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Doctors' keen observation of professional issues is unmatched by outsiders.

Li Yaohong obviously didn't expect this. He looked at Xie Wanying's face, and a series of nervousness and fear flashed in his eyes: How did she see it? How could she see it? No, no, no, she has to be calm, not first

Expose the stuffing.

The essence of medicine has always been that you cannot lie. The facts are facts and they are there. Unless the doctor deliberately pretends to be blind.

There may be many reasons for this kind of doctor who deliberately pretends to be blind. It may be that he is not blind but just careless and did not see it. It may be that his clinical professional skills are not enough, and he is young and cannot observe or judge.

This possibility may best explain Fang Qinsu's current situation.

You want Fang Qinsu to come to their place to see a doctor secretly. If Li Yaohong learns about the situation and secretly explains it to the doctor, uses the special identity of the patient's mother to apply to the doctor or even threatens the doctor to cooperate with her in hiding the truth from the patient, most of them will Based on the principle that doing more is worse than doing less, the doctor could only follow the instructions.

No one can casually shoulder the responsibility of saying that the consequences will be worse.

It is not easy for doctors to accurately judge the patient's fear of water. Usually, the patient mentions it a little bit when he comes to see a doctor, otherwise it is difficult for the doctor to detect this problem. There is no check whether the patient is afraid of water in the basic screening project of neurosurgery.

The project of fear of water.

Descriptions of hydrophobia in medical textbooks focus on rabies patients. Doctors most often only perform relevant examinations when they suspect that the patient is prone to rabies.

As a result, when the patient came to the Neurosurgery Clinic of the Chinese Association for medical treatment for the first time that day, they did not notice it. He had to wait until the accident happened today.

When Xie Wanying took the injured person to run cold water under the faucet, she found that the patient unconsciously wanted to avoid the water. At first, she had to hold the other person's arm to stop him from moving. If you look closely, you will further find the fear of water in the injured person's eyes.


Based on the doctor's experience and judgment, it is confirmed that this patient is afraid of water, but there is a difference between relative hydrophobia.

Hydrophobia in rabies is very typical. The patient's fear of water will be extremely obvious, and he will even scream and run away when seeing water. The hydrophobia of patients with other diseases is more of a relative fear than rabies.

Water, relatively afraid of water.

If you are afraid of water, ordinary people who cannot swim will generally be afraid of water, so it cannot be called a disease. Fang Qinsu’s symptoms are more severe than those of ordinary people who are afraid of water. The middle group who is afraid of water and is less than rabies is precisely because of the relative difference mentioned above.

A patient who is afraid of water.

As I said before, the human brain seeks advantages and avoids disadvantages. If something has hurt me, I will definitely be afraid of you and hide away from you. Therefore, people who have such symptoms are basically patients who have been injured by water. It is conceivable that

Known as a drowning patient. In fact, most people with this symptom are patients who have drowned in water.

After sorting out these elements, Xie Wanying immediately recalled some small details of the incident that year. Why she always felt that someone was lying to her. There was one reason. Li Yaohong told her that Fang Qinsu was hit by a car and died.

Songyuan is a small place as big as a palm. The characteristic of a small place is that any local incident can become big news. News that a student died on the spot in a car accident will definitely become big local news.

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