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Yes. Director Lin does not deny this.

A baby born at thirty-three weeks of pregnancy is a premature baby.

"Is it necessary to have a cesarean section at this time?" Yaxi's father asked. As a father, he needs to consider the impact of premature birth on the child.

Hey, what is this man thinking? Shouldn't he be thinking about his wife's life first? Does he want his wife to receive conservative treatment without surgery, just to carry the child to full term?

Yaxi's father really thought this way and said, "You just said that my wife needs an operation so the child must be born first. Haven't your doctors considered the impact of this on the child?"

"Your wife's condition has reached the point where surgery is necessary. This is an emergency surgery." Director Lin explained to the patient's family.

"I called and asked other people. They said that this disease can be treated conservatively first." Aki's father put forward a conflicting opinion.

"Conservative treatment is conditional." Director Lin said, questioning, "Don't you believe us? You should trust us when you transfer patients from other hospitals to our hospital."

"I transferred you to the hospital just in case. We really can't trust Beito San." Aki's father spoke clearly and clearly, and he was not afraid to speak more clearly. "This child is very important to my wife."

It's so important, you doctors must understand this."

Oh, the child is more important to the mother than to the father.

Director Lin understood. If a man loses his wife and children, he can remarry and have another child. Women can't. I don't know if this man is using these words to intimidate the doctor in order to keep the child alive to term.

"Doctor." Li Yaxi came up and said, "We listen to you. We will perform the operation as you say."

Yaxi's father turned his head and shouted to his daughter: "I didn't let you speak, what did you say?"

"Dad, mom's life is the most important, you should listen to the doctor." Li Yaxi advised her father.

"Why didn't I listen to the doctor? You have to know that your mother and your brothers and sisters were tricked by the doctor once." Yaxi's father insisted on his opinion and stated the reason why he could not fully trust the hospital doctors.

Li Yaxi knew that the truth of the matter was not like this. It was not her parents' friends who saved her mother, but the doctors in the hospital. Regardless of what her father thought, she said to Dr. Lin: "Don't listen to my father, save me."

Mom is the most important thing. I decide my mother’s affairs.”

Hearing this, Yaxi's father got angry and pointed at the door with his raised finger: "Go and stay outside. You are not allowed to come in without my consent. I have the final say on your mother's business."

The eldest daughter is so stupid that she dares to compete with him for the right to take charge of the family. He earns every penny of the family, and the daughter is still supported by him.

"Dad——" Li Yaxi argued with his father again.

"You are disobedient, aren't you? I have tolerated you for a long time today. If you do this again, I will ask a lawyer to come over and sever our father-daughter relationship immediately." Axi's father felt angry in his chest, only knowing that his eldest daughter only had evil intentions.

Don't let the second child live.

"How about this?" Director Lin thought of Dai Ronghong, "I'll call Director Dai and ask her to explain it to you."

Next, everyone discovered that no one could get through Dai Ronghong's phone number.

At the critical moment, this "superpowerful" doctor friend disappeared? But the family next door was stubborn and insisted on not allowing the patient to undergo surgery, which might lead to death.

This chapter has been completed!
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