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[260] It's not good to hold a group

The other two did not doubt his conclusion.

Teacher Niu, who is a clinical technician, wants to find out whether a student has a boyfriend or girlfriend. What is the difficulty?

When a person falls in love, his hormone secretion is different from other people's, and his body will also change.


When walking to the ward, Xie Wanying heard the sound of someone chasing after her.

"Xie Wanying." Luo Yanfen came to her and said, "We are members of the same group. We can learn from each other and make progress together."

Xie Wanying also wants to have a good relationship with the members of her group, but it is not the kind of relationship that this person has in mind now.

On the afternoon of the first day she came, she noticed that the three of them seemed to have discussed it in private and liked to speak in unison. This was not good, as it felt like they would hide something from the teacher in private.

Teachers should prefer that members of the same group work independently rather than in a group, which is not conducive to academic discussions. Think about how progress can be made by always agreeing.

Besides, didn’t this person always think he was senior? Why did he suddenly change his attitude towards her new arrival?

Teacher Xiao Sun didn't say anything, but he asked them to pick up patients twice in a row without seeing this person. Luo Yanfen thought about it all night and figured it out. The teachers had new favorites in their hearts and might have to throw away their old favorites.

"We are female medical students." Luo Yanfen closes the special relationship with the same gender. "It is very difficult for female medical students. People often think that we female medical students are not good enough."

Xie Wanying heard what she said: "It doesn't matter what other people say, just do your own thing."

Girls are at a disadvantage in employment compared to boys, so they need to face the reality and work hard. Xie Wanying thinks so, and there is no need to argue with others.

This new rookie made her feel too naive. Luo Yanfen frowned, wondering if it was because she was old that it was difficult to communicate with the young ones, so she asked her: "Did Teacher Sun ask you to do anything today?"

"Tell me to go see the patient in bed 3."

"I'll go with you. I checked it out this morning." As she said that, Luo Yanfen followed her.

As Xie Wanying walked to bed 3 where yesterday's surgery was performed, the nurse whispered from behind: "Doctor Luo—" Luo Yanfen had to turn around and walk out.

Xie Wanying stayed alone by the hospital bed.

Since the operation went smoothly, and in order to save money for the patient, the patient did not go to the ICU and only put on the monitor in the department ward. Xie Wanying looked through the records of the monitor, checked the patient's temperature, checked the 24-hour input and output of the bedside record book, and checked

The condition of the nasogastric tube and postoperative abdominal drainage tube, as well as the abdominal surgical incision. I heard that Dr. Luo had checked these, so she was not too worried.

I listened carefully to the opinions of the patient’s family.

"I feel that when he came back at noon yesterday, he always fell asleep because the anesthetic had not worn off." The family raised concerns.

Xie Wanying told her family: "The operation is a major operation, and recovery will take some time, and it has something to do with anesthesia. He was given an analgesic pump."

"How many days will it take to recover?" the family asked. "I heard from Dr. Tan yesterday that the condition is okay."

"With moderately differentiated cancer, if you treat it well and maintain a good mentality, you have a good chance of living for many years." Xie Wanying said.

"I was originally going to have a laparoscopy, but then I heard someone say that the cancer cells can be cut out more cleanly by having a laparotomy."

"Yes, laparoscopy only depends on the naked eye. Sometimes it is not clear to the naked eye. If you open the abdomen, the surgeon can touch it with his hands and cut out some other things. The scope of exploration is wider. In case of gastric cancer, it is not early stage.

, for a radical cure, laparotomy is definitely better. When Dr. Tan told you, he should have mentioned that even if laparoscopy is performed, it may be converted to laparotomy midway."

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