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【3230】This is not a medical problem

The man walking from a distance was wearing a simple shirt without pockets. He showed his elegance, his hair was unkempt, and his smiling black eyes were like the rising sun in winter, slowly emitting the light of a spring breeze goddess in the darkness.

Some people may not be the most handsome in appearance, but when they smile, they can make people feel mesmerized every minute and every second, making their bodies tremble uncontrollably and causing the disease to retreat three feet automatically.

The disease should be most afraid of this warm beauty in this man.

Lin Jiayin's field of vision became like a dream. For a moment, she seemed to have returned to the tense time when he held her hand in the operating room that day. For a moment, it was as if her soul had put on wings and dreamed back to college, and the first time she saw her from a distance appeared in front of her eyes.

to the way he smiled, from then on

From then on, she felt like she was falling into an abyss and could never extricate herself.

Why can some people really smile like angels?

No, her heart was pounding, causing her voice to become turbulent, and her brain seemed to be having an attack again and she could no longer tell the difference between east, west, and north.

She only knew that she loved him. After this illness, she found that she loved this man even more. What should she do? Is it a special sequelae of surgery?

This series of thoughts flashed through Lin Jiayin's heart, and she sighed, if she had known she would have just asked Dr. Xie for the answer.

(Xie Wanying: This question is not a medical question, and it is not something I can answer.)

"Please take a seat, Dr. Tao." Brother Yao personally pulled out the single sofa for the visitor and asked the waiter to bring drinks. "Excuse me, Dr. Tao, would you like tea or coffee?"

"Boiled water is fine." Tao Zhijie smiled and said there was no need to be so polite.

The doctor believed in drinking plain drinks and did not like soft drinks. Yao Geming turned around and poured him a glass of warm water.

Hearing him say this, Lin Jiayin hurriedly changed the lemon tea in front of her to boiled water.

"No, I was a little thirsty when I came out. Boiled water is better than a drink to quench my thirst." Tao Zhijie stopped her and said.

Lin Jiayin's hands clenched the glass tightly, thinking about what to do. She originally planned to confess to him after the operation. But now, she doubted whether she could tell him.

Love can really scare people. She didn't need a doctor to help her. She knew that her heart rate had exceeded the normal value.

Looking down, time was tight, Tao Zhijie asked: "Is your flight leaving tonight?"

"Yes." Lin Jiayin mustered up her courage, "I will fly back soon after I finish handling the matter."

Come back to see you. - She thought in her mind. Tao Zhijie lowered his head and thought: "You are tired from flying around, don't let yourself get too tired. You, Cao Yong and the others should tell you to pay attention to your sleep, otherwise it will be easy

Recurrence. Although I was present during this operation

Look, they cut it very cleanly for you."

"I will listen to the doctor." Lin Jiayin immediately turned into an obedient primary school student and replied. Brother Yao brought the boiling water over. Tao Zhijie took the opportunity to say a few words to her agent: "Don't be too greedy for money. In the future of your life, you must give her

Putting her health first. I know she is coming back, so she should have

More people are looking for her to perform."

This is based on his experience as a doctor with a good reputation.

When a patient overcomes the disease, it is a medical miracle in itself, and it already has the value of news and capital. If the patient himself is a Ming Dynasty, this value will be amplified by a multiplier effect. The essence of capital is to smell everywhere

Profitable blood gathers in one

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【3230】This is not a medical issue. Free reading.

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