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"That's it." After finishing the last step, Xie Wanying couldn't help but feel hoarse in her voice.

The little sister finally started to sweat. Cao Zhao, who was standing opposite her, rested his strength and naturally changed his feelings with her, becoming a refreshed person.

"Okay, get ready to resume your heartbeat." Cao Zhao gave instructions.

After receiving her son's order, Ye Sujin sat back on the stool, preparing to gradually raise the baby's temperature and resume extracorporeal circulation.

The machine is working.

If the child's heart resumes beating, the heart rate data on the ECG monitor will not be a straight line but an undulating ECG waveform.

Everyone in the operating room is waiting to see:

Heart, not beating?

Two classmates, Lin Hao and Pan Shihua, were startled and turned their heads again and again. Their eyes kept glancing back and forth between the ECG monitor and the operating table in order to determine where the problem was.

Dr. Cheng Yuchen approached the operating table and looked nervously, feeling that it was going to rain heavily:

If the heart cannot beat, it means the child died on the operating table.

This is the most terrifying scene in cardiac surgery. Other surgeries are not as intuitive as cardiac surgery, allowing doctors to witness the heart dying under their own eyes.

Lin Hao looked at Pan Shihua. It was his first time seeing a heart surgery. He wondered if this was often the case.

Pan Shihua's complexion turned pale. After coming to the pediatric cardiac surgery department for so long, this was definitely the first time he had seen such a situation on the operating table, and it was a key step in the surgery performed by classmate Xie.

This made him dare not think about it at all.

Is your heart not up?

Everyone inside and outside the operating room was talking about it.

Liu Jingyun was so anxious that she didn't know what to do. She was wandering in circles like an ant. Now she needs to do something. Boss Ye, please give instructions.

Ye Sujin jumped up from her chair, anxious.

Cao Yudong grabbed his wife and asked her to calm down: her son is watching.

Cao Zhao only knew that his little sister was about to leave the hospital and would go to his younger brother to be a student after she left him. This situation was bound to happen sooner or later. He, the elder brother, would help his younger brother take care of today's scene first, so as to prevent his younger brother from doing so in the future.

It's hard to be a good person in this kind of situation.

Death on the operating table is the most extreme surgical operating table situation and is a surgeon's nightmare. If you are a surgeon, you need to be mentally prepared to deal with such a day at all times.

Don't worry, the little sister soon started to move.

If the heart does not beat, cardiac resuscitation must be performed immediately.

Xie Wanying's eyes widened for two seconds, and then her gloved right hand immediately reached into her chest to hold the child's heart.

This little heart is in her hand, and her feelings are like a balloon that can burst at any time.

Recall what was taught in the textbook: place the thumb and thenar of your right hand in front of the heart, and place the other four fingers behind the heart. Be careful until rows of sweat break out between your brows, and concentrate on warning yourself that you must not use it.

Pinch the heart with your fingertips, which will damage the heart muscle. The frequency of intrathoracic heart compressions does not need to be as high as external heart compressions. The number of intermittent heart compressions is sixty or seventy times per minute.

Press, press, press——

Once you feel the little heart in your hand showing signs of fibrillation, quickly shout: "Defibrillation!"

Everyone around the operating table could hear the emotions she was trying to suppress in her voice.

Intrathoracic defibrillation is in direct contact with the heart, and the energy of intrathoracic defibrillation is much smaller than that of external defibrillation. For children, the energy is five joules. The frequency of defibrillation is much stricter than that of external defibrillation. Do not defibrillate randomly. The more you defibrillate, the more likely it is to damage dead myocardium.



Thank you for your support!!! Good night, friends~ I will transfer to Keha tomorrow.

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