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This meaning of Xie’s classmate needs to be considered carefully. What he means is that it doesn’t matter how the child grows up, what is more important is the moral character, knowledge, etc. acquired.

Thanks to classmates for their rational thinking as always. Classmates Lin Hao and Li Qian were speechless.

"Ahem." Ren Chongda approached and cleared his throat twice.

The three classmates turned around and saw the counselor. When they were shocked, they all shouted: "Teacher Ren, are you planning a surprise attack?"

These little beasts spoke to him more and more openly.

Ren Chongda glanced at the three of them and said, "You are judging the children of your senior brothers and sisters behind your back. Be careful that walls have ears."

Don’t dare! The three of them waved their hands to the counselor and said they didn’t say anything bad about the children of their senior brothers and sisters.

Besides, I don’t believe that the counselor is not interested in whether the child looks like his father or his mother.

Ren Chongda got close to the incubator and observed the children of his old classmates.

Oops, it seems that this child really suffered when he came out. His skin was in a state of hypoxia and he was struggling to breathe oxygen. When I asked again, he said that he had inhaled amniotic fluid before, so he was afraid that he would become inflamed and have a fever.

"Where's the doctor on duty?" Ren Chongda raised his head and asked, wanting to ask for the professional opinion of the pediatrician.

Xie Wanying told Teacher Ren: "Teacher Nie is on his way back. He called the doctor on duty first to instruct the doctor on duty to put cephalosporin on the child first."

Seeing that the child was taking medicine in a timely manner, Ren Chongda felt relieved a little.

With a beeping sound, the door of nicu was pushed open and someone slipped in through the crack in the door. The two people who came in put on disposable isolation gowns and slippers, and started talking when they saw them.

"Ren Chongda is here. Was it Zhu Huicang who informed him?"

The voice sounded like that of Senior Brother Gao. The three classmates followed Teacher Ren and looked back, and saw the figures of the two senior brothers. They were really Senior Brother Gao and Senior Brother Tao.

Ren Chongda blinked in surprise: Why are these two people here?

"How can we not come?" Gao Zhaocheng said seriously, "It is said that Li Xiaobing died in childbirth in Cao Yong's house. How can we not come? Everyone else will also come." The seniors in the eighth class are not cold.

Ruthless will definitely appear when it should appear.

Xie Wanying and two other classmates were horrified when they heard this.

The rumors were really scary, saying that Senior Brother Cao's house was going to turn into a haunted house. No wonder Senior Brother Cao ran home quickly.

Ren Chongda covered his face, feeling sorry for Cao Yong in his heart.

"How is the child?" Tao Zhijie observed the condition of the child in the incubator. His usually smiling eyes turned a little serious and asked, "Do you have a fever?"

"He inhaled amniotic fluid. The pediatrician gave him cephalosporin," Ren Chongda said.

Gao Zhaocheng watched the child's condition and asked, "Is it a boy or a girl?"

The child was wearing a diaper, and his gender could not be identified for the moment.

Ren Chongda asked several students: "Boy or girl?"

The three classmates thought to themselves. The teacher criticized them for gossiping, but in the end they were more curious than they were. At least when they rescued the child, they never thought about whether the child was a boy or a girl.

"Why don't you talk?" Ren Chongda asked what the three silent eyes meant.

There was a burst of laughter. Everyone looked over and saw Tao Zhijie laughing.

Why is this Buddha smiling mysteriously? Ren Chongda and Gao Zhaocheng thought.

"Did you save it alone?" Tao Zhijie raised his head and asked the junior sister.

Senior Brother Tao's eyes were smiling, but the more he smiled, the more scary he became. Xie Wanying said honestly: "No."

"Who worked with you to rescue the child?" Tao Zhijie said in a gentle voice.

"It's Dr. Song."

After listening to this, Ren Chongda and Gao Zhaocheng realized that Song Xuelin was present at the scene. It seemed that what Tao Zhijie was laughing at was this: This is the reason why this child is so lucky.


Thank you for your support!!! Good night, dears~

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