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【3525】Who is most worried

"Yingying, tell him." Classmate Wei gave the phone to Classmate Xie. He is really not good at bragging about medicine.

However, the classmates next to me saw that Xie had a deep meaning in bringing Mr. Wei back, and Mr. Wei could better understand Dai Nanhui's state of mind with a few words to communicate with him.

After taking the call, Xie Wanying said: "Tell her that the situation has not changed."

Huh? Dai Nanhui was stunned.

Cancer metastasis is not uncommon. Some cancer patients with clinical metastasis can live for a long time, so they are called chronic diseases. The most important thing is not to lose confidence in survival.

Brain metastases do not spread throughout the body.

In some clinical cases, although the first metastasis occurs quickly, if it is quickly discovered and eliminated by clinicians, the extended survival period is no shorter than that of patients who do not metastasize quickly.

If this were not the case, doctors would not require cancer patients to have regular follow-up examinations after surgery to detect and resolve problems as soon as possible. Brother Tao's cautious medical practice is supported by theory and data.

After hearing her words, Dai Nanhui became more confident and excited: "I'll go tell her!"

Wei Shangquan stood up and took back his mobile phone and praised: "Yingying, you are so good at comforting people."

It is meant to comfort people, but it is not purely comforting. Cancer treatment has always been based on taking one step at a time. At this stage, it is impossible to determine where the patient has gone. He can also turn back when he reaches the end station. As long as he stays in the same place, he will be there.


Before doctors treat patients, they must first have this self-confidence.

When I came back and saw the patient's medical records, I felt a little relieved. Xie Wanying turned back to discuss with Senior Brother Cao and Senior Brother Tao and said, "I'll go back to Guozhi first."

Junior Sister has to be taken care of. Whether Junior Sister can wake up these two days is a critical period.

Cao Yong and Tao Zhijie looked at each other. They both knew that patients on both sides might need her now, and the conditions of both patients could not be delayed.

It can only be like this. Tao Zhijie suggested: "Take the patient's medical records to Fang Ze and ask someone to look at it. First, see if Fang Ze can handle it by himself. Then Xiao Song will go over and give some suggestions. I told the patient to let her

Fang Ze goes through the hospitalization procedures."

Cao Yong nodded, picked up the phone and prepared to call his brother-in-law.

Look at Song Xuelin, who has been holding up the film and looking at it, probably checking where Dr. Xie said it was missing and how many pieces were missing. When Dr. Xie looked over, he turned around and said in his brown eyes: You

Didn't you touch my brain first?

Dr. Song's implicit words reassured her. In fact, she was very relieved to have her two senior brothers and Dr. Song do the work for her. Xie Wanying raised her feet to leave when a voice came from behind: "I'll go find you for dinner tonight."

It was Senior Brother Cao's voice. She didn't even think it was strange that Senior Brother Cao had come to have dinner with her more than one day recently.

The person who is not very happy is probably Mr. Zhang. Cao Yong interferes every day, making it difficult for him to thank his classmates for a meal in private.

He and classmate Pan returned to Guozhi, while classmate Geng and classmate Wei stayed in the Guoxie.

On the way back to Guozhi, I got a phone call from Xiaomi.

"What do you think I can do, Yingying?"

Did Fa Xiao know?

Wu Lixuan continued: "She called me suddenly and cried on the phone. What happened to her? Is she sick again?"

Fa Xiao didn't know that sometimes patients cry not because of sadness but because of the joy of regaining hope.

Xie Wanying took the opportunity to tell Fa Xiao: "Call Dr. Yin."

Wu Lixuan asked: Huh?

Her boyfriend, who is a doctor, also needs comfort. Dr. Yin was obviously worried to death about this matter in the morning.

Thank you for your support!!! Good night, dears~

(End of chapter)

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