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【2491】Famous scene

After hearing that Zhang Huayao, who was specifically looking for trouble, might come, a group of people were so anxious that they all shouted: "Where is Tao Zhijie?"

Those who are more impulsive will go in and drag Tao Zhijie out of the office.

In front of Guozhi, the National Association cannot afford to lose face.

There was a lot of chatter in the corridor, and the scene was a bit chatty. Suddenly the ward door creaked, and a figure appeared. The crowd looked back, silent.

This situation immediately reminds people of the famous scene where the fairy brother arrives at Seoul Emergency Department. It can be seen that this fairy-like man, like the male protagonist of an idol drama, amazes everyone wherever he appears.

The person who appeared was Cao Zhao.

After receiving a message from someone, Cao Zhao drove all the way here in a dusty way. The Cao family usually pays attention to their appearance and dress seriously and handsomely. But today, the gray windbreaker on Cao Zhao's body

It's ordinary and half of the buttons are buttoned, which means that tonight's matter is really big, causing Cao's family to panic.

While running and walking, Cao Zhao was talking on his cell phone. His breathing was a little short of breath: "Yes, uncle, I just arrived. Ren Chongda called me and said that the student told him that the matter was a bit serious and asked me to come over and handle it.


It can be seen that after the news about Ren Chongda, the first thing I thought was that my old classmate Cao Yong would definitely panic. I also knew that it would be difficult for Cao Yong to deal with her injury in this situation. At this moment, Tao Zhijie needs to be able to stabilize. Listen to what classmate Wei said

When we arrived at the scene, the Buddha was also frightened. What do you think Ren Chongda, the counselor, can do? Please quickly notify the boss who can control the situation.

It became necessary to inform Cao's family, and Cao Zhao also happened to be his student's tutor and needed to be informed of the situation.

"I'll call you if anything happens, uncle." Cao Zhao said, "You can come if you want, but don't let anyone else come. Just tell my parents not to come, and don't scare people."

The person who spoke to him on the phone must be Zhai Yunsheng. When he heard him say that the matter was a bit serious, he immediately responded: "I'll go over and check on the situation for your parents first."

As for what Cao Zhao said, don’t scare people by coming too many people, Zhai Yunsheng agrees. Anyone who has been in contact with classmate Xie knows that classmate Xie is a low-key person. If too many people come, she will feel social.


Putting down his cell phone, Cao Zhao walked quickly to see how his "child" was doing.

In a car accident, he was rushed to the hospital for emergency treatment. The few unclear words Ren Chongda said were enough to scare people to death.

Zhu Huicang and others present knew who he was and took the initiative to step aside for him to reveal the door of the ward.

Cao Zhao didn't even bother to say hello to the other people present, he opened the door and went straight into the ward.

He walked directly to the bedside and saw that the injured's complexion was normal and his breathing was steady, not like hemorrhagic shock. Cao Zhao breathed a sigh of relief.

What is the condition of the injured person now? Cao Zhao needed to know. He turned his eyes and first saw his younger brother sitting opposite.

Cao Yong also didn't notice his arrival, holding the injured man's wrist with both hands and pressing it against his forehead.

Hey, my brother is like this, so I don’t think I need to ask. I’m afraid that if I ask, it will trigger the terrible car accident memory replay scene, which will definitely make him even more panicked. Cao Zhao turned around and heard the people at the door saying that the frightened attending doctor was hiding there.

The office continues to feel relaxed.

This situation can make people feel as if nothing is completely wrong.

This chapter has been completed!
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