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Chapter 3697 【3697】Don't talk about Wude

Chapter 3697 【3697】Do not talk about martial ethics

The big guys gathered around the registration table.

Mi Siran and the others were all busy, rushing to give the big bosses registration forms.

The bosses were looking at the form and thinking: "What membership status? What is this?"

Good guy, none of the big guys in the National Association remember their membership status.

Du Meng'en, who was responsible for checking the catalog, felt like he was going crazy and complained: "I guess they are similar to us, and we don't know which journal Xie Wanying's paper is published in."

When these words came to the fore among the big guys, they triggered a nuclear explosion.

"Has Xie Wanying published a paper?"

"Tan Kelin, do you know? Aren't you her teacher?"

Teacher Tan has always been silent.

"Tao Zhijie, tell me!"

Everyone pointed to another gold medal coach.

Teacher Tao shook his head in agreement, not knowing whether it was true or false.

"I don't know either. My wife didn't even tell me." Yu Xuexian turned over the medical journals on the table and complained.

After hearing this, Xie Wanying was surprised: Senior Brother Yu and Senior Sister Jiang received the certificate first.

Combined with the senior sister, it seems that people in the National Association prefer to arrange marriages first and then the ceremony.

"Why are you here?" Gao Zhaocheng asked, surprised by his presence.

When asked why he came, Yu Xuexian responded with a displeasure: Who said only surgeons can come?

With the development of medical technology, the division of internal medicine into internal medicine is becoming less and less obvious. This has been said before. Therefore, internal medicine also has surgical robots, such as gastroscopy robots.

I said that robots are a further minimally invasive technology. Gastroscopy robots are the same, going straight to the capsule, which is a more common capsule gastroscopy technology in our future.

"Your surgery is different from our surgery." Gao Zhaocheng waved his hand.

"Why is it different?" Yu Xuexian disagreed.

At present, capsule gastroscopy technology only solves the problem of examination, while traditional gastroscopy technology includes treatment plans. To realize a truly all-round technical gastroscope robot, we must rely on the skills of some surgical robots.

Before the meeting, the big guys were already arguing over technical issues.

"Yingying, when was your paper published?" Gao Zhaocheng asked the junior sister, "I didn't hear you mention it."

Director Fang stepped forward and said something fair: "If you cared about her, you should have paid attention to the medical journals related to her studies."

So even if she doesn't notify anyone, it doesn't mean everyone doesn't know.

Gao Zhaocheng became anxious. This was equivalent to saying that he didn't care about his junior sister's academics. Regardless, he ran to look for her with his rival internal medicine comrade: "Yu Xuexian, have you found it after searching for a long time?"

"I'm afraid they hid her papers." She didn't find it on the table, so Yu Xuexian made a guess.

"Cao Yong, did you hide it? You must know, there is no way she didn't tell you."

Cao Yong: "She doesn't need to tell me."

I'm different from you guys. Do I need her to tell me about her things before I know about them?

In order to thank Senior Sister, Senior Brother Cao is domineering. Mi Siran and the others thought.

Gao Zhaocheng was so angry with himself that he put his hands on his hips and had to look for his junior sister's papers. When he looked again, he saw that a smart man had gone behind the desk to pull out a drawer.

"Hey——" Director Fang didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

A group of juniors were shocked to see that the seniors, the big boss, had given up all their martial ethics in order to find Senior Sister Xie's thesis.

"found it."

Everyone else swarmed forward.

"The title of her paper is about the correlation between heart structure and myocardial fibrosis in mouse models."

(End of chapter)

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