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After remembering the teachers' numbers and entering them into the address book of her mobile phone, Xie Wanying followed the teachers to the gynecological ward for rounds.

"Do you have any questions?" Du Haiwei asked her while walking on the road...

Teacher Du is so kind and saw that she had academic questions to ask. Xie Wanying said about Luo Xiaomei's situation: "Patients like her with placenta previa are already 28 weeks pregnant. If the situation is not good, the fetus must be removed in the near future.

If it is taken out, will it be dangerous for the child?"

"You are talking about newborn problems." Dr. Zuo Liang smiled and answered her, "You should ask the pediatrician, not the obstetrician and gynecologist."

"The teachers have a lot of clinical experience, so they may know that in cases like this, the child's problems are usually more serious than the mother's, right?" Xie Wanying continued to ask.

"Not necessarily." Dr. Zuo Liang was not too sure when he answered her question and looked at the instructor.

Du Haiwei listened carefully to the discussion between the two of them and expressed his opinion as a teacher: "Concrete case analysis. No one can say for sure until the cesarean section."

The teacher is stable, but what he wants to express is that there are too many variables in the process of preserving the fetus for patients with placenta previa.

The main treatment methods for placenta previa are to take tocolytic drugs to fight infection. Another more important point is that it is best for pregnant women not to move. The placenta cannot be exposed at the neck and bleeding can only be caused by the mother not moving. This kind of physical solution

Methods are more effective than anything else. Some mothers are very tenacious. They really follow the doctor's instructions and never get out of bed. They lie still and forcefully keep their children until they are born at full term. For this reason, some mothers can stay up for two full months.

They don’t wash their hair or take a shower for months. Sometimes doctors are moved by the love of these mothers. It can be said that it was the mothers who saved their children.

"Patients are the main force in fighting the disease." What Du Haiwei said is to impart a clinical perspective to students. Don't think that you are a great doctor. Without the efforts of the patients themselves to fight against the disease, doctors can basically play no role.

The medical concepts of veteran doctors are very different. They will thank patients from the bottom of their hearts for their trust in doctors. The development of medicine is based on the joint efforts of doctors and patients rather than each working alone.

Returning to these patients with placenta previa, instead of rushing to make any medical predictions now, it is better to encourage the mother. Next, we need to see whether Luo Xiaomei can hold on and whether she is willing to cooperate with the doctor.

I came to the gynecological ward and joined other doctors in Teacher Du's group to participate in the daily morning shift meeting. The night shift was relatively quiet last night. The shift nurse mainly reported on the status of surgical patients, including postoperative and preoperative patients, so that the doctors felt that

We have a bottom line. After the meeting, each group goes on rounds.

As a key teaching department of a teaching hospital, a bunch of medical students must be arranged to study behind the experts. The vast team of medical students are divided into several batches. Among the trainees who followed, you can see Zhang Shuping and Du Meng'en again.

Today, he came with other classmates from school. Du Meng'en did not go out the back door to meet his father alone. He hid in the big group, which did not prevent him from continuing to talk with Zhang Shuping along the way.

"Did you see bed No. 6? Do you recognize the star I mentioned?"

Zhang Shuping looked at the patient lying on bed No. 6. Perhaps due to illness, this aunt was almost as skinny as a stick, and the flesh on her face was so thin that only her facial features were left. Only her big bright eyes could be seen.

Her beauty remains the same as before she became ill.

This chapter has been completed!
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