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Aunt Min told her the next story: "The situation was like this at that time. There was only one recommended place to study medicine, but there must be many people who wanted to study, and more than a hundred people signed up. In the end, I was able to participate in the internal written examination

There are six people...Your mother worked so hard to prepare for the exam, and everyone has great confidence in her, so I still can't figure out why she came in at the bottom when the final results came out."

Her mother came last in the exam? Xie Wanying frowned, feeling a little unbelievable. Because according to what she often heard from her grandfather, her mother had done well since she was a child. If she hadn't encountered that turbulent era, she would have been able to do it.

Get into college like her.

"Auntie, what do you think is the reason why my mother's performance is abnormal?" Xie Wanying asked Aunt Min carefully. She saw that the other party had something to tell her, so she came here specifically.

Suddenly, in the last days of her life, she bumped into the daughter of a friend she had not seen for a long time. Aunt Min thought to herself that it was fate, and sighed. She stretched out her hand, grabbed Xie Wanying's hand, and said sincerely:

"It's been many years. You becoming a doctor now should be regarded as fulfilling your mother's unfulfilled dream."

Xie Wanying nodded. Part of her dream was promoted by her mother, and it was also her mother's dream.

"What I'm telling you now, it's up to you to decide whether to tell your mother or not, okay?" Aunt Min trusted her daughter with the choice.

"I understand, Auntie, please tell me." Xie Wanying opened her mouth and promised that she would properly handle what she heard.

Seeing that she understood, Aunt Min felt relieved and told the secret that had been buried in her heart for a long time: "Actually, I almost forgot about this. But after seeing you as a doctor today, I remembered what your mother was like back then. I'm afraid if I don't tell the news.

My conscience was condemned. Whether the news I heard was true or false, I only heard what others said and couldn't confirm it. Your mother happened to have left at that time and couldn't be contacted, so I couldn't tell your mother. The thing is

Two or three years later, I once had dinner with a leader, and he also knew your mother. Recalling the past, he undoubtedly revealed an inside story, saying that at that time, someone had mixed your mother's written test answer sheet with another person's.

One's answer sheet was changed, saying it's a pity for your mother."

Xie Wanying's heart was scratched because she never imagined that something shady had really happened to her mother.

It can only be said that good people are easily bullied. Her mother is a kind-hearted person. She often thinks that the people around her are all good, so she would never think that she was being tricked by acquaintances. Including Xie Wanying herself, how did she know about others before she was reborn?

Secretly, I have long wanted to trick her into filling out her volunteer application.

The matter of adjusting her mother's grades must have been done by acquaintances or acquaintances acquiesced. Because this is an internal recommendation selection test, if you want to recognize the final score as the final candidate, several recommenders must reach a consensus, which must include recommendations.

Her mother's person.

Looking at her eyes, Aunt Min took a long time and had to admit that her guess was right. She was deeply saddened and said: "In those days, there was no fair and just examination system. It was very dark and could be operated in secret. I recommend your mother's hospital."

Chairman, we reached a consensus with others to recommend other candidates.”


Happy Lantern Festival, dear friends~ Good night, dear friends~ Thank you for your support~

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