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【2364】Can not be taken lightly

Lao Liu hurriedly dialed the 110 alarm platform. After reporting the suspicious situation at the scene in detail, he must also call other leaders of the company, as it was related to Mr. Qi's safety.

Student Wei communicated with the 120 command center: "It was an electric shock. One of the adults stopped breathing and his heartbeat stopped. He has been performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation for about ten minutes now, and there is no sign of his heartbeat and breathing coming back." After explaining the adults' condition, he

He walked up to classmate Xie and the child and asked, "Yingying, how is the situation here?"

The fact that the child was electrocuted for a short time and that his breathing did not completely stop during the doctor's examination shows that the hope of rescue is greater than that of adults. This may be the reason why classmate Wei asked her to save the child.

After some hard work of cardiac compression, the child's heartbeat returned to more than 60 beats per minute. Xie Wanying stopped the cardiopulmonary resuscitation and touched the child's neck, feeling its weak vitality pulsing. Her delicate eyebrows were furrowed: This child is in danger.

If it doesn't pass, you may die suddenly again at any time.

The most frightening thing about electric injuries is delayed death. Some people do not die on the spot after being electrocuted, but die suddenly after a period of time.

It means that the heart that has just been brought back from the hell gate must not be expected to return to the human world to beat healthily immediately. Doctors must be extremely vigilant and monitor it.

The child's consciousness is unlikely to wake up soon.

Xie Wanying Siding and classmate Wei said: "Notify 120 that this child is to be sent to Shouer, and please ask the Shouer Emergency Department to be ready to respond."

Seoer and Tianfu No. 1 are in the same urban area, and the journey to Seoul is expected to be shorter than that of Guozhi.

"This -" Student Wei and the people in the 120 command center had great doubts about her words.

Why does it have to be sent to Shouer? Is it because the injured person is a child? In fact, electrocution seems to be a disease that affects adults and children, and it is not a special pediatric disease for children. Logically speaking, it should be the same as sending it to a top tertiary hospital for emergency treatment.

"No." Xie Wanying said, "Eighty percent of the injured have damaged myocardium. It would be best to send them to a hospital that specializes in pediatric cardiology. Because there is no guarantee that the chest will be opened immediately for rescue."

"What is it?"

"The root cause of delayed death from electric shock injuries is that the patient's heart actually suffered major damage after he was rescued on the spot. Most doctors can't detect what kind of damage there is, so they can't be saved."

Wei Shangquan suddenly realized that he remembered the knowledge points mentioned in the book, and quickly told the 120 command center: "We are medical students from the National Association, and we are now interning in Shouer. Please inform the emergency department of Shouer and the emergency department of Guozhi

The department is ready to pick up patients."

Classmate Xie blinked when he heard what Classmate Wei said next. All the classmates in the class were academic leaders, and Classmate Wei's actions were based on analogies. He knew that when the heart is most severely damaged, even an injured adult would have to be sent to a cardiac hospital.

It is better to treat patients in two separate hospitals, so that the rescue personnel will have sufficient strength and doctors will not have to separate to save two people.

After receiving the news from them, 120 dispatched the nearest ambulance to the scene to treat the injured.

The police station is much closer than the hospital station. After Lao Liu called the police, the police car from the nearby police station set off at lightning speed and arrived at Tianfu No. 1 Community in less than five minutes.

When the police car arrived, the community management realized that something serious had happened.

The piercing siren of the police car alarmed the entire Tianfu No. 1 community owners.

All the hidden bosses who live here can call the property management company to inquire about the situation if they are at home.

This chapter has been completed!
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