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【2469】Provide strategy

Dr. Han, fearing that there would be no chaos, raised his little finger at Classmate Wei: Come on, as long as you come to us, you can learn whatever you want.

Wei Shangquan asked: The rival boss actually allowed him to go there and learn secretly?

Cheng Yuchen glared at Dr. Han: What do you want to do by kidnapping someone else's "child"?

Dr. Han said: "Doesn't Dr. Cao not do heart transplants?"

When he heard for the first time that his mentor would not perform a heart transplant, Wei Shangquan turned back to someone to ask for an answer.

Cao Zhao remained motionless.

"It's not that Dr. Cao doesn't do it, it's that he's not interested. Don't talk nonsense." Mu Yongxian scratched his nose with a cold voice.

"Yes." Dr. Han nodded cooperatively and admitted his "mistake."

Cheng Yuchen wrinkled his brows. Recently, Mu Yongxian has been willing to poke fun at Cao Zhao, which is unprecedented and a bit unusual. Cao Zhao rarely does heart transplants. The problem does not mean that Cao Zhao does not have the technology to do it.

There are very few heart organ donors in the country. There are only 78 cases of heart organ transplants in the first year of the year. Three cases in the first quarter of this year are unprecedented. No wonder the leaders want to post the good news to spread the word. Looking at the country, there are only 20 to 30 children's heart transplants every year.

, it is being done by Guozhi, Shouer and Beidu Department’s leading teams in pediatric cardiology. The Beidu Department’s organ transplants are scattered in several affiliated hospitals. For heart transplants, they are mainly concentrated in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Beidu.

There are few donors, resulting in doctors doing less. Domestic doctors responsible for organ transplants have always been anxious. The number of operations is too small compared with the number abroad, making it difficult for the technology to progress. When the number fails to increase, sharing and communicating on cases among peers becomes another issue.

It is a valuable way to gain surgical experience. Perhaps Mu Yong’s first attempt is to let Cao Zhao show his skills to others for reference. Don’t think that they will do three cases this year. The more successful they are, the more people want to know about their own skills.

Room for further growth.

Soon, Dr. Han discovered that the blatant seduction between himself and his boss seemed to only work for one person. Pan Shihua and Duan Sanbao stood opposite the hospital bed, their four eyes fixed on Xie's movements. Dai Nanhui only followed his idol.

Xie Wanying, wearing a stethoscope, concentrated on auscultating the child's little heart.

Others could tell from the slight movement of her eyelashes that she seemed to have heard something.

"How?" Yu Minghui asked softly.

Xie Wanying expressed her opinion: "The diuretic dose only needs to be increased to 1.7 times or less than twice the current dose. The cardiac glycosides should be appropriately reduced to 0.6 times the current dose."

For this kind of heart failure with weakened cardiac contractility, the combination of diuretics and cardiac glycosides is a common usage. Usually when the cardiac output is low, the cardiac medication is used to increase the pulmonary venous pressure, edema and diuresis. Like the current case of sponge heart, it is simple

It is described as the heart absorbing a large amount of water like a sponge every time it contracts, but it cannot release the water. The burden on the heart is getting heavier and heavier, the amount of blood discharged is low, and there is also edema. What should I do now? It seems that the more important thing is to grasp the two.

The precise matching ratio. Xie gave the plan through auscultation and his own brain calculations.

Yu Minghui was gearing up and preparing to try the younger junior sister's genius strategy.

Doctor Han next door and a group of people were surprised: What did she figure out after hearing it?

Mu Yong first glanced at Cao Zhao's hand.

Xie Wanying felt the back of her head being touched by the hand of the Immortal Brother. Like Senior Brother Cao, the Immortal Brother loved to touch her head.

The Cao family loves smart children. The smiling whirlpool in Cao Zhao's eyes is wary: guarding against old friends, guarding senior sisters, and guarding against competitors, he may have to be careful not to overturn.


Thank you for your support!!! Good night, dears~

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