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【2588】Give some advice

When Xie Wanying heard this, she realized that Classmate Duan was really a rich man.

No, it’s not Classmate Duan, it’s Brother Shenxian who is really rich. Brother Shenxian’s research funding for Classmate Duan must be checked and applied for. Transgenic mice are much more expensive than healthy mice. To put it simply, transgenic mice are

There is a difference of more than a few hundred dollars and a healthy mouse worth tens of dollars.

It is not ruled out that Mr. Duan makes transgenic mice by himself in order to save money. If he makes transgenic mice from scratch, the complexity and time-consuming of the experiment will probably drive the experimenter crazy. Because in addition to doing scientific research, Mr. Duan needs to go to the hospital to learn the value of work.

He works the night shift, and he is a student. He will not have anyone else to help him, and he will be the only one to do this experiment from beginning to end.

After receiving her admiring look, Duan Sanbao hurriedly said: "No, I bought it." No matter how academically powerful he is, he can't handle both scientific research and clinical work once he gets the certificate.

Since Dr. Duan trusted her, Xie Wanying thought about it and gave her own little reference opinion, but she didn't know if it was right or not. As for clinical scientific research, the scientific research she had done before was not clinical and she had no experience.

"Heterotopic heart transplantation in the abdominal cavity requires the use of a surgical microscope. The small size of mice makes this operation more difficult." Xie Wanying said, "It requires laparotomy, large blood vessels need to be blocked, and there are many postoperative complications.

, the failure rate is relatively high. It is better to transplant in the neck. In the neck, there is no need to open the abdomen, and the impact on the recipient's circulation is smaller, so it may be better to control the risk."

Duan Sanbao looked at her and once again felt that her scientific research knowledge was very rich.

Before I talk about this, the teachers and brothers gave her some scientific research materials to read. For example, in the Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery of the Chinese Association, it is a natural and advantageous choice to use the mouse orthotopic liver transplantation model for experiments. This gave her a certain understanding of the mouse model.


Duan Sanbao said nothing, thinking about her suggestion in his mind.

After walking around in the animal experiment building, Duan Sanbao took them to the laboratory of Brother Shenxian. Animal experiments are usually concentrated in the animal experiment building, unless there is a big boss who has an animal laboratory in the scientific research building of his department.

The room has relevant equipment and environment to conduct animal experiments.

It just so happens that Brother Shenxian is a big boss.

After coming out of the animal experiment building, a group of people walked around and came to the scientific research building. Some of the scientific research buildings in the medical school are the same building, and some are not. Each department has its own one. How many are there specifically?

, it is estimated that only the university leaders know this. The scientific research building they came to now is a newly built one, with shiny white exterior walls, and there are many research rooms of department heads inside.

I walked up the stairs to the fifth floor. There were two signs hanging in the corridor that read: Cardiovascular Assisted Circulation Laboratory and Biochemistry Laboratory. They seemed to be two laboratories, but they were actually a combined laboratory, focusing on the study of cardiomyopathy.

Molecular genetic research, gene and cell therapy for heart disease, artificial heart valve left ventricular assist device, etc. In summary, it can be roughly explained in one sentence: the research direction here is the pathology and treatment of late-stage heart disease.

The scope of cardiovascular research is very large. It is said that there is a laboratory in the old building next door that studies the basics of coronary heart disease, focusing on the pathogenesis of coronary heart disease.

After entering, there are several areas inside, including office areas, biological laboratories, chemical laboratories, cell culture rooms, animal rooms and other laboratory areas. When entering the laboratory area, you must wear work clothes, disposable gloves and hats, etc.

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