking for you and wants to go home with you. Don't worry."

Geng Yongzhe's face was covered in sweat, his hand that took her phone was shaking, and his eyes were red.

Xie Wanying stood in front of him and said: "I know what you are thinking now. I was once like you, unable to see what kind of disease my relatives were suffering from. Believe me, your brother can make it in time."

Those who were too late were classmate Pan's grandfather and her grandfather before she was reborn.

Classmate Xie's eyes were very genuine, and Geng Yongzhe, as always, did not see any trace of lying in her words.

There was enough time. Xie Wanying nodded again and again.

Thinking that she was the first to notice his brother's abnormality, Geng Yongzhe took a breath and finally calmed down a little. He picked up his cell phone and talked to the counselor. Xie Wanying helped him get his and her schoolbags and prepared to rush back to school.

Before they came back, Ren Chongda asked someone to buy air tickets, and when the students arrived, he hurriedly set off with them. The patient could not wait any longer in this situation.

All the students in the class who received the news came to see the counselor and classmate Geng off, shouting one by one: "Xiao Zhe, don't worry, if something happens, hug the counselor."

These brats. Ren Chongda turned around and glared at these guys, calling to the squad leader: "Look at them, don't accompany them to do bad things."

"Yes." Yue Wentong agreed, making the counselor feel at ease.

After watching the counselor and the others leave, everyone looked at each other.

"Oops." Li Qian sighed and said, "Xiao Zhe might as well ask Yingying to look at the medical records earlier."

"Who told them that they didn't like to come into contact with Yingying before?" Zhao Zhaowei wanted to say that they, the surgical students, were not awkward, unlike the four smart guys who had been fawning over the female top student early in the morning.

Lin Hao received his words and pushed him and Li Qian: "You two go run, don't embarrass Yingying again."

This chapter has been completed!
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