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【2113】Student exchange

The patient has edema in both lower limbs and slightly distended jugular veins, which are manifestations of advanced right heart failure. These numbers and symptoms are still the result of the patient's continuous infusion of some drugs under control. It shows that the patient's condition is predictably bad.

My heart function has reached a dangerous level four.

Such critically ill patients cannot afford to live in a good ward with a TV or a refrigerator.

Du Yeqing took out the stethoscope from the pocket of his white coat and handed it to Du Haiwei.

Du Haiwei shook his head. When it comes to listening to the heart and lungs, he is not a cardiothoracic surgeon. The description of the cardiothoracic surgery specialist hospital here is enough.

"This morning's physical examination revealed thick breath sounds in both lungs, no rales, an elevated second heart sound in the pulmonary valve area, a systolic murmur in the precordial area, and the heart boundary expanded to the left." Du Yeqing added the patient's physical examination data.

A head nurse and a nurse were standing at the scene, holding a fetal heart rate monitor and placing it on the patient's belly to detect the baby's fetal heart rate.

This is the diagnosis and treatment work that obstetricians and gynecologists are good at. Du Haiwei walked closer to listen to the fetal heart rate data.

The baby's fetal heart rate is acceptable and within the normal range. Visual inspection of this patient's abdominal circumference and what is shown in the medical record indicate that the fetus should be around thirty-four weeks old now. As a pregnant mother, this patient is between twenty-six and twenty-six years old.

She is not considered very old. On the contrary, she is the right age for pregnancy and childbirth. Even if she is not an advanced maternal age, she still has other diseases that directly endanger the health of the mother and her child.

Du Haiwei raised his head and wanted to talk to the patient himself and ask about the situation. Looking at the patient, he was obviously in a hypoxic state while breathing medium-concentration oxygen, and his consciousness was not very clear. In this case, he couldn't get the answer by asking questions.

The group of people had finished seeing the patients and evacuated the ward.

Several young medical students had no chance to browse the patient's medical records before, so they could only make guesses by themselves after seeing the patient's condition on the spot.

Du Meng'en pulled the hem of Xie's clothes in front of her and asked her: "What disease do you think she has?"

Just ask her. The teacher's son is obviously most interested in her answer.

People asked her that she must have felt a little weird after seeing the patient, and the other doctors who were listening were the same. Normal communication between medical students is on equal terms, so Xie Wanying calmly asked the other person for advice first: "What do you think?"

"That's what I think." As expected, Du Meng'en couldn't hold back his academic opinions and started talking eloquently, "The patient is in the third trimester of pregnancy and is not an advanced maternal age. It is very likely that she has a congenital disease and is not suitable for pregnancy.

Pregnancy can cause such a situation. Looking at this patient's symptoms and signs, I personally think that the possibility of her having primary pulmonary hypertension is very high."

After hearing what he said, others thought: After all, he is the son of a famous teacher and is a top student in a well-known medical school. It is rare to be able to make such a quick judgment without looking at medical records and only looking at the patient's condition.

Having said that, some of the significant clinical manifestations of this patient are not too difficult for doctors to judge. Right heart failure is common clinically, especially in pregnant women, and is a typical manifestation of pulmonary hypertension.

What is pulmonary hypertension.

We must first talk about what the normal pulmonary artery blood flow pressure is before we can explain hypertension.

The normal pulmonary artery has a low pressure because the pulmonary circulation is not like the systemic circulation. The lungs are close to the heart. There are no blood vessels in the systemic circulation. There are more blood vessels far away from the heart, which can provide a good buffer zone. Under this premise, the pulmonary circulation is for one time

Sex can hold all the blood pumped out by the heart at close range.

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