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【2481】Don’t brag about Haikou

He Xiangyu was muttering in her heart. She was dragged behind when she was walking in front, so she had to look at the Buddha who dragged her down.

As a senior brother, how could he do this when he saw his junior sister rushing forward without knowing the risks? Tao Zhijie pulled the person down without saying a word and walked to the front to explore the way.

Before the two got on the minibus, they saw some students who had been carried off the minibus. The school uniforms stained red with blood and the red scarves scattered on the ground looked extremely cruel.

God is not discerning and targets a group of children.

Someone in the car shouted if a doctor was coming to help.

"The doctor is here." He Xiangyu immediately raised her hands and responded.

Tao Zhijie looked at her and shook his head. This junior sister's high-profile behavior always made him uncomfortable.

Hearing that a doctor was coming, a group of people hurriedly made way for the two of them.

The two got on the minibus and approached the location of the reported injured.

When he saw the scene in front of him, He Xiangyu let out a low cry.

Everyone around looked solemn.

I watched a female teacher use her body to protect the two children at the last moment of the car accident. Her head was smashed beyond recognition by the falling car window and was covered in blood.

After Tao Zhijie got closer, he stretched out his fingers to feel the teacher's nostril pulse and carotid artery, but there were no signs of life.

Everyone was sobbing and sobbing. He Xiangyu sniffed.

The top priority is to remove the teacher and check the situation of the students whom the teacher is protecting with his own life.

Several pairs of hands carefully removed the teacher on top, and then carried the teacher's body out of the car.

There are two children, one is older and the other is younger.

When the older child was raised by the rescuers, he opened his eyes and said to the adults: "Uncle, aunt, please save my sister first. Her name is Xiaoyu."

It turned out that the injured pair happened to be a pair of sisters. The eldest child was named Shanshan and the younger child was named Xiaoyu. They were in the fifth and second grades of primary school respectively. "There are many of us, so we need to save both of them." He Xiangyu reassured Shanshan.


Tao Zhijie turned around and looked at the junior sister again: Don't praise Haikou.

If you don't save anyone on the spot before you know the situation, how do you explain it to your child?

He Xiangyu felt frustrated for a moment, thinking that this Buddha was so heartless and unjust that he could not even say a word of comfort to the child.

Doctors have to classify whether they want to give comfort words or not. If there is no hope, you have to say there is hope, which is not to give hope, but to give hope away. Since this junior sister is not a clinical practitioner, Tao Zhijie will not criticize and educate much.

Whether it can be saved requires a doctor's examination first. After examination, my sister Shanshan was conscious. There were two relatively large bleeding wounds mainly on the side of her head and feet.

He Xiangyu opened the first aid kit and took out the sterile gauze.

Tao Zhijie took the gauze piece and pressed it on the child's bleeding wound, and gave instructions: "Take it out of the car and deal with it later."

After preliminary judgment, getting the injured person safely out of the danger zone is always the first step in first aid. The child has no obvious fractures or internal bleeding, so it does not need to be fixed and transported. Follow the doctor's instructions and the people on standby will take Shanshan out of the car.

After Shanshan left, she revealed Xiaoyu sitting on the seat inside. Everyone originally thought that the child would be the least injured since he was being protected by his teacher and sister.

Tao Zhijie lifted up the child's drooping head. When he saw the bruise on his forehead, he shouted in his heart: Oops!

He Xiangyu next to him called out his psychological words: "Oops, it's terrible!"


Thank you for your support!!! Good night, dears~

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