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【1844】Get started as soon as possible

In China, for a long time, both doctors and patients paid great attention to and were afraid of cervical diseases. This was because domestic cervical cancer continued to be a high incidence in that era, and the prognosis of cervical cancer was poor.

As a result, everyone hears about cervical problems like hearing about hepatitis. They think that most of them will turn into cancer, and they have to talk about it...

The most common cervical symptom is cervical erosion that everyone often hears about.

Regarding the understanding of cervical erosion, it took a long period of medical research to slowly and correctly realize that this cannot be called a disease, but may be a normal physiological phenomenon called physiological columnar epithelial ectopia. As the saying goes,

Cervical erosion needs to be identified first to determine whether it is pathological or physiological.

If you want to identify it, many female patients, not to mention doctors, know that using cervical scraping is the simplest and fastest way to distinguish whether it is physiological, inflammation or cancer. In the past, even if I heard that it was inflammation, I would feel terrible, thinking that it would slowly turn into

Cancer. But later studies showed that the more important factor that promotes cervical cancer is not inflammatory stimulation but high-risk HPV infection.

Only by continuously tracing the source in medical research can we truly cure the patient and avoid excessive and inappropriate medical treatment. Today’s patient has chronic cervicitis and cervical polyps. The increase in leucorrhea and itching has greatly affected normal work and life, so the doctor

I just had laser treatment. It should be mentioned here that acute cervicitis and cervical cancer are not suitable for this kind of treatment.

Laser and electrosurgery can be compared. They are very similar. Both use high heat to burn surgical wounds to remove necrotic tissue and scabs, and then re-grow new human tissue to cover them. The principles are almost the same, and the doctors' operating techniques can be said to be almost the same. The only thing is

Lasers are more powerful and can penetrate directly into the deep tissues of the human body, so you need to be more careful when operating.

Like other aseptic operations, the surgeon wears a disposable surgical gown and drapes, and then puts on sterile gloves. He first uses a speculum to open the patient's vagina to expose the surgical area.

Just like general surgery, the doctor needs to conduct visual observation again to confirm that the preoperative situation is no different from the expected and is suitable for surgery before the surgery can be started. During the observation, the patient wipes away the mucus in the canal and cervix, and then performs the surgery.

Disinfection. Disinfection uses the new Geranium disinfectant used in routine surgeries. The scope of disinfection includes the cervix and the vagina. Disinfect well and wipe off excess disinfectant with a dry cotton ball.

As a student, Xie Wanying stood on the back left side and carefully observed the teacher's every move.

Dr. Zuo Liang is Teacher Du's favorite disciple. Like Teacher Du, he is of the steady style and has the gentleness and meticulousness of a gynecologist.

While operating, Zuo Liang gave an on-site explanation to the students and mentioned: "I think you can try it later. After all, you have been on the operating table and have been the chief surgeon, so there is no problem with handling the scalpel."

In the eyes of teachers, this kind of minor surgery is a small case, far less scary than a major surgery in the operating room. A highly praised surgical student should be able to get started quickly after taking a look. Why do you say this? Many clinicians face

It is impossible to fully learn new technologies during the internship period. You can only go to the department to learn and do business at the same time. After graduation, medical students go to the hospital to work. Like graduates from other industries, they must adapt to the new technology as soon as possible when they arrive at the workplace.


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