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【2538】Not afraid

The family members were about to go into the ICU to see the patient. Several adults started arguing again at this juncture as to whether to let Shanshan in.

"She is too young, are you really going to let her in?" Grandma Shanshan frowned and blamed her son-in-law.

I don't think adults can accept the scene after they go in, so how can they let children go in and be tortured?

It's impossible to say that Shanshan's parents don't care about their eldest daughter. However, you can't hide a smart child. For this reason, they consulted a professional child psychologist.

If you want to hide everything from your children, adults need to be mentally prepared to face another question: Does Shanshan have the right to see her sister for the last time?

If so, should adults respect the rights of children?

If Shanshan misses this opportunity, will it become a lifelong pain in the child's heart and a lifelong regret?

These are all irreparable pains in the future and may cause divisions and conflicts between family members.

What psychiatrists are most afraid of is the self-righteous idea of ​​parents taking care of their children.

Shanshan's father and Shanshan's mother understood it immediately.

After the pediatrician assessed that the child's mental endurance was acceptable, Shanshan's father and mother chose to respect their eldest daughter.

"Shanshan, do you want to go in?" Shanshan's father bent down and once again confirmed his eldest daughter's opinion.

"Yes." Shanshan nodded. She figured out that instead of expecting others to save her sister Xiaoyu, she should come and see her sister herself. Besides, she was not afraid because she was accompanied by doctors, sisters and brothers.

"Okay, let's go in." Shanshan's father said.

You need to put on an isolation gown before entering the ICU. The nurse sister specially found an extra small isolation gown for Shanshan's child. Xie Wanying helped the child put it on, being careful not to injure the child's injured left hand.

After everyone is ready, enter the ICU in an orderly manner.

After watching her and the child enter the door, Cao Yong walked to the doctor's office opposite to have further communication with the doctor here.

As mentioned before, ICU is a place that pays special attention to quietness, without any interference from extra noise, which makes even the smallest sounds very sensitive.

As soon as everyone entered the door, they heard sobs in the air, filled with deep sadness.

There was nervousness on Shanshan's little face, and she could tell that her mother and grandma were crying.

Grandma Shanshan and her grandfather were frightened and retreated back to the door, not daring to look.

Without waiting for her father to ask again, Shanshan couldn't wait to run forward to see her sister.

Others followed closely.

ICU bed No. 9 is tightly wrapped with screens and curtains. In addition to protecting the patient's privacy, it is also necessary to minimize the impact on other patients. Not all patients in the ICU are unconscious.

A specialist doctor stood beside the patient's bed, performing an electroencephalogram examination on Xiaoyu in accordance with the family's request. According to the examination requirements, uninterrupted electroencephalography recordings need to be recorded for more than half an hour.

The machine uses electrodes to connect to the child's brain, and the stylus floats all the way on the recording paper to trace.

In fact, even people who don't understand medicine can guess what it means if the line on the paper is flat almost all the way.

The child's mother cried profusely and covered her red and swollen eyes with a handkerchief.

The child's grandparents relied on each other, and their faces seemed paler than the dead. The medical staff provided chairs for the two elderly people.

Finally, unable to hold it back any longer, the child's grandmother ran over and said, "Why don't you check? I think Xiaoyu is still fine and not dead."

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