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【2456】The Dying Cygnet

Wei Shangquan saw the child on the ambulance bed and screamed: "Zhu Xing?!"

No way, this child left a deep impression on them. He was the first child that Brother Shenxian took the initiative to care for. Think about it, who is Brother Shenxian? He is an expert and a director. Being able to care so much about a child can only mean that this child

How serious is the condition? So even though the child seemed to be in good condition last time in the emergency room, in fact it was not. Only the doctor has all kinds of patient data in his hands and knows best the actual condition of this patient.

Zhu Xing suddenly had a seizure at home in the middle of the night, and her mother called the attending doctor. Since Dr. Cheng lived close to the child's home, when asking 120 to coordinate the dispatch of a car, Cao Zhao asked his subordinates to rush to the child's home to deal with the child's condition.

This child's situation is special, and doctors who are not familiar with the child's condition are afraid that they may not know what medicine to use or use the wrong medicine, which may be fatal to this fragile child.

"Doctor Cao." Zhu Xing's mother, who came with her child, grabbed the attending doctor's hand and said nervously, "He was discharged from the hospital just two days ago, why is he like this so soon? He said he couldn't breathe."

The family members were so anxious that they forgot that holding the doctor's hand like this would hinder the doctor from saving lives.

"Wait a minute. Let me check on his condition first, okay?" Cao Zhao said softly to the family members, like a cool stream of water to drown the emotions on the parents' heads.

Zhu Xing's mother calmed down for a moment, then saw her son being pushed into the emergency room by a group of people, her face turned pale.

Cao Zhao asked a colleague to get a cup of boiling water for the family members, and then went to the emergency room.

Entering the rescue room, the ECG monitor was connected to the child, and the screen showed that the child's heart rate reached 1,314. This was a state of sudden death from ventricular fibrillation.

There is no escape from acute left heart failure.

The child has difficulty breathing and cannot lie down, so he can only sit upright.

The doctor increased the oxygen flow to high flow.

The child was still out of breath, and the little face wearing an oxygen mask was pale and bloodless, glowing a scary blue color. Due to the lack of oxygen, the child's eyes were in a shaky and scattered state, and it looked like he might die at any moment.

, which is frightening.

Wei Shangquan held the child's hand. When he touched it, the skin on the patient's hand was clearly clammy and cold, as if he were dead.

When this child is nine years old, the tree has grown to the age where it has a trunk and can climb straight up toward the sun.

Wei Shangquan's heart was squeezed tightly, and he held the child's hand hard, trying to inject strength into the child.

Zhu Xing's little hand was like a dying swan. It was about to droop, but was suddenly held by his brother. His little eyes opened, and he recognized his brother's face in front of him through his blurry vision, and murmured with his little mouth.

"What do you want to say?" Wei Shangquan immediately put his ear to the child's mouth and listened.

"Xiang, I have to learn from my brother--" Zhu Xing's labored voice squeezed out of his throat, as if these words were the pillar that supported him to live until now.

Wei Shangquan was surprised. He couldn't understand what the child was saying or why.

Who asked this child to learn from him and what to learn from him? What is there to learn from him? His academic performance is not as good as Zhao Zhaowei's.

Thinking back again, the last time I met this child, someone whispered something secret into the child's ear, which caused the child to look at him strangely.

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