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【239】A doctor can cure a patient without moving his emotions

At the other end of the corridor, a doctor looked towards them as he walked out of the office.

Sensing that someone was looking over him, including the new "rookie" in his group? Tan Kelin's eyes turned cold and he said, "Go in and talk." After saying that, he took the lead back to the teaching room.

He walked so fast that others could only jog to keep up with him.

After everyone entered the teaching room, Liu Chengran locked the door to prevent others from entering.

A row of people standing in the corner of a quiet room.

Tan Kelin stood in front and ordered in one word: "Speak."

It can be seen that Teacher Tan has been listening to the newcomers' opinions and has forgotten the three other students who have been following them for a long time.

Luo Yanfen and the other three glanced at Xie Wanying, thinking that this newcomer looked very young and spoke in a mature, calm and emotionless tone.

Female medical students are always expected to be more emotional than boys.

It is definitely wrong to say that Xie Wanying has no feelings. Anyone who knows her knows that she has great feelings for her patients.

It's just that doctors can't become immortals by being emotional when seeing patients. If they can cure the patient's disease immediately by making a merit, Xie Wanying is 100% willing to do so.

What is more common in clinical practice is that doctors must swallow tears and analyze the patient's condition rationally.

Stepping forward, Xie Wanying said: "In addition to staging, tumor prognosis depends on classification and grading. In fact, histological classification and grading have become more and more important to guide clinical surgical plans. Some patients' stages seem to be very good, but

The pathological classification is very poor and the grade is very high, and the prognosis is still extremely poor. At this time, it doesn’t make much sense to do a complete resection because the tumor that is about to metastasize has already metastasized. This is why I say that I

I am more worried about bed 7 than bed 3. The preliminary pathological result of bed 3 is moderately differentiated cancer."

"Isn't the initial pathological result of her bed No. 7——" Luo Yanfen said anxiously to object to her again.

"Did I let you speak?" Tan Kelin glanced at him coldly.

Luo Yanfen closed her mouth, and her mouth turned white.

"Continue talking." Tan Kelin pointed to the person who had just interrupted.

This teacher Tan probably has the same temper as that teacher Fu. He hates it most when someone hides something in front of her. Xie Wanying thought.

In fact, clinical teachers are most afraid that people in their team may be hiding something, which may affect the patient's treatment process.

Trying to adjust her thoughts, Xie Wanying explained the key points to the teacher: "I am very doubtful about her pathological results. The reason is that her initial pathological results are very uncertain, and her pathological tissue sections were taken from colonoscopy samples taken in other hospitals.

Since the tumor now looks neither big nor small, and its shape is very confusing, the sampling of specimens is too difficult for doctors who perform colonoscopy. As Teacher Tan knows, her pathological sections have been analyzed by pathology in two hospitals, and one of them said it was benign.


After she finished speaking, several doctors in our hospital looked thoughtful.

"It seems like this -" Dr. Sun thought back and discussed with his senior brother Liu Chengran in a low voice.

The teachers did not object. Xie Wanying took a closer look and said: "The teachers may think that the pathology department of the previous hospital is not good. However, if one hospital judges it to be benign and the other judges it to be moderately differentiated cancer, the error is a bit big. The specimens usually come in with a high reputation.

Said that the possibility is extremely low, it cannot be ruled out that there may be something wrong with this sampling, or it may be difficult for pathological experts to determine the diagnosis. After all, the sampling accuracy of biopsy forceps is low, and the sampling accuracy will be better if a trap is used



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